Emirati drama ‘Al-Mamlouk’ wins two awards in Jordan


July 5, 2024

18:39 PM

Ahmed Abdullah Rashid Wins Best Director Award

Amman: The Gulf
The Emirati play “Al-Mamlouk” won Best Director and Acting awards at the 19th International Free Theatre Festival in Jordan.
Ahmed Abdullah Rashid received the Best Director award, and Abdullah Ahmed Khadim won the Best Actor award during the festival’s closing ceremony Thursday evening at the Royal Cultural Center in Amman. Mohammed Abadi, chairman of the Jordanian Artists Syndicate, and members of the festival’s Supreme Committee attended the ceremony.
The jury, chaired by Sudanese artist Ali Mahdi, confirmed the Emirati production of Dibba Al-Fujairah Theatre, based on the text “Ras al-Mamluk Jaber” by Saadallah Wannous, deserved the award, highlighting the play’s superiority and excellence. The jury, chaired by Sudanese artist Ali Mahdi, who directed and acted in the festival’s second youth track, which included seven competing plays, confirmed the production was worthy of the award, noting the play’s superiority and excellence.
The Palestinian drama “Pedro and the Captain” won the gold medal for best overall production at the first international stage, and Ihab Zahida won the best director award.
The Iraqi drama “Happy Life” won the Silver Award for Best Overall Work alongside the Special Jury Prize, while the bronze medal was awarded to the Jordanian drama “Hana”.
Haitham Moumni and Marawan Al-Missawi won the Best Actor Award for the International Track for the Tunisian drama “11.14”, while Suheir Fahd won the Best Actress Award for “Hanay” and Samah won the Best Actress Award for the Kuwaiti drama “Situations and Dialogues”.
The jury awarded Dr. Fahd Al-Mozn the prize for Best Scenography for “Situations and Dialogues” from the same repertoire, which included 6 competing plays.
The festival’s Higher Committee presented the Arab Theatre Authority with a special shield of honor in appreciation of its support and cultural and artistic role.

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What is a `div` Element?

The `div` element, short for “division,” is a block-level element in HTML that serves as a generic container for other HTML elements. It is often used to create sections, columns, or rows within a webpage, providing structure and organization. While semantically neutral, the `div` element is highly versatile and can be styled to achieve various visual effects.

Key Features of the `div` Element

  • Block-Level Element: `div` elements always occupy the full width of their parent element, creating a new block of content.
  • Container for Other Elements: You can nest any other HTML elements within a `div`, including text, headings, images, and other containers.
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Using `div` Elements for Website Organization

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1. Content Sections

A classic use case involves dividing a webpage into distinct content sections. By wrapping relevant content within `div` elements and applying CSS styles, you can create visual separators and organize information in a logical manner.

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2. Columns and Grid Layouts

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5. Images and Multimedia Content

You can use `div` elements to position, style, and group images and other multimedia content. For instance, you might create a `div` element to contain an image with a caption, applying styles to control the overall appearance.

Best Practices for Using `div` Elements

Here are some best practices to follow when working with `div` elements:

1. Semantic Clarity

While `div` elements are semantically neutral, strive to convey meaning and context through your HTML structure. When possible, use more specific elements like `

`, `

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