Empowering Peace: MONUSCO’s Comprehensive Awareness Initiative in Beni

KINSHASA, DR Congo, September 5, 2024 -/African Media Agency(AMA)/- What goes without saying is always better said. In order to enable the populations and authorities of Greater North Kivu to be aware of MONUSCO‘s contribution to the process of restoring peace in the DRC, but also to go against preconceived ideas, the Beni office launched on Tuesday, September 3, an awareness campaign aimed at the different social classes in the region, in collaboration with the Provincial Inspectorate of the Territorial and the Beni town hall.

The targets of this campaign, which will last one month, across the territories of Beni and Lubero, as well as Butembo, are: political and administrative authorities, state institutions, security and defense forces, civil society actors, including women’s organizations, youth organizations and journalists. The campaign will focus on peace and stabilization, the mandate of MONUSCO and the new context of its implementation, always in support of the authorities and partners. Because, for the UN mission, ” The collaboration of populations, authorities and civil society actors is crucial to achieve better results “, according to Abdourahamane Ganda, head of the MONUSCO office in Beni. In fact, without this collaboration of the populations and the authorities, there will be no tangible results.

Due to disinformation and manipulation, but also the ignorance of certain populations, the various blockages and attacks against MONUSCO and protection actors incidentally have a negative impact on peace and development in the region.

This is what will be discussed throughout the month of September, in Beni-ville, Mavivi, Eringeti, Mamove, Mangina, Butembo, Lubero-centre, Musienene, Mangurejipa and others, to help citizens like Shukurani Munganga, youth representative in the commune of Bungulu, city of Beni, to ” better understand what MONUSCO does ” He says this: ” We do not know exactly what MONUSCO’s mandate is. Sometimes they come to our neighborhoods, raise awareness among the authorities, but rarely do we, the young people or even the “gangsters” in the community, you know, these young people who are sometimes drugged and manipulated, and who often cause problems. Many young people are in the dark, which means that when a MONUSCO convoy passes by, some throw stones and create insecurity in the city. ».

Like him, many people are asking themselves: What is MONUSCO for? ? ” in the face of the attacks on civilians that continue in the eastern part of the country, for example. The explanations that will be given will focus on the fact that both MONUSCO and the humanitarian actors present in the DRC are there for the sole purpose of saving lives and helping the authorities to implement policies in favor of education, health, individual freedoms, respect for human rights, the promotion of women and the restoration of state authority.

Jeanne-d’Arc Kayavia, a member of the association of people living with disabilities in the city of Beni, expressed her joy at having been involved in this awareness-raising which allowed her to understand the role of MONUSCO a little better: “ Thanks to this training, I learned that not everything that is said about MONUSCO is true. I have just come out of ignorance; MONUSCO is not what they say, it is people like us, who are here to help us. I ask the population not to trust the false information that is said about MONUSCO and that is picked up here and there. ».

As a reminder, MONUSCO is present in the country at the invitation of the Congolese government. It carries out its mission within the framework set by the mandate that is discussed between the Congolese government and the United Nations Security Council.

MONUSCO’s current mandate is framed, for one year, by UN Security Council Resolution 2717 dated 20 December 2023. This resolution requests the Mission to: (1) support the protection of civilian populations threatened with physical violence, by taking all necessary measures to ensure effective, rapid, dynamic and integrated protection (POC); (2) support Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration and Stabilization (DDR&S); (3) support Security Sector Reform (SSR).

Distributed by African Media Agency pour MONUSCO.

Source : African Media Agency (AMA)

2024-09-05 08:36:54
#Beni #MONUSCO #launches #vast #awareness #campaign #peace #stabilization #

MONUSCO Launches Awareness Campaign in Beni: A Step Towards Peace and Stability in DR ⁤Congo

!MONUSCO​ Awareness Campaign Beni

KINSHASA, DR Congo, September 5, 2024 -​ The United Nations ​Organization Stabilization Mission ​in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) has initiated a vital awareness campaign aimed at informing the⁤ local population ‍about ⁢its​ role and contributions ‌to peacebuilding efforts in⁤ the region. ⁣This ⁢initiative was⁣ launched on September 3, 2024, and is in collaboration with the Provincial Inspectorate of the Territorial and the Beni town‌ hall.

Objectives of the Campaign

The month-long​ campaign targets various⁢ social classes within the territories of ‌Beni, Lubero, and Butembo. Its key ⁤audiences include:

  • Political ⁣and Administrative Authorities
  • State Institutions
  • Security ​and Defense Forces
  • Civil Society Groups,⁢ including Women’s and Youth​ Organizations
  • Journalists

By emphasizing themes ​of peace, stabilization, and MONUSCO’s mandate, the campaign seeks ⁣to foster understanding and collaboration among the authorities, civil society, and the⁣ local​ population. Abdourahamane Ganda, the head of the MONUSCO office in Beni, emphasized the importance of community ‌involvement: “The collaboration of populations, authorities and​ civil society actors is ​crucial to achieve better results.”

Addressing Misinformation

One of the significant ‍challenges contributing ‍to instability in the region is the pervasive misinformation about MONUSCO’s role. There have been⁣ incidents of hostility against‌ MONUSCO ⁤personnel, which undermine peace and developmental strategies. The campaign aims to clarify misconceptions, particularly among youth who may be easily⁢ influenced ​by misleading narratives.

Shukurani Munganga, a youth representative ​from Beni, expressed a ‍prevalent viewpoint: “We ⁤do not know exactly what MONUSCO’s mandate is…” His sentiments echo the confusion and misinformation that have led to negative sentiments towards the mission.

A Message of Understanding

Many in the community remain unaware ⁤of the beneficial contributions MONUSCO and other humanitarian actors make towards saving⁣ lives and supporting​ government ‍policies on health, education, and individual freedoms. Therefore, providing detailed explanations about MONUSCO’s initiatives and mandates is crucial in ⁢dispelling‌ myths and fostering cooperation.

Jeanne-d’Arc Kayavia, a member of a local disability advocacy group, shared her ‍transformative experience during the campaign. She remarked, “Thanks to this training,⁤ I learned that‍ not everything that is said about MONUSCO is ⁣true. I have just come out of ignorance.”

The Mandate ⁤of MONUSCO

MONUSCO operates ⁣under a‍ mandate agreed upon with the Congolese government and authorized by the​ United Nations Security Council. Currently, the mission is guided by UN Security Council Resolution 2717, which outlines specific objectives, including:

  1. Supporting the protection of civilian populations threatened with violence.
  2. Facilitating Disarmament,⁣ Demobilization, Reintegration, and Stabilization ⁣(DDR&S).
  3. Assisting with ⁢Security Sector Reform (SSR).

These efforts aim to ensure a stable and peaceful environment conducive to ​development and security across the ⁤eastern regions ⁣of the DRC.


MONUSCO’s awareness campaign in Beni is a significant step towards fostering understanding ⁤and acceptance of the UN mission’s role in‍ peacekeeping and stabilization.⁤ By addressing misinformation⁣ and promoting collaboration with local communities‌ and authorities,‍ MONUSCO ‍aims to enhance its ‌effectiveness and contribute ⁢to lasting peace in the DRC.

For more updates⁢ on ‌MONUSCO initiatives and ⁢the peacebuilding efforts in the Democratic​ Republic of the Congo, ‍stay⁢ tuned to our news sections.

!MONUSCO Initiatives

This​ article was distributed by African Media Agency for MONUSCO.​ Source: ​African⁤ Media Agency (AMA)

Keywords: MONUSCO, Beni, ⁣awareness campaign, peacebuilding, Democratic Republic of the Congo, stabilization, ‍community collaboration, misinformation, ⁢humanitarian efforts, UN mission, DDR, SSR.



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