Emmanuel Macron will not be in a meeting on Saturday in Marseille, as planned

Emmanuel Macron’s first campaign meeting will not be held on Saturday September 5 in Marseille. “No meeting stalled this weekend at this stage”, has learned The world with La République en marche, on Monday, February 28, when it was the date and place planned – in Chanot Park, precisely – for the current head of state to finally descend into the arena, during of a first public meeting of candidate.

A few days before the deadline for filing the sponsorships necessary to stand for the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron has still not officially informed the French of his desire to stand again. However, his declaration of candidacy is only a matter of days. Indeed, Monday, March 7, the President of the Constitutional Council, Laurent Fabius, will proclaim the official list of candidates.

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However, the war in Ukraine forced the head of state to shake up his plans. Emmanuel Macron says he is very attached to the idea of ​​proving that he chairs “until the last quarter of an hour”according to those around him.

The French head of state was still meeting Monday morning with a defense council devoted to Ukraine, before participating in a videoconference with foreign leaders. According to a source inside the presidential party, contacted by Agence France-Presse, “the discussion on a possible cancellation had started at the end of last week”Insofar as “no one imagines an expression of fervor on Saturday because of the international context”.

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