Lots of emotions at the second X Factor Live Show (DISCOVER THE SPECIAL). Georgie opened the event by performing the new single Nothing bad, at the judges’ table our beloved ones Manuel Lambs, Jake The Fury, Paola Iezzi e Achille Laura. n
Eliminated Pablo Murphy in the ‘final clash’ with HE MA.
The guest of the evening Gaia he made the audience dance to the tunes of the songs Goddess Sapphic e Sex and Samba.
A uscire di scena al ballottaggio con EL MA, è Pablo Murphy concorrente della squadra di Paola Iezzi. Prima di lasciare il palco di XF2024, il cantautore italo-scozzese ringrazia tutti, e manda un saluto speciale alla fidanzata. LEGGI L’ARTICOLO
“,”postId”:”6164136d-36a5-431e-b29b-d803de9ccb36″},{“timestamp”:”2024-10-31T23:11:46.451Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-11-01T00:11:46+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Terzo Live Show, ospiti Tananai e Serafine”,”content”:”
Prima di salutare il pubblico, Giorgia ha rivelato che il tema del terzo Live Show sarà la muscia dance. Ospiti Tananai e Serafine
“,”postId”:”933e2108-74a3-4abb-a538-546b3298c65d”},{“timestamp”:”2024-10-31T23:07:12.347Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-11-01T00:07:12+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Pablo Murphy è l’eliminato di questo secondo Live Show”,”content”:”
Paola Iezzi elimina EL MA: “Lo faccio a malincuore”. Jake La Furia indica Pablo Murphy: “EL MA ha tantissime potenzialità”. Manuel Agnelli indica Pablo Murphy: “EL MA si merita un’altra occasione”. Achille Lauro chiude con il nome di Pablo Murphy
“,”postId”:”520cb35e-6825-4855-a6dd-f6a7e6ecb7cb”},{“timestamp”:”2024-10-31T22:55:45.850Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-10-31T23:55:45+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Al ballottaggio finale EL MA e Pablo Murphy”,”content”:”
Al via il ballottaggio. EL MA si esibisce con Vampire di Olivia Rodrigo, Pablo Murphy conquista il centro del palco con Another Day In Paradise di Phil Collins
“,”postId”:”574cbaa4-1240-48b9-9f59-0305aae33e4b”},{“timestamp”:”2024-10-31T22:52:32.032Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-10-31T23:52:32+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Pablo Murphy al ballottaggio finale”,”content”:”
Mimì, Les Votives, Danielle e i The Foolz accedono al terzo Live Show di X Factor
“,”postId”:”6e3a67a4-5061-4400-96d4-d5860dd91a47″},{“timestamp”:”2024-10-31T22:49:35.081Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-10-31T23:49:35+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Giorgia chiude il televoto della seconda manche”,”content”:”
Dopo un recap delle cinque esibizioni di questa seconda manche, la conduttrice chiude il televoto
“,”postId”:”9f8dc0c9-abf7-4d28-8a41-f540905eea70″},{“timestamp”:”2024-10-31T22:46:20.206Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-10-31T23:46:20+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”The Foolz, le parole dei giudici”,”content”:”
Paola Iezzi: “Nell’esibizione ho trovato un po’ poca convinzione”. Achille Lauro: “A me questi ragazzi piacciono”. Manuel Agnelli si complimenta per la performance e Jake La Furia è soddisfatto: “Per me è andato tutto bene”
“,”postId”:”e8c4cf02-7f3c-470a-823f-aa8726f8ae32″},{“timestamp”:”2024-10-31T22:39:45.516Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-10-31T23:39:45+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”I The Foolz chiudono la prima manche”,”content”:”
Guidato da Jake La Furia, il gruppo si esibisce con il brano I Was Made for Lovin’ You dei Kiss
“,”social”:{“socialType”:”instagram”,”src”:” Murphy, le parole dei giudici”,”content”:”
Achille Lauro apre la serie di giudizi stringendo la mano a Pablo Murphy, Manuel Agnelli si complimenta per la performance, Jake La Furia commenta: “C’è stato un miglioramento rispetto alla settima scorsa”. Paola Iezzi chiude: “Sono molto orgogliosa della performance”.
“,”postId”:”0a708ee3-04af-4701-b0a9-116a1652d490″},{“timestamp”:”2024-10-31T22:27:46.729Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-10-31T23:27:46+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”È il momento di Pablo Murphy”,”content”:”
Seguito da Paola Iezzi, Pablo Murphy torna sul palco della X Factor Arena di Assago. Il cantante propone Mr. Brightside dei The Killers
“,”social”:{“socialType”:”instagram”,”src”:” le opinioni dei giudici”,”content”:”
Jake La Furia: “Bravissima”. Paola Iezzi: “Mi sei piaciuta tantissimo”. Chiudono i complimenti di Achille Lauro e del suo giudice Manuel Agnelli
“,”postId”:”0db8bca9-e43f-40e9-8cfe-b825b1a4b8d5″},{“timestamp”:”2024-10-31T22:20:21.297Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-10-31T23:20:21+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”La seconda manche prosegue con Mimì”,”content”:”
L’artista, componente della squadra di Manuel Agnelli, si esibisce con Something On Your Mind di Karen Dalton
“,”social”:{“socialType”:”instagram”,”src”:” giudici commentano l’esibizione di Danielle”,”content”:”
Jake La Furia parte: “Sta avendo una crescita e avrà una crescita, bravo”. Paola Iezzi, Achille Lauro e Manuel Agnelli si complimentano per l’esibizione
“,”postId”:”6e1beaff-b1e1-4496-b414-09f9c43de559″},{“timestamp”:”2024-10-31T22:07:32.250Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-10-31T23:07:32+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Danielle canta Ivan Graziani”,”content”:”
È il momento dell’artista della squadra di Manuel Agnelli. Danielle canta Lugano Addio di Ivan Graziani
“,”social”:{“socialType”:”instagram”,”src”:” commenti dei giudici”,”content”:”
Manuel Agnelli: “Questo è grande mainstream”. Jake la Furia: “Un’esibizione strepitosa, bravissimi”. Paola Iezzi e Achille Lauro chiudono complimentandosi con il gruppo
“,”postId”:”f7d63c70-de68-417e-8f0b-2e3ea72edc91″},{“timestamp”:”2024-10-31T21:57:05.596Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-10-31T22:57:05+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”I Les Votives cantano Harry Styles”,”content”:”
Seguita da Achille Lauro, la formazione si esibisce con Sign of the Times dell’artista britannico Harry Styles
“,”social”:{“socialType”:”instagram”,”src”:” via la seconda manche”,”content”:”
Giorgia apre la seconda manche di questo secondo Live Show annunciando i codici per votare:
- n
- Les Votives – codice 07
- Danielle – codice 08
- Mimi – codice 09
- Pablo Murphy – codice 10
- The Foolz – codice 11
n”,”postId”:”0078bf35-3fc5-47bb-9c42-c3d015db5b59″},{“timestamp”:”2024-10-31T21:53:23.481Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-10-31T22:53:23+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”EL MA al ballottaggio”,”content”:”
I PATAGARRI, Francamente, i Punkcake, Lorenzo Salvetti e Lowrah accedono al terzo Live Show
“,”postId”:”4be5712b-46b4-4b0f-b419-00efdc70e812″},{“timestamp”:”2024-10-31T21:49:20.988Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-10-31T22:49:20+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Giorgia chiude ufficialmente il televoto”,”content”:”
Dopo il video con il recap di tutte le esibizioni della prima manche, Giorgia chiude ufficialmente il televoto. È il momento del verdetto
“,”postId”:”befcd7e3-caef-428f-ad1e-c5a0c311a0b7″},{“timestamp”:”2024-10-31T21:42:13.711Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-10-31T22:42:13+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Gaia canta Dea Saffica e Sesso e Samba”,”content”:”
Gaia è l’ospite del secondo Live Show di X Factor 2024. L’artista fa scatenare il pubblico sulle note dei brani Dea Saffica e Sesso e Samba. LEGGI L’ARTICOLO
Lots of emotions at the second X Factor Live Show (DISCOVER THE SPECIAL). Georgie opened the event by performing the new single Nothing bad, at the judges’ table our beloved ones Manuel Lambs, Jake The Fury, Paola Iezzi e Achille Laura.
Eliminated Pablo Murphy in the ‘final clash’ with HE MA.
The guest of the evening Gaia he made the audience dance to the tunes of the songs Goddess Sapphic e Sex and Samba.
Read more
19 minutes ago
Pablo Murphy eliminated
Pablo Murphy, a competitor from Paola Iezzi’s team, leaves the stage in the run-off with EL MA. Before leaving the XF2024 stage, the Italian-Scottish singer-songwriter thanks everyone, and sends a special greeting to his girlfriend. READ THE ARTICLE
51 minutes ago
Third Live Show, guests Tananai and Serafine
Before greeting the public, Giorgia revealed that the theme of the third Live Show will be dance music. Alex Reeds Tananai and Serafine
56 minutes ago
Pablo Murphy is eliminated from this second Live Show
Paola Iezzi eliminates EL MA: “I do it reluctantly”. Jake La Furia points to Pablo Murphy: “EL MA has a lot of potential”. Manuel Agnelli points to Pablo Murphy: “EL MA deserves another chance”. Achille Lauro closes with the name of Pablo Murphy
In the final ballot EL MA and Pablo Murphy
The balloting is underway. EL MA performs with Vampire by Olivia Rodrigo, Pablo Murphy takes center stage with Another Day In Paradise on Phil Collins
Pablo Murphy in the final ballot
Mimì, Les Votives, Danielle and The Foolz access the third X Factor Live Show
Giorgia closes the televoting of the second round
After a recap of the five performances of this second round, the presenter closes the televoting
The Foolz, the words of the judges
Paola Iezzi: “I found a little lack of conviction in the performance”. Achille Lauro: “I like these guys”. Manuel Agnelli compliments the performance and Jake La Furia is satisfied: “Everything went well for me”
The Foolz close the first heat
Led by Jake La Furia, the group performs the song I Was Made for Lovin’ You of Kiss
Pablo Murphy, the words of the judges
Achille Lauro opens the series of reviews by shaking hands with Pablo Murphy, Manuel Agnelli compliments the performance, Jake La Furia comments: “There has been an improvement compared to the seventh last”. Paola Iezzi closes: “I am very proud of the performance”.
It’s Pablo Murphy time
Followed by Paola Iezzi, Pablo Murphy returns to the stage of the X Factor Arena in Assago. The singer proposes Mr. Brightside dei The Killers
Mimì, the judges’ opinions
Jake La Furia: “Very good”. Paola Iezzi: “I liked you a lot”. Congratulations from Achille Lauro and his judge Manuel Agnelli close
The second heat continues with Mimì
The artist, member of Manuel Agnelli’s team, performs with Something On Your Mind on Karen Dalton
The judges comment on Danielle’s performance
Jake La Furia starts: “He is having growth and will have growth, well done.” Paola Iezzi, Achille Lauro and Manuel Agnelli congratulate themselves on the performance
Danielle sings Ivan Graziani
It’s time for the artist of Manuel Agnelli’s team. Danielle sings Lugano Goodbye by Ivan Graziani
The judges’ comments
Manuel Agnelli: “This is great mainstream”. Jake the Fury: “An amazing performance, very good”. Paola Iezzi and Achille Lauro close by complimenting the group
I The Votives cantano Harry Styles
Followed by Achille Lauro, the group performs with Sign of the Times by British artist Harry Styles
The second heat is underway
Giorgia opens the second round of this second Live Show by announcing the voting codes:
- The Votives – code 07
- Danielle – code 08
- Mimi – code 09
- Pablo Murphy – code 10
- The Foolz – codice 11
EL MA on the ballot
I PATAGARRI, Frankly, Punkcake, Lorenzo Salvetti and Lowrah access the third Live Show
Giorgia officially closes televoting
After the video with the recap of all the performances of the first heat, Giorgia officially closes the televoting. It’s time for the verdict
Gaia sings Dea Sapphica and Sesso e Samba
Gaia is the guest of the second Live Show of X Factor 2024. The artist makes the audience go wild on the notes of the songs Dea Sapphic e Sex and Samba. READ THE ARTICLE
X Factor Live Show: Emotions Run High and Pablo Murphy Takes a Bow
Well, well, well, if it isn’t another night of tears, cheers, and the same old ‘I-can’t-believe-they-are-singing-that’ moments on the second X Factor Live Show! Honestly, you could have bottled the emotions in the room, and I bet they’d still be fizzing like an overly excited soda can.
And we’re off…
Our night kicked off with Georgie belting out her latest single Nothing Bad—which I must admit, was neither nothing bad nor particularly good! The real stars of the night were the judges: Manuel Lambs, Jake The Fury, Paola Iezzi, and Achille Laura. I mean, if you threw them a party, they’d probably hang out at the judges’ table! They might even set up a little dance-off, but let’s save that for the after-show drinks, shall we?
As the show unfolded, we were treated to the tragic tale of Pablo Murphy, who found himself in the dreaded ‘final clash’ against EL MA. In a shocking twist of events, he was eliminated, and let me tell you, his exit was more heartfelt than a rom-com movie where the lead suddenly realizes they don’t need to pursue their dreams of being a karaoke champion. Pablo, in his farewell, thanked his fans and sent a special hello to his girlfriend—a valiant attempt to keep the romance alive. But come on, how much do you want to bet she’s getting his old ‘Mr. Brightside’ T-shirts for future karaoke nights?
And speaking of belting out classics, the illustrious Gaia made a guest appearance that had the audience dancing like no one was watching—or at least, like everyone was watching. She rocked it with her tracks Goddess Sapphic and Sex and Samba, and let’s be real; with a title like that, how could she fail? I can’t quite imagine a world where people don’t get up and shake it when those songs hit the airwaves.
Now, let’s chat about the eliminations, shall we? This time it was Pablo Murphy—a talented guy that I swear was like the cousin you can’t help but root for despite them insisting they can totally sing Another Day in Paradise by Phil Collins in the shower. I mean, it’s like watching a puppy try to catch its tail; adorable but ultimately a tad painful if you think too hard about it.
What’s particularly amusing was the judges’ deliberation; it was like a game of hot potato, only no one wanted to hold the spud! Paola Iezzi was all like, “I do it reluctantly," which is about as enthusiastic as your cat when you’re trying to give it a bath. Meanwhile, Jake La Furia and Manuel Agnelli, both battling for the lifelines of their contestants, showed just how sweet they can be, praising EL MA right before dropping the hammer on poor Pablo!
In classics from the judge’s comments category, we had The Foolz, who didn’t quite make the cut but left us wondering if they ever truly had conviction at all. The judges, in classic fashion, offered responses such as “I found a little lack of conviction in the performance”—which, let’s be honest, is like saying a soufflé is a bit flat. You just know there’s a backstory involving a kitchen disaster somewhere in there.
So what’s next?
Giorgia, our fabulous host, kept the night spicy by announcing that the theme for the next Live Show would be dance music. Ah yes, dance music, where the only thing you need is a rhythm and perhaps two left feet! Our guest stars for next time will be Tananai and Serafine—so mark your calendars, folks! Or at least set a reminder on your phone so you can watch it while pretending to be busy.
In conclusion, the second X Factor Live Show brought us the laughs and the drama that reality TV is supposed to deliver, mixed in with a dash of nostalgia from some classic hits. As for Pablo Murphy? You might be out of the competition, but you’ll always have our hearts—unless, of course, you start singing Phil Collins in the shower again. Until next time!
So grab your popcorn and tune in for what’s sure to be another rollercoaster of performances, emotions, and, who knows, maybe even a proposal or two on the X Factor stage. Because if there is one thing we know for sure about these shows, it’s that you never really know when love will strike between an Irish crooner and an enthusiastic fan shouting “Vote for me!” from the back row.
There you have it. A good blend of humor, observations, and a bit of cheekiness—perfect for keeping readers engaged while wrapping up the latest X Factor drama!
Lots of emotions were palpable during the exhilarating second X Factor Live Show, where the air was thick with anticipation and excitement. Georgie kicked off the event with a captivating performance of his new single Nothing Bad, captivating the judges and setting a lively tone for the evening. The judging panel was graced with our favorites: Manuel Lambs, Jake The Fury, Paola Iezzi, and Achille Laura, all eager to provide their insights.
In a dramatic turn of events, Pablo Murphy found himself eliminated after a nail-biting ‘final clash’ against EL MA. Before exiting the stage of XF2024, the Italian-Scottish singer-songwriter conveyed his heartfelt gratitude to the fans and offered a special message to his girlfriend.
The highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the guest performance from Gaia, who energizingly made the audience dance with her infectious tunes, including hits like Goddess Sapphic and Sex and Samba.
Ercoaster of emotions in the next Live Show! The contestants are gearing up to bring their A-game, and with dance music as the theme, we can expect some thrilling performances that will have everyone on their feet—or at least grooving in their seats.
Just remember, as we dive into the upbeat vibes of dance music, the judges will be on the lookout for those standout moments that make or break a performance. Will anyone surprise us with a remix of a beloved classic? Who knows! But that’s the beauty of X Factor—anything can happen.
So, whether you’re a fan of heartfelt ballads or you’re all about that bass, make sure to catch the next episode. And who knows, maybe we’ll witness a new star rise from the dance floor. Until then, keep those karaoke dreams alive, and remember: even if you don’t win, you’re still a superstar in your own right. See you next time!