Emmanuel Macron in Moscow this Monday to meet Vladimir Putin…

7:20 am: Towards a large-scale invasion?

Can a war really break out on the border between Ukraine and Russia? The scenario, feared for several weeks and having pushed Westerners to increase diplomatic time to find a way out of the crisis, could well become a reality according to Washington. US Intelligence estimates that Russia is stepping up preparations for a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and that it already has 70% of the force necessary for such an operation.

As the Russian military continues to strengthen around Ukraine, the master of the Kremlin should have sufficient forces for a large-scale invasion, or 150,000 men, in mid-February, Intelligence told US elected officials. and European allies. If the Russian president chooses the most radical option, he could encircle Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, and overthrow President Volodymyr Zelensky in forty-eight hours.

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