Empowering Equality: Defending LGBTQIA+ Rights and Safety in Belgium

2023-08-12 14:32:00

“As long as young gay men are beaten up because of their sexual orientation, surrogacy is not decently regulated, and as long as the extreme right continues to label these people as ‘abnormal'”, Pride will remain necessary”, estimated the president of the Flemish socialist party, who had revealed before the summer to be bisexual. “That is why we are marching today. To defend security. For equal rights”.

Conner Rousseau attacks Bouchez: “For the MR, a policy can lie to Parliament as long as it does not wear the veil”

Even though Belgium is the second most LGBT-friendly country in Europe, the rights of LGBTQIA+ (lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, queers, intersex, asexuals and other minority sexualities) are also undermined in our country, these people who face physical or verbal abuse on a daily basis, according to Vooruit. Figures from the Interfederal Center for Equal Opportunities Unia confirm this. This situation affects the mental well-being of the LGBTQIA+ community, the party argues. “This is evidenced by the fear that these people have of coming out, their low self-esteem and the high suicide rate”.

#Conner #Rousseau #long #young #homosexuals #beaten #talks #abnormal #people #Pride #remains

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