Empowering Growth: The Impact of Small and Medium Enterprises on Job Creation in Manufacturing

Asuncion, IP Agency.- Paraguay has 46,636 registered industries, of which 28,762 are manufacturing industries, most of which are micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. This sector employs 309,817 people, according to official data published in the framework of National Industry Day, which is commemorated every September 8.

The General Directory of Companies and Establishments (Dirge) 2023 has a total of 311,379 registered companies distributed across different economic sectors. The manufacturing industries sector represents 9.2% of this total.

The National Institute of Statistics (INE) clarifies that the Dirge only covers companies active in the reference period that have a Single Taxpayer Registry (RUC).

According to Law 4457/12 for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), which establishes the criteria for classifying companies by size, 92.4% of manufacturing companies registered with the DIRGE are micro; 3.7% are small; 1.0% are classified as medium-sized and 1.7% as large. There is also an unreported 1.2%.

There are a total of 28,762 manufacturing industries in the country, of which 26,572 are micro, 1,064 small, 288 medium, and 485 large.

67% of the total number of manufacturing companies are concentrated in three departments of the country, 40.0% are located in the Central department, 14.3% in Asunción and 12.7% in Alto Paraná. While 33.0% are distributed among the remaining departments.

As for the percentage distribution of economic activities with the largest number of these companies, the first is the manufacture of finished metal products, except machinery and equipment, 19.2%; followed by the manufacture of clothing 14.1%; and in third place the manufacture of food products 13.8%.

On the other hand, the Permanent Continuous Household Survey (EPHC) 2024 has information related to the population aged 15 and over employed in the manufacturing industry sector.

According to the source, some 309,817 people work in the manufacturing industry, of which around 223,342 are men (72.1%) and 86,475 are women (27.9%).

On this special day, the INE salutes all Paraguayan industries, which are one of the main drivers of the national economy and generate thousands of jobs for local labor in all regions of the country.

#manufacturing #industry #employs #people #led #SMEs
2024-09-08 03:51:48

Paraguay economy

Paraguay’s Economy: A Sector-by-Sector Analysis

Paraguay, a country located in South America, has ⁣a growing economy that is driven by various sectors. According to [1], Paraguay’s economy ranks higher than 49.72% of countries in the world, indicating a strong economic performance.


Agriculture ⁢is one of the ⁤most important economic activities in Paraguay, employing about one-fourth of the workforce [3]. The country is the world’s largest⁢ exporter of organic sugar, ​second-largest producer and exporter of stevia, third-largest ‍soy exporter, and eighth-largest beef exporter [2]. These agricultural products contribute significantly to the country’s economy.


The manufacturing sector in⁤ Paraguay is dominated by micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). According ⁢to official​ data, there⁣ are 46,636 registered industries​ in the country, of which 28,762 are⁣ manufacturing industries . These industries⁢ employ 309,817 people,‍ making the manufacturing sector a significant contributor to​ the country’s economy.

The General Directory of Companies⁣ and Establishments (Dirge) 2023 reports a total of 311,379 registered companies distributed across⁣ different economic sectors, with⁤ the manufacturing industries sector representing 9.2% of this total. The majority of manufacturing companies are‍ micro (92.4%), followed by small (3.7%), medium-sized (1.0%), and large (1.7%) enterprises.

The manufacturing industries are⁣ concentrated in three departments: Central, Asunción, and ⁢Alto Paraná, with 67% of the total number of ⁣manufacturing companies located in these areas. The remaining 33% are distributed among ‍the other departments.

The top three ⁤economic activities with the largest ⁣number ⁢of companies are the manufacture of ⁣finished ⁣metal products (19.2%), clothing (14.1%), and food products (13.8%).


The Permanent Continuous Household Survey reports that the manufacturing sector employs a significant number of people, contributing ‍to the country’s employment rate.


Paraguay’s economy is driven by ⁣various sectors, including agriculture, ‍manufacturing, and others. The country’s strong ​agricultural sector,​ driven ⁣by exports of⁤ organic sugar, stevia, ⁤soy, and beef, contributes significantly to the economy. The ‍manufacturing sector, dominated by ​MSMEs, is another significant

Paraguay GDP per capita

Paraguay’s Thriving Economy: Industry, Trade, and Agriculture

Paraguay, a country located in the heart of South America, boasts a diverse economy with a strong focus on industry, trade, and agriculture. With a growing population and expanding industries, Paraguay is becoming an increasingly important player in the global market.

Industry in Paraguay

As of 2023, Paraguay has a total of 46,636 registered industries, with 28,762 of these classified as manufacturing industries [[4]]. These industries employ approximately 309,817 people, making them a significant contributor to the country’s workforce.

The General Directory of Companies and Establishments (Dirge) reports that the manufacturing industries sector represents 9.2% of the total number of registered companies in the country [[4]]. The majority of these manufacturing industries are micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), with 92.4% of manufacturing companies falling into these categories [[4]].

Agriculture in Paraguay

Agriculture is another crucial sector in Paraguay’s economy. The country is renowned for its production of organic sugar, stevia, and soybeans, with Paraguay being the world’s largest exporter of organic sugar, second-largest producer and exporter of stevia, and third-largest soy exporter[[[2]].

Agriculture is one of the most important economic activities in Paraguay, employing about one-fourth of the workforce[[[1]]. The sector is also a significant contributor to the country’s GDP, making it a vital component of Paraguay’s economy.

Trade in Paraguay

Trade plays a vital role in Paraguay’s economy, with the country’s strategic location making it an attractive destination for international trade. The country’s retail, construction, and agricultural sectors are driving economic growth, with one of the lowest tax burdens in the region enhancing businesses’ competitiveness[[[2]].

Economic Growth and Potential

Paraguay’s economy has been growing steadily in recent years, with the country’s GDP expected to continue expanding in the coming years. The country’s industry, trade, and agriculture sectors are all contributing to this growth, making Paraguay an attractive investment opportunity for foreign businesses.

Paraguay’s economy is characterized by its strong industry, trade, and agriculture sectors. With a growing population, expanding industries, and a strategic location, Paraguay is poised to become an increasingly important player in the global market. As the country continues to grow and develop, it is likely to attract more foreign investment and become a key player in international trade.





[[4]]IP Agency, 2023. National Industry Day.



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