Empowering Communities Through Cancer Screening: Mars Bleu Operation in Aveyron

2024-03-03 04:09:00

Doctor Caline Ngounou-Nietchueng displays a broad smile. Alongside Christiane Trézières, manager of the multi-professional health center Les Serènes, midwife Claire Saur and Hélène Delmas, awareness manager, she launched the “Mars Bleu” operation in Aveyron from the premises of the presbytery from La Fouillade. Responsible for the Aveyron and Lot sites of the Occitanie Cancer Screening Coordination Center, the practitioner wanted, through this approach, to support the need to move towards awareness programs for screening for different cancers, while highlighting the partnership strong link which links the structure for which it assumes responsibility with the MSP. Screening for breast, cervical and colorectal cancers will be highlighted throughout the month of March in the field. “40% of cancers are preventable,” assures Caline Ngounou-Nietchueng. But to move towards this, it is necessary to limit certain lifestyle habits. A balanced diet and regular exercise also play protective roles in the appearance of cancer. A complete program imagined from La Fouillade to Sébazac, from Luc-la-Primaube to Villeneuve, from Rignac to Olemps, is in place.

Thus, every Friday in March (8, 15, 22 and 29) La Fouillade will be the setting for in-depth work involving four midwives: Claire Saur, Anaïs Jammes, Charotte Dijols and Blandine Dérolez around the screening of cancer of the uterus (make an appointment by calling 06 84 91 29 27). The coordination center offers appointments to carry out mammograms in conjunction with the Decazeville hospital center (appointment at 05 65 43 71 71).

#Cancer #screening #Mars #Bleu #Aveyron #launched



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