Emphasis on socialism and the Chinese nation… Xi Jinping’s 3rd term in power predicts strengthening of Chinese characteristics

The party conference work report emphasized ‘My Way’… ‘war diplomacy’ likely to be maintained

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s work report at the opening ceremony of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party on the 16th is interpreted as implying that China will adhere to the direction of its internal and external policies.

In President Xi’s third term, it is expected that the ‘red color’ (socialist tendency) will deepen internally, and the principle of war diplomacy will be maintained externally.

◇ Emphasis on socialism and the Chinese nation… China’s ‘introversion’ hints at strengthening
In his work report today, President Xi emphasized socialist values ​​domestically, patriotism and collectivism, and the promotion of traditional Chinese culture.

He stressed the need to “develop an advanced socialist culture and inspire a revolutionary culture, using the core values ​​of socialism as a guideline”.

“It is necessary to build a socialist ideology with strong cohesion and leadership, firmly seize the initiative of the party’s ideological work, and implement a system of responsibility for ideological work in its entirety,” he said.

At the same time, President Xi said, “We need to deepen propaganda and education on the core values ​​of socialism, deepen education on patriotism, collectivism and socialism, and do our best to nurture newcomers of the era who will take on the great task of revitalizing the Party and the nation.”

In addition, “the soft power of national culture and the influence of Chinese culture should be constantly improved,” he said. We need to motivate them to move toward the world,” he emphasized.

Xi also said, “We need to mobilize all the children of China to share the will and action on the realization of the ‘Chinese dream’ of the great revival of the Chinese nation.”

The emphasis on socialist values ​​and the Chinese nation is ultimately interpreted as a prelude to the ‘strengthening of introversion’ in Chinese society.

As China minimizes human exchanges with the international community during the COVID-19 outbreak, it seems possible that the emotional distance between China and the outside world, especially the liberal democracy camp, may become farther away.

In particular, President Xi said, “We will strengthen and promote the Party’s national work with the main axis of consolidating the sense of community among the Chinese people.”

This is a point that may raise concerns that the historical debate between Korea and China could intensify, such as the Chinese side subtracting Goguryeo and Balhae from the Korean history chronology at the recent exhibition of bronze artifacts from the three countries in Beijing.

Emphasis on socialism and the Chinese nation…  Xi Jinping's 3rd term in power predicts 'strengthening Chinese characteristics'

◇ Willingness to protect core interests… Willingness to ‘unretreat’ in strategic competition with the US
Regarding foreign policy, it is evaluated that President Xi’s remarks on this day implied that he would maintain the current stance, which is generally referred to as warship diplomacy.

It is expected that the keynote will be maintained to avoid sharp conflicts with other countries in order to protect the so-called ‘core interests’.

President Xi discussed the theory of a community with a shared destiny for mankind, multilateralism, anti-hegemony, and a peaceful foreign policy.

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At the same time, he used the word ‘struggle’ 17 times to emphasize that China did not make concessions in areas defined as ‘core interests’ during his reign.

In his overall evaluation of his foreign policy during his reign, Xi said, “Facing with the rapidly changing international situation, we have maintained our strategic focus, developed a fighting spirit, defended the dignity and core interests of the country during the struggle, and We have firmly taken the initiative in security,” he said.

China’s countermeasures in economic and cultural retaliatory measures during the conflict with South Korea over the high-altitude missile defense system (THAAD) seem to be included in the scope of this response.

In addition, although he did not directly name the United States, which is a strategic competitor of ‘everything and nothing,’ Xi said he “resolutely opposes” hegemony, hegemony, Cold War accidents, and interference in internal affairs, repeating the anti-US rhetoric that China has been discussing at every opportunity. did.

And given that the Taiwan issue is the biggest conflict between the US and China, the statement that it would never promise to give up the option to use force against Taiwan narrowed the scope for ‘compromise’ over the US-Taiwan issue.

In his speech at the ’40th anniversary of the publication of a message to compatriots in Taiwan’ in 2019, Xi almost similarly made a statement that he could not give up the option of force.

However, in a situation where the conflict over Taiwan has grown incomparably larger than it was three years ago, the weight of what he said at the country’s biggest political event, which is held every five years, and also on the stage where his third term in office will be decided, was different.

Il-hyeon Moon, a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, said, “There is no major rhetorical change in foreign policy, and there is a nuance that the current keynote will be maintained. He said, “I don’t start a fight first, but I don’t avoid it when I walk,” he said.

Chi-young Ahn, president of the Chinese Academy of Incheon University, said, “It seems that China thinks that the United States is ‘arguing’ too strongly with respect to the Taiwan issue. evaluated that

Emphasis on socialism and the Chinese nation…  Xi Jinping's 3rd term in power predicts 'strengthening Chinese characteristics'

/yunhap news

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