Empowering Electric Users: A Guide to Understanding Heating Subsidies

Within the week is expected to be announced by the Minister of Energy Th. Skylakakis extension of the heating allowance for those who will use electricity to keep them warm in the winter. At the same time, within the first 15 days of November, the relevant electronic platform for submitting applications is expected to open, with the first payment scheduled for December.

It is worth noting that last year, the government gave significant incentives, with a double heating allowance to those who would choose oil instead of natural gas as fuel. However, this year the conditions have changed as well the price of natural gas is not at 350 euros per megawatt hour, but at 50 euros and therefore there is absolutely no reason to repeat the same undertaking.

Of course, the prices in the energy sector are particularly high and it exists fear that the picture will get worse if the situation in the Middle East worsens. More specifically, the price for natural gas is around 50 euros per megawatt hour, while before the outbreak of the energy crisis it was around 15 euros. The international price of oil is in the region of 90 dollars per barrel, about 10 dollars higher than the levels that were before October 7, when the crisis broke out in the Middle East.

The price for heating oil is over 1.4 euros per liter, i.e. considerably higher than the price that closed the period last year, while also for electricity the retail prices before the subsidy from the state are at 0.16 euros per KWh, while before the crisis it did not exceed 0.12 euros.

It is worth noting that those who consume wood or pellets also receive a heating allowance with prices on these products being slightly lower than last year.

Heating allowance: How the beneficiaries will be selected

In this environment, the Minister of Energy Th. Skylakakis, according to Imerisia, will announce in the next few days – probably on Wednesday or Thursday – the extension of heating allowances to those who burn electricity to keep warm. The income and property criteria will be uniform with those who receive a heating allowance for oil, natural gas, etc., increased for families with children as applicable this year.

How will the beneficiaries be selected? On the platform there is a choice of fuel for which the taxpayer requests to be subsidized. Electricity will be added to this option. And so those who request a subsidy for electricity will not receive an oil subsidy. It is possible to set specific conditions regarding the amount of consumption (to show that the house is heated with air-conditioning).

Heating allowance: When will the first installment be given?

Cumulatively, more than 2 or even 2.5 million households are expected to be strengthened this year with the amount of the allowance hovering around 400 million euros. Of these, more than 1 million households will receive the classic heating allowance with 237 million euros from the budget and an additional 1 to 1.5 million households will share funds of 150-200 million euros from the Fund. Energy Transition.

The first installment of the heating allowance is expected to be paid in December and the MyHeating platform is expected to open for submission of applications within the first ten days of November.

Those who are entitled to a subsidy due to the use of oil, natural gas, wood or pellets will receive the subsidy by submitting the relevant documents, while for those who burn electricity, there are two schools of thought for paying it:

  • Show increased electricity bills in winter, indicating electricity use for heating with air conditioners, electric heaters or heat pumps or alternatively
  • Just give it to the rest of the households that don’t get oil subsidy, on the grounds that since they qualify, they somehow keep warm in the winter…

The schedule of payments

The heating allowance ranges from 100 to 800 euros depending on the region and the composition of the household and will concern all those who meet the income and property criteria.

The payment of the allowance is planned to be made in three installments.

  • Until the end of December 2023 for all purchases that will be invoiced provided the required information is entered by December 15, 2023.
  • Until February 29, 2024 for all purchases to be invoiced by January 31, 2023 and provided the required information is entered by February 15, 2024.
  • Until April 28, 2023 for all purchases to be invoiced by March 31, 2024 and provided the required information is entered by April 14, 2024.

The criteria for granting the allowance

On the criteria front, there are two changes: the increase in the income limit for families and the establishment turnover cutter (up to 80,000 euros) for natural persons who carry out business activity

Therefore, benefit beneficiaries are natural persons whose total family income, real or assumed, does not exceed 16,000 euros for an unmarried debtor or a widowed or separated debtor and 24,000 euros for a married debtor or the married parties or the parties to a cohabitation agreement submit a separate tax return or married persons who submit a tax return or natural persons who have entered into a cohabitation agreement and have submitted a joint tax return without children.

These amounts increase by 5,000 euros for each child. For a single-parent family, the income should not exceed 27,000 euros, with an additional 5,000 euros for each child after the first. At the same time, the total value of the real estate must not exceed 200,000 euros for singles and 300,000 euros for married or cohabiting parties and single-parent families.

The basis for calculating the heating allowance is set at 350 euros for all beneficiaries, which will be multiplied by a subsidy coefficient, called the “degree day coefficient” and scaled from 0.12 to 1.62 depending on the cold prevailing in each region of the country, in order to obtain the amount of subsidy to which each interested party is entitled.

In addition, the amount of the allowance, as determined after multiplying the calculation base by the subsidy factor, will be increased for each dependent child of the beneficiary by 20%. For those beneficiaries who live in regions where the climatic conditions are characterized by extreme cold in winter and the subsidy factor is equal to or greater than 1, the subsidy amounts will be further increased by 25%, with the maximum amount reaching up to 1,000 euros (instead of 800 euros).

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**Heating Allowance ⁣in‌ Greece: Extension for Electricity Users and ‍Eligibility⁤ Criteria**

Heating ⁢Allowance in⁣ Greece: Extension for‌ Electricity Users and Eligibility ​Criteria

The Greek government⁤ is expected to announce the extension​ of the heating allowance to households‌ that use electricity⁤ for heating, within the next week. The Minister of Energy, Th. Skylakakis, will make the announcement, which will‍ benefit families who⁤ rely on electricity to keep warm during the winter months.

Changes⁢ in Energy Prices

The energy sector is experiencing high prices, with natural gas priced at 50 euros per megawatt hour, compared⁤ to 15 euros before the ⁣energy crisis. The international price of oil is around 90 dollars⁤ per barrel, 10 dollars higher than last year. Heating oil‌ prices have also increased, reaching over 1.4 euros per liter. Electricity retail prices before the subsidy from the state are at 0.16 euros per KWh, up from 0.12 euros before the crisis.

Eligibility Criteria

The income and property criteria for the heating allowance will be uniform with those who receive‌ a heating allowance ‌for oil, natural gas, and other fuels. The criteria include:

Total family income ‌not exceeding 16,000 euros for unmarried or separated individuals and ​24,000 euros for married couples or cohabiting parties

Income limit increases by 5,000 euros for each child

Total value of real estate not​ exceeding 200,000 euros for singles and 300,000 euros for married or cohabiting parties and single-parent families

How to Apply

The MyHeating platform is expected to open for submission of applications within the first 10 days of ⁤November. Those who are entitled to a subsidy due to the use​ of oil, natural gas, wood,‌ or‌ pellets will receive ⁤the subsidy by submitting the ‌relevant documents. For those who use electricity​ for heating, there are two methods of payment: showing increased electricity bills in winter or providing proof of electricity use for ‌heating.

Schedule of‌ Payments

The payment of the ‌allowance is planned ⁣to be made​ in three installments:

Until the end of December 2023 for all purchases ‍invoiced by‌ December 15, 2023

Until ⁣February 29, ‌2024⁣ for all purchases invoiced by January 31, 2024, and provided the required information is entered by February 15, 2024

Until ⁣April 28, 2024 for all purchases invoiced by March 31, 2024, and provided the required information is entered by April 14, 2024

Other Incentives

In addition ⁤to the heating‌ allowance, the Greek government offers other incentives for households, such ⁤as the “Exoikonomo-Autonomo” ⁤program, which provides subsidies for renewable‌ energy systems,⁢ including solar water heaters ​and biomass boilers [[2]].⁣ The “Exoikonomo-Autonomo” program has a maximum eligible expenditure ‍of 6,000 euros for solar water ⁣heaters.

Electricity Subsidy

The Greek government also provides an electricity subsidy of 15 ‌euros per MWh for monthly consumptions up to 500 ‍kWh, ⁢which covers 90% of ​households in Greece [[1]].


Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) questions related to the title **”Heating Allowance in Greece: Extension for Electricity Users and Eligibility Criteria”**:

Heating Allowance in Greece: Extension for Electricity Users and Eligibility Criteria

The Greek government is set to announce an extension of the heating allowance to include those who use electricity to keep warm. This move is expected to benefit a significant number of households, especially those who rely on electricity as their primary source of heating. The Minister of Energy, Th. Skylakakis, is expected to make the official announcement in the coming days.


The heating allowance was introduced to help households cope with the rising cost of energy. Last year, the government provided a double heating allowance to those who chose oil over natural gas as their fuel. However, with the current energy crisis, the conditions have changed. The price of natural gas has decreased significantly, from 350 euros per megawatt hour to 50 euros, making it a more affordable option.

Current Energy Prices

The prices in the energy sector are still high, and there is a fear that the situation may worsen if the Middle East crisis escalates. Currently, the price for natural gas is around 50 euros per megawatt hour, while the international price of oil is around 90 dollars per barrel. Heating oil prices are also high, at over 1.4 euros per liter, and electricity prices are at 0.16 euros per KWh, up from 0.12 euros before the crisis.

Heating Allowance: How the Beneficiaries Will Be Selected

To benefit from the heating allowance, households must meet the income and property criteria. The application process will involve selecting the fuel type, including electricity, for which the taxpayer requests to be subsidized. Those who apply for an electricity subsidy will not be eligible for an oil subsidy. The amount of consumption will also be taken into account to ensure that the household is indeed using electricity for heating.

Heating Allowance: When Will the First Installment Be Given?

The first installment of the heating allowance is expected to be paid in December, with the MyHeating platform opening for applications in early November. Those who are eligible for the subsidy will receive it by submitting the relevant documents.

The Schedule of Payments

The payment of the allowance will be made in three installments, with the first installment expected to be paid by the end of December 2023. The heating allowance ranges from 100 to 800 euros, depending on the region and household composition, and will concern all those who meet the income and property criteria.

Other Types of Fuel

It’s worth noting that those who consume wood or pellets are also eligible for a heating allowance, with prices on these products being slightly lower than last year.

Government Support

The Greek government has committed to supporting households with the rising cost of energy. The heating allowance is one of the measures aimed at



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