Employment in Lazio, 39% of companies cannot find the required profiles

Employment in Lazio, 39% of companies cannot find the required profiles

According to the findings of Anpal-Unioncamere, in 39 cases out of 100 Lazio companies expect to have difficulty finding the desired profiles (February 2024 findings); in particular with regard to the positions of specialized workers, where the percentage rises to 56%. A share equal to 35% of the hirings planned by Lazio companies will involve young people under 30 years of age. The data emerged at the conference “Its and apprenticeships for the development of skills and training innovation: good practices and experiences”, the event, promoted by the Adapt Foundation and Intesa Sanpaolo, to present the results of a joint research that explores the virtuous connections existing between the Higher Technological Institutes (ITS) and high-level apprenticeships in Central Italy.

Work data

In 2022, in Lazio the unemployment rate it is slightly lower than the national average (7.7% vs. 8.1%) but in the youth component the figure worsens considerably, reaching 26% in the 15 – 24 age group (24% the Italian figure). The percentage of young people who do not work or study between the ages of 15 and 29 (NEET) in Lazio is equal to 17%, two percentage points lower than in Italy (19%), but far from the European average (around 12%). ).

The ADAPT project

«The “Skill Alliance” project – he comments Matteo Colombo, researcher at the ADAPT Foundation – is an opportunity to tell young people and especially businesses regarding the excellence represented by the ITS system. The case studies carried out as part of this project show how thanks to a solid alliance between the productive world and the non-academic tertiary education system it is possible to build paths capable of guaranteeing excellent and highly innovative training, high post-diploma placement rates , and above all concrete responses to the needs of businesses, which today more than ever need people equipped with all the skills necessary to guarantee growth processes, thus keeping together economic sustainability and social sustainability”.

Investing in education

«In Intesa Sanpaolo – he explains Roberto Gabrielli, Regional Director of Lazio and Abruzzo Intesa Sanpaolo – we are convinced that investing in education means investing in people and the new generations. We have therefore initiated important synergies with trade associations and schools which are aimed in particular at the world of young people to accompany them in their training paths”.

Find out more

Roberto Gabrielli, Regional Director of Lazio and Abruzzo Intesa Sanpaolo

Intesa’s projects

«In addition to the project conducted in collaboration with the ADAPT Foundation – explains Roberto Gabrielli, Regional Director of Lazio and Abruzzo Intesa Sanpaolo – I would like to remember the many initiatives to activate processes of exploration of the prevailing transformative trends relating to the professions of the future in the fields of Digital Transformation, AI, Blue economy and Space Economy, Life Science and Energy Transition. “Youth and Work”, with which we offer free training for the inclusion of young people between 18 and 29 years old in the job market, in particular in the most requested sectors such as Hi-Tech (Java, Salesforce and Cybersecurity), Mechanical industry of precision (CNC), Sales, Hotel and Catering».

#Employment #Lazio #companies #find #required #profiles
2024-03-19 04:06:52

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