Emmanuel Macron salutes the action of a “motley” army

Emmanuel Macron salutes the action of a “motley” army

The celebration of the 80th anniversary of the landing in Provence takes place this Thursday, August 15, 2024, in the presence of the French president and many African heads of state. Emmanuel Macron arrived in the morning at the Boulouris necropolis in Saint-Raphaël (Var), where the ceremony began. It is here that the president welcomed, under a cloudy sky, many personalities and some African counterparts.

French President Emmanuel Macron welcomes Togolese President Faure Gnassingbé during a ceremony marking the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Provence during World War II, at the Boulouris National Cemetery (“necropolis nationale”) in Boulouris-sur-Mer, southeastern France, on August 15, 2024. | CHRISTOPHE SIMON/AFP View full screen French President Emmanuel Macron welcomes Togolese President Faure Gnassingbé during a ceremony marking the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Provence during World War II, at the Boulouris National Cemetery (“necropolis nationale”) in Boulouris-sur-Mer, southeastern France, on August 15, 2024. | CHRISTOPHE SIMON/AFP

Initially, the reception of the guests was to take place on the amphibious helicopter carrier Dixmude but bad weather conditions put paid to this event. The historical evocation of the landing of Provence in Toulon was also cancelled.

A particularly marked tribute was paid to the soldiers from the former French colonies in Africa for their role in the liberation of France. Although France’s diplomatic difficulties in Africa reduced the list of those present, a strong tribute was paid to the soldiers from the former French colonies who fought alongside the French from metropolitan France.

French President Emmanuel Macron (right) welcomes Gabonese transitional president Brice Oligui Nguema. | CHRISTOPHE SIMON/AFP View full screen French President Emmanuel Macron (right) welcomes Gabonese transitional president Brice Oligui Nguema. | CHRISTOPHE SIMON/AFP

“Officers of the Empire or children of the Sahara, natives of Casamance or Madagascar, […] they were not of the same generation, they were not of the same confession, […] Yet they were the army of the nation, the most fervent and the most motley army.”recalled the French head of state at the international necropolis of Boulouris-sur-Mer.

Read also: INTERVIEW. 80 years ago, the landing in Provence, “a major event”

Speeches with similar resonances

The ceremony opened with military songs in this necropolis which houses the remains of hundreds of French soldiers who died in the fighting of August 1944. The choir was surrounded by heads of state and veterans.

Here, the national necropolis of Boulouris brings together the bodies of 464 French soldiers who died for France during the fighting in August 1944. | STÉPHANE GEUFROI / ARCHIVES OUEST-FRANCE View in full screen Here, the national necropolis of Boulouris brings together the bodies of 464 French soldiers who died for France during the fighting in August 1944. | STÉPHANE GEUFROI / ARCHIVES OUEST-FRANCE

Cameroonian President Paul Biya spoke on behalf of the foreign presidents. “No Allied victory without the contribution of other peoples, without foreigners”he said. “This struggle was fought together, to defend the universal values ​​and ideals of peace and justice”continued Mr. Biya, emphasizing the role played by the “fighters” came from Africa, “heirs of immemorable warrior traditions, admirable in courage, audacity and loyalty”.

Six veterans decorated with the Legion of Honor

“All those who recognize themselves as French have a vocation to be together”Emmanuel Macron acknowledged in a second speech.

After his speech, the Legion of Honor was awarded by the Head of State to six veterans, including five French and one foreigner.

French President Emmanuel Macron presents military decorations to a veteran. | CHRISTOPHE SIMON/AFP View full screen French President Emmanuel Macron presents military decorations to a veteran. | CHRISTOPHE SIMON/AFP

“France had forgotten us, but they are making up for lost time”added Oumar Diémé, invited among a delegation of five former riflemen to the Boulouris necropolis, where 464 soldiers killed in French uniform in August 1944 rest.

French President Emmanuel Macron shakes hands with a veteran. | CHRISTOPHE SIMON/AFP View full screen French President Emmanuel Macron shakes hands with a veteran. | CHRISTOPHE SIMON/AFP

Tribute to the soldiers of Army “B” of General de Lattre de Tassigny

On August 15, 1944, some 100,000 soldiers, mainly American, Canadian and British, landed on the beaches of the Var, opening the way to more than 250,000 French from Army “B”, composed mainly of troops from the French colonies in Africa, who recaptured Toulon and then Marseille in less than two weeks.

French President Emmanuel Macron pays tribute to soldiers who fell for France after laying a wreath during the ceremony. | CHRISTOPHE SIMON/AFP View full screen French President Emmanuel Macron pays tribute to soldiers who fell for France after laying a wreath during the ceremony. | CHRISTOPHE SIMON/AFP

This success contributed to the liberation of Europe thanks to the material transported via these two Mediterranean ports. But it also allowed France, humiliated in 1940, to sit at the victors’ table thanks to the massive commitment of its forces in Provence while it was only symbolic in Normandy.

Placed under the orders of General de Lattre de Tassigny, Army “B”, the future “First Army”, included 84,000 French from North Africa, 12,000 soldiers from the Free French Forces (FFL) loyal to General de Gaulle and 12,000 Corsicans, but also 130,000 soldiers known as “Muslims”from Algeria and Morocco, and 12,000 soldiers from the colonial army, such as Senegalese riflemen, or porpoises from the Pacific and the Antilles.



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