Empowering African Youth in Climate Action: Her Excellency Shamma bint Suhail Al Mazrouei’s Initiatives at COP28

2023-09-08 22:06:43

Her Excellency Shamma bint Suhail Al Mazrouei, Minister of Community Development and Youth Climate Leader at the Conference of the Parties (COP28), participated in a field visit to the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, during the African Climate Week activities, where the Youth Climate Leader team launched a series of interactive initiatives aimed at giving youth priority in confronting climate challenges. Emphasizing their pivotal role in sustainability efforts and climate action. Her Excellency Al Mazrouei said: “The continent of Africa is considered to have the highest percentage of young people in the world, and it is important that we support their voices and opinions, especially the groups that did not have the opportunity to contribute to climate action previously,” confirming the efforts of the COP28 presidency to give a greater role to youth within special discussions and dialogues. “We will work on climate action in order to make their views and aspirations known and to benefit from their energies, especially young people from Africa and the countries of the Global South.”

During her participation in the “Road to Nairobi, COP 28 and Beyond” event in the presence of Simone Steele, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Her Excellency stressed the urgent need to reassess the current situation and activate youth participation in climate action, noting the continuation of her mission as a climate pioneer. For youth to enhance youth engagement in creating a successful model for future conferences of the parties.

On the sidelines of the African Climate Week, Her Excellency visited the areas most affected by climate repercussions in the Kenyan capital. Her visit included the Kibera neighborhood, which is the largest slum in Nairobi, where she met with representatives of youth who are seeking to implement many initiatives to confront the repercussions of climate change on their communities, and she extended an invitation to host two members of distinguished African youth to attend COP28.

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