Empowering Health: SUMAR Strategies for Addiction Prevention in Diverse Communities

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare (MSPyBS) promotes various activities in the different Health Regions in a coordinated effort with their communities for the prevention of addictions and raising awareness of problematic drug use, within the framework of the SUMAR Action Plan.

In this regard, the VII Health Region of Itapúa, the I Health Region of Concepción, and the V Health Region of Caaguazú, developed several actions together with the Mental Health Units of the health portfolio, to raise awareness about the prevention of the consumption of psychoactive substances in children, adolescents and young people.

Psycho-educational and awareness-raising talks were held, as well as workshops on children’s rights, and discussions on promoting healthy habits, aimed at the educational community, parents who visit outpatient clinics, and child and youth athletes.

Promoting healthy habits in the Itapúa competition

A new round of the “Goals for My Neighborhood” competition was held in Itapúa, where the Regional Department for Health Promotion of the VII Health Region organized a talk aimed at the children, adolescents and young people present.

This renowned competition is promoted by the National Deputy, Sebastián Remesowki, who shared the day with a large number of participants.

Workshop on children’s rights, in Concepción. Photo MSPyBS.-

During the activity, the importance of adopting healthy habits was highlighted, such as regular physical activity, a balanced diet, adequate water intake, and reducing screen time. These types of initiatives will continue to be developed with the aim of motivating young people to maintain these good habits.

Workshop on children’s rights in Concepción

The workshop on children’s rights, emotional management and outdoor recreational activities was held with the aim of promoting children’s playful and physical expression, led by the First Health Region – Concepción.

Some 45 children from 4th, 5th and 6th grades participated actively, along with 2 teachers, mothers and psychologist Leticia Martínez Casuriaga, from the Mental Health Unit.

The activity carried out against drug abuse and the Healthy School Strategy, in collaboration with the Vicente Ovelar Lamas Elementary School No. 2089, had the support of the Mental Health Unit of the First Health Region, the Regional Department of Health Promotion and the Supervision of area 01-22. Likewise, students from the Nursing Career at FENOB joined this initiative.

Addiction prevention in Coronel Oviedo

Addiction awareness at the Hospital of Coronel Oviedo. Photo MSPyBS.-

The Fifth Health Region, through its Mental Health Program and the Mental Health Unit of the Regional Hospital of Coronel Oviedo, held an educational talk aimed at families staying at the hospital, in order to raise awareness about addiction prevention and the negative effects that drug use has on health.

The speakers were clinical psychologists, Lic. Nancy Mabel Ríos Barrios and Lic. Nilda Ramos, who addressed topics such as the types of drugs and their physical and psychological consequences, seeking to raise awareness among participants about the importance of prevention and comprehensive health care.

ECoping with stress and preventing drug use

The V Health Region of Caaguazú, in collaboration with third-year Psychology students at the Intercontinental Technological University (UTIC), held psychoeducational talks focused on preventing drug use. The activity was aimed at about 70 students in their first, second, and third years of Social Sciences Secondary Education at the Dr. Pedro. P. Peña National School of Diversified Secondary Education in Coronel Oviedo.

The youth learned key tools and knowledge to face the challenges of student life and make healthy decisions to prevent risky behavior and promote the overall well-being of students.

#SUMAR #Health #promotes #actions #Health #Regions #prevention #addictions
2024-09-13 07:16:22

5 key benefits of youth sports participation

The Power of Youth Sports: ⁣Promoting Healthy Habits and Building Stronger Futures

As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of modern life, it’s ‌essential to focus on the well-being of our future generations. One effective way to do this​ is by encouraging children and adolescents to participate in youth sports.​ Not only do sports provide an ‍outlet for​ physical ​activity, but they also play a ‌significant role in developing vital life ‌skills, building confidence, and promoting healthy habits.

The ‍Benefits of Youth Sports

Research has consistently⁢ shown that youth sports can have a profound impact on a child’s overall development. For⁤ instance, participation in sports ⁢can improve circulation, develop muscle, and build stronger bones [[2]]. Moreover, sports can also help reduce‌ the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

Promoting Healthy Habits through Sports

The Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare (MSPyBS) in Paraguay has been actively promoting healthy habits through youth sports competitions, such as the “Goals for My Neighborhood” competition in Itapúa [[4]]. This initiative is part ⁤of the SUMAR Action Plan, which aims to prevent addictions and⁣ raise ⁢awareness about problematic drug use among ⁢children, ⁢adolescents, and young people.

The ⁤Importance of Balance in Youth Sports

While sports can have numerous benefits, it’s essential to strike a healthy balance between sports participation and other aspects of‌ life.‍ Playing multiple sports can improve a child’s overall athletic ability while reducing the likelihood⁣ of career-ending injuries and psychological burnout [[1]]. This is crucial, as excessive specialization in a single sport can⁢ lead to overuse injuries, mental fatigue, and decreased motivation.

Predicting Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Research has also‌ shown that health behaviors in youth can predict the same behaviors later in life. A study published in 2018 found that sport participation during youth can‌ predict healthy lifestyle habits in adulthood [[3]]. This highlights the importance of instilling healthy habits in children ‍and adolescents, as they are more likely to carry these ‌habits into adulthood.


youth sports play a vital role in promoting healthy ‌habits, building confidence, and developing essential life skills. By encouraging children and adolescents to participate in sports, we can help shape‍ a brighter future for generations to come. As we strive to create a ⁢healthier, more active society, it’s ​essential to promote balanced participation in sports, highlighting the importance of multiple sports⁢ participation, and predicting healthy lifestyle habits.


[1] ‍A healthy balance is best for kids sports and activities. (2024, September 3). Retrieved from

[2] The Impressive Health Benefits of Youth Sports. Retrieved⁢ from

[3] de S Palomäki, et al. ​(2018). Health behaviors in youth‍ can predict the same behaviors later in life. Retrieved from

[4] Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare (MSPyBS). (2024). Promoting Healthy Habits through Youth Sports Competitions. Retrieved from⁤

Negative effects of sports on child development

The Power of Sports in Promoting Healthy Habits in Kids

As the importance of adopting healthy habits continues to gain attention, it’s essential to recognize the significant role sports play in shaping



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