Employment opportunity for 21,500 unemployed people over 55 years old in the State – Beneficiaries – 2024-03-06 02:41:52

Thousands of unemployed people over the age of 55 will have the opportunity to be employed in the State.

The Public Employment Service (PYPA) “runs” a special grant program, which will allow those who at an “advanced” age lost their position and found themselves outside the labor market to get a job in state agencies. The program addressed to public bodies that are subsidized for a period of 12 +12 months with 75% of the wage costs of the unemployed they will hire.

Specifically, it is, as enikonomia.gr reports, regarding employment subsidy program for 21,500 unemployed people aged 55 and above, in public sector bodies, through which the main aim is to create the corresponding full-time jobs.

Who are the beneficiaries of the Program?

all types of Legal Entities under Public Law (NPDD), first and second grade OTAs, Decentralized Administrations, decentralized Services and/or regional Directorates of Central Administration bodies, enterprises, bodies and organizations of the public sector, which regularly carry out economic activity, c) enterprises of the first and second level local government (Municipalities and Regions) of Law 3852/2010 (A΄ 87) that regularly carry out economic activity.

Beneficiaries are the unemployed, registered in the Digital Register of the D.YPA.A. who have a completed Digital Individual Action Plan, aged over 55.

The duration of the program is 12 months, with the possibility of extension for another 12 months, and the amount of the monthly subsidy amounts to 75% of salary and non-salary costs with a maximum limit of 750 euros.

What procedure do the agencies follow?

But what is the procedure for government agencies to follow?

Beneficiaries submit an online application for participation and a vacancy order and specify the specialty and educational level of the position.

DYPA confirms that the beneficiary meets the conditions.

DYPA’s employment advisors indicate to the beneficiary, candidates according to the required qualifications of the vacant position.

The beneficiary chooses among the candidates and hires the unemployed person. For the Public Call as well as other detailed information regarding the program, visit the address: https://www.dypa.gov.gr/proghrammata-anoikhta
Joint Ministerial Decision for 1,300 unemployed

In the context of this specific program, in the middle of last month, a decree was issued to subsidize 1,300 long-term unemployed aged 55 and over, with the amount of subsidy per beneficiary set at 75% of salary and non-salary costs and up to 750 euros.

The Minister of Labor and Social Security, Domna Michailidou, the Minister of the Interior, Niki Kerameos, and the Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance, Thanos Petralias, signed the Joint Ministerial Decision (JMA) for the launch of a support program for the unemployed

The employment subsidy program concerns 1,300 long-term unemployed over the age of 55 and lasts 24 months.

The aim of the program, with a budget of 31.2 million euros, is to create a total of 1,300 new full-time jobs in the public health sector, by hiring unemployed people aged 55 and over.

Beneficiaries of the program are unemployed people aged 55 to 67 years, as well as unemployed people over 67 years old and up to 74 years old who have not completed the required pensionable time to establish a full pension right, registered in the Digital Register of Unemployed Persons of the DYPA Services.

The grant amount per beneficiary is set at 75% of salary and non-salary costs and up to 750 euros and is covered by the budget of DYPA and the bodies of the General Government, in which the beneficiaries will be employed.


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