The STIGMA that women can only be concerned with well and kitchen matters, and the mattress was successfully broken by Wilhelmina Mali Dappa. The 49-year-old woman became the Head of the Farmers Group in her area and successfully empowered women in the village to be able to take part in movingkthe family economy.
Born in Waitabula, Southwest Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Mthe Me–-Wilhelmina’s nickname—revealed that in her home region, married women are rarely involved in matters outside the household. Women are always considered to only be able to deal with wells and kitchens., and mattress.
Until in 2007 in a community meeting, Mama Mina saw an opportunity. At that time there was a party offering vegetable seeds to farmers in the village. At first there was not one even farmers who are interested in the offer. BMany of them think that vegetable seeds are not suitable for soil conditions in NTT, but Mama Mina was actually interested.
“So at that time there was a meeting of the fathers in my area and at that time I helped serve their hot water needs. I heard that there were parties who wanted to help provide seeds. So in my village there was no one who wanted to plant vegetables, but I was immediately interested in the assistance,” said Mama Mina in the program Kick Andy which aired on Metro TVSunday (11/8).
Mina said, even though she was born into a farming family, at that time himself not yet knowing the proper and correct techniques for farming vegetables. Mina said that her determination to dare to take the offer of seeds was because she felt that the method the can fight for the rights of women who have been branded as only understanding matters of wells and kitchens, and mattress.
“I feel like I have an opportunity as a mother who wants to fight for women’s rights. That’s where I’m very interested in the help of the seeds.” even though I don’t know how to process it,” said Mina.
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Mama Mina then formed a farming group consisting entirely of women. above 15 people. He was helped by several parties to learn how to make money from farming. He was also taught how to farm properly.
The variety of vegetables that Mama Mina and her friends grow in the field from mustard, kale, corn, spinach, to tomatoes. After about a year of working in the rice fields, who would have thought that the Mama Mina farming group would have managed to rake in some money. On In the initial phase, in one harvest Mama Mina can earn around Rp. 1-Rp2 million from sales proceeds.
“If now, the results in one week can reach around more than Rp. 2 million (each and every farmers). So, if one month means around Rp. 4 million. Initially, before farming vegetables, I only relied on my husband’s income. My husband used to be a driver, so his salary in one month was Rp150 thousand,” said Mama Mina.
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Seeing the success of the Mama Mina farmer group, now many women in her village want to join, the number has reached 30 people. Not stopping to continue to maximize agricultural output, Mama Mina not only gets income from farming, but Also Carrying out product diversification, agricultural products are processed into ready-to-eat products.
One of the products developed by Mama Mina and friends is tomato sauce products processed from garden produce. There are also chili powder products. For marketing matters, Mama Mina is often assisted by the BUMN Foundation (foundation for fostering and developing UMKM) in Southwest Sumba.
“Until now, we are still developing our agricultural products. We are now producing saus tomato, saus sambal, chili powder, from our plantations. Usually we leave it at the BUMN in Southwest Sumba,” he said.
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Establishing PAUD
After successfully empowering women in her village, in 2015 Mama Mina founded a PAUD school (peducation ason uis dThis). He did this after realizing that there were no early childhood education facilities. so that children have to travel long distances to school.
Mama Mina discussed with the village mothers while collecting the incentives received. Finally, PAUD was successfully built and did not charge fees for its students. Since its establishment, PAUD That has graduated three classes with the number of students increasing every year.
“Now iThe mothers there have begun to understand the importance of early education. They have sent their children to school from PAUD, Kindergarten, Elementary School, Middle School, High School, up to a high level. So in the past there were probably more elementary and junior high schools. Now it’s higher than that, some even go to college,” said Mina.
At tIn the first year, the PAUD had 14 students, in the second and third years 11 students each, and this year the number of students has reached 25 people. The cost for the management and teaching staff of Rp10 thousand comes from village funds, while personal costs for teaching aids and consumption each month range from Rp150-Rp200 thousand comes from incentives.
With all that Mama Mina has done to develop her village, in 2023 she was elected as a representative of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) in Wakoko Village. Mama Mina’s election as part of the BPD marks the recognition of her significant contribution in improving local welfare and her willingness to play an active role in decision-making that influences the direction of village development.
Mama Mina has also received various prestigious awards recognizing her dedication and contributions in various fields. One of her achievements ito achieve jvoice of 1 outstanding farmer group in Southwest Sumba. In addition, ia wini jvalue lpray Farmers Group (Gaflower KFarmers Group), confirms its ability to manage farmer groups and cooperatives effectively.
In 2015, Mama Mina was recognized as pfemale pmove pchanges in Southwest Sumba Regency by the Minister of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection 2014-2019, Yohana Yambise. Then on 2017 received an award from the Ministry of Cooperatives in Kupang which confirms its role in advancing cooperatives and small businesses in its region. Awards That not only recognizing Mama Mina’s personal achievements, but also inspiring her community to continue to innovate and contribute positively to society. (M-3)
#Empowering #Rural #Women #Agriculture