Empowering Minds: Celebrating the Unsung Heroes of Ukraine’s Education and Science Workers Union

Every year on October 8, Ukraine celebrates Lawyer’s Day, a professional holiday for legal advisers, lawyers, notaries, judges, prosecutors and all those who stand guard over the law. The holiday was started in 1997, when the President of Ukraine signed the relevant decree.

The date of the celebration was not chosen by chance. The Ministry of Justice notes that historians believe that in October 1016, Yaroslav the Wise faced Svyatopolk in battle, after which “Ruska Pravda” was written, which absorbed all the most important issues of the legal relations of Russia and is considered a valuable legal document of Eastern Europe of the time Middle Ages. The number 8 was obtained by adding the digits of that memorable year: 1+0+1+6=8.

The modern symbol of justice is the image of the goddess Themis, whose sword, scales and blindfold symbolize justice, strength and dispassion.

Greetings from the Head of the Trade Union Heorhiy Trukhanov on the professional holiday

Dear lawyers of the education system!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the occasion of the professional holiday – the Day of the Lawyer of Ukraine.

Your daily work is not only the protection of the rights of educators, but also a significant contribution to the construction of a new, just Ukraine in the post-war period. You are the guardian of the law, providing a strong legal foundation for the future.

Your responsibility and professionalism help strengthen the education system and protect the interests of those who teach the new generation of Ukrainians.

We wish you good health, inspiration and an unceasing desire for new heights! May your work always benefit the country and strengthen our society!

  • Sincerely
  • Georgy Trukhanov,
  • Head of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine

Analyzing Ukraine’s Lawyer’s Day: A ‍Holiday for Those Who‌ Stand Guard Over⁣ the Law

As I⁤ reflect on‌ the ​news article I just⁣ read about Ukraine’s Lawyer’s Day, I am reminded ​of the significance of this holiday and its implications on the​ country’s ⁢legal community. Celebrated on October 8th every year, ⁢this‍ professional holiday is dedicated to‌ honoring ⁢the ​tireless efforts of legal advisers, lawyers, notaries, judges, prosecutors, and all those ⁣who strive to uphold the⁢ law.

According ⁤to⁢ historical records, Lawyer’s Day was officially established in September 1997 and has been observed annually ever since​ [[3]]. The holiday aims to acknowledge the vital role that these professionals⁤ play in maintaining law and order⁢ in Ukrainian society.

Interestingly, during this time, ​cadets and students are often encouraged ⁤to participate in intellectual games and conferences that test their knowledge of the law. For instance, I came across an article that ​mentioned⁢ the Brain Ring for Lawyer’s Day, an intellectual game organized for cadets, where participants‌ answered questions related to ⁢the Law of Ukraine “On Operative-Search ⁣Activity” and other legal acts [[1]].

The ⁢holiday also provides an opportunity⁣ for lawyers ‍to ​come together and discuss their status within the country and the European Union. The European Lawyers⁢ Day conference is a notable example, where the focus is on⁣ the examination of the Ukrainian lawyers’ status in⁤ the EU [[2]].

Ukraine’s Lawyer’s Day​ is a significant ⁢occasion‍ that highlights the essential contributions of ‌legal professionals to ‍the country’s social fabric. By analyzing the context and ‌history of ⁣this​ holiday, we gain a deeper⁤ appreciation for‌ the important role that these individuals play in safeguarding the law.



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