Employment service: a magnet for employers – workers from Central Asia | Business

During this period, 5 times more permits (410) were issued to third-country nationals for seasonal work than at the same time last year (82). This is the highest number of work permits of this type issued in the last five years. Citizens of Uzbekistan received the largest number of work permits, accounting for half of all seasonal work permits issued.

July 1 138.3 thousand people worked in Lithuania. third-country nationals from 132 countries. This is 20.4 thousand. more than a year ago. Two thirds were Belarusians (48.5 thousand) and Ukrainians (45.3 thousand). Uzbeks (6.6 thousand), Kyrgyz (5.6 thousand), Tajiks (4.6 thousand) also established themselves in the top ten.

“Employers compensate for the lack of seasonal workers by using foreigners. This year, the largest number of seasonal work permits were issued to semi-finished food preparers (36%). Another 20 percent those intending to work as road repairers received this type of permit. Last year, these numbers were much more modest,” said Galina Buivolenko, chief specialist of the Department of Services for Foreigners of the Employment Service.

The geography of those coming to do seasonal work is also changing. Last year, seasonal workers were not so actively sought in Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Turkey, and Nepal.

In the first half of the year, 5.9 times fewer permits were issued to citizens of foreign countries to work under an employment contract than in the same period of 2023. period. This is the lowest number of work permits issued in five years. However, the number of decisions regarding the conformity of a foreigner’s work to the needs of our labor market increased – in six months, 2.2 times more of these documents (3041) were issued than at the same time last year. This is one of the highest number of decisions made in five years.

Decisions were made for foreigners arriving from 52 countries (last year – from 49). Decisions for citizens of Belarus dominated (30%) – increased from 8%. up to 22 percent The share of decisions made for Uzbek citizens has increased. Next – Kyrgyzstan (11%), Tajikistan (8%). Citizens of Uganda, Congo, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and other distant countries have also acquired the right to work in our country.

In six months, almost half of all decisions were made regarding the right to work as drivers of international cargo transport vehicles (48%). The activity of temporary employment companies has intensified – more than half (53%) of the decisions made during the period regarding the compliance of foreigner’s work have been issued to them. Employment service specialists made 1,620 positive decisions for 64 companies – 6.3 times more than last year.

Most often, temporary employment companies applied for decisions to work as drivers of international freight transport vehicles (1489), welders (38), cooks (21). The wages set for foreigners ranged from EUR 845 to EUR 6,115 (from EUR 750 to EUR 4,500 in the first half of 2023).

Every second employee works in transport and storage companies (74.1 thousand or 53.6%). Of them – 72 thousand. to be employed as drivers of heavy trucks and cargo vehicles.

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2024-08-17 08:01:18



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