Emerging Warnings: The Mental Health Implications of Common ADHD Treatments

2024-09-12 05:40:00

People taking high doses of Adderral, a stimulant popular in the US to combat attention deficit disorder that is not available in France, are more than five times more likely to develop it, according to a study published Thursday. a psychosis (loss of contact with reality) or a mania (abnormally high energy phase, erratic behavior).

However, there are no clear guidelines on maximum doses, and The number of young adults using the drug has increased since the Covid-19 pandemic, largely as part of the rise of telemedicine.

The study was conducted by a team led by psychiatrist Lauren Moran of Mass General Brigham Hospital in Boston. Moran became interested in the topic earlier in her career, after seeing many college students seek medical attention.

Warning on the drug label

When the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) learned of these cases in the 2000s, it added a warning to the drug label. But relatively little research has been done to quantify side effect rates or how they relate to dosage.

Lauren Moran and her colleagues looked at medical records of people aged 16 to 35 who were admitted to Mass General Brigham hospitals between 2005 and 2019. This is the typical age of onset for psychosis.

The researchers have identified 1,374 people experiencing their first episode of psychosis or mania, and compared them to 2,748 patients hospitalized for other psychiatric disorders.

By analyzing Adderall use over the past month and accounting for other variables such as drug use, They were able to specifically determine the impact of stimulants.

They found that people who took the‘Adderall were 2.68 times more likely to have been hospitalized for psychosis or mania than those who had not taken it – and this probability increased to 5.28 times for higher doses (40 milligrams and above).


A separate analysis found no increased risk with Ritalin, another stimulant prescribed for ADHD. Moran said that may be due to differences in how the two drugs work.

They both increase levels of dopamine, which is involved in motivation and learning. However, while Adderall, an amphetamine, increases dopamine release, Ritalin works by blocking its reabsorption.

To Lauren Moran, The study demonstrates the need to clearly indicate maximum doses on labels. The latter currently recommend treating patients with 20 milligrams, but in practice doctors prescribe widely varying doses.

This is partly because more advanced ADHD symptoms require a higher dose. But the researcher has sometimes observed “negligence in the prescriptions”. Patients can also find a doctor who will prescribe the desired dose.

“People, like some doctors, may think that it is possible to eliminate all symptoms of ADHD, but that is not realistic.”added Lauren Moran.

Telemedicine services are being criticized for overprescribing Adderall, contributing to shortages that can leave those who truly need the treatment deprived.

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) proposed revoking the authorization for Aderall to be prescribed by these telemedicine services, but in the face of an outcry, it ultimately extended the authorization until the end of 2024.

#Popular #Attention #Deficit #Disorder #Drug #Linked #Mental #Health #Risks

Adderall mania symptoms

The Alarming Link Between Adderall and Psychosis: What You Need to Know

Adderall, a stimulant commonly prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), has been⁣ found to increase ‌the risk of psychosis, particularly in individuals taking high doses. This is a ⁣pressing concern, ​as ​the number of young⁣ adults⁣ using the drug​ has surged since the COVID-19 pandemic, largely due to the rise of telemedicine.

Understanding⁤ Adderall ⁣Psychosis

Adderall psychosis is⁢ a severe mental health condition that can emerge from the misuse of Adderall [1[1[1[1[1[1[1[1]. It involves⁤ experiencing psychotic symptoms, such as a loss of contact with reality or abnormally ⁣high energy phases⁢ accompanied​ by erratic behavior. Research suggests that people taking ⁣high⁣ doses⁢ of Adderall are⁤ more than five ‍times more likely to⁢ develop psychosis or mania [2[2[2[2[2[2[2[2].

The Study: A ‌Closer Look

A recent study, led by psychiatrist Lauren Moran of Mass General Brigham Hospital in Boston, shed light on the ‍relationship between Adderall use⁤ and the​ risk of psychosis. The researchers analyzed medical records of individuals aged 16 to 35 who were admitted to Mass General Brigham hospitals between 2005 and 2019. They identified 1,374 people experiencing their first episode of psychosis or mania ⁤and compared them to 2,748 ​patients hospitalized for‍ other psychiatric disorders.

The study found that people who‌ took Adderall were 2.68 times more likely to have been hospitalized for‍ psychosis or mania than those who had not taken it. Moreover, the probability increased to 5.28 times for higher doses (40 milligrams and above)⁣ [3[3[3[3[3[3[3[3].

Telemedicine and ‌the ⁣Rise of Adderall Use

The COVID-19 pandemic ‍has ‍contributed to the increase in Adderall ​use among ​young adults, particularly through telemedicine. With the ease of online prescriptions,⁤ individuals can access the drug more readily, which has⁤ led to concerns about the lack of clear guidelines on‌ maximum doses. This ambiguity has resulted in varying doses being⁢ prescribed,​ with ⁤some patients seeking higher doses to⁣ eliminate all symptoms of ADHD.

The Need for Clear Guidelines

Lauren Moran emphasizes the need to‍ clearly indicate maximum doses on labels, as the current recommendations are often not followed⁢ in practice. The study ‍highlights the importance of responsible prescribing and monitoring of Adderall use⁣ to minimize ‌the risk of‌ psychosis⁣ and other adverse effects.


The‍ link between Adderall ‍and psychosis is a⁢ pressing concern that warrants attention. With the rise of telemedicine and the increasing use of Adderall among young adults, it is essential ​to ⁤establish clear guidelines⁣ on maximum doses and to educate patients and healthcare‍ professionals about the​ potential risks associated with⁣ the drug. By ⁤doing so, we can work towards minimizing the risk of ⁣psychosis and other‌ adverse effects, ensuring the safe and effective use of Adderall for those ‍who ​truly​ need it.

Schizophrenia and ADHD

Adderall Psychosis: Understanding the Risks and Symptoms

Adderall, a prescription drug used to treat attention deficit disorder (ADD), has been linked to an increased risk of psychosis and mania, particularly when taken in high doses. A recent study published in 2023 found that people taking high doses of Adderall are more than five times more likely to develop psychosis or mania [[1]]. This article will explore the symptoms of Adderall psychosis, the risks associated with high doses, and the importance of proper dosing and medical supervision.

What is Adderall Psychosis?

Adderall psychosis refers to a set of disturbing psychotic symptoms that may cause hallucinations, paranoia, intrusive or disturbing thoughts and emotions, and a loss of contact with reality [[3]]. These symptoms can be alarming and distressing for individuals experiencing them, and it’s essential to seek medical attention if they occur.

Symptoms of Adderall Psychosis

The symptoms of Adderall psychosis can vary in severity and may include:



Intrusive or disturbing thoughts and emotions

Loss of contact with reality

Abnormal energy and behavior

Irritability and mood swings

* Sleep disturbances

Risks of High Doses of Adderall

The study mentioned earlier found that people who took high doses of Adderall (40 milligrams and above) were 5.28 times more likely to be hospitalized for psychosis or mania [[1]]. This highlights the importance of proper dosing and medical supervision when taking Adderall.

The Role of Telemedicine in Adderall Prescriptions

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to an increase in the use of telemedicine, which has made it easier for people to access prescription drugs like Adderall online. However, this has also raised concerns about the lack of proper medical supervision and the potential for misuse or abuse of the drug.

Warning on the Drug Label

In the 2000s, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) added a warning to the Adderall drug label about the risk of psychosis and mania. However, there is still a need for more research to quantify side effect rates and how they relate to dosage.

The Need for Clear Guidelines on Maximum Doses

The study demonstrates the need for clear guidelines on maximum doses of Adderall to minimize the risk of psychosis and mania. Currently, doctors prescribe varying doses of Adderall, which can lead to inconsistent treatment and increased risk of side effects.


Adderall psychosis is a serious side effect that can occur when taking high doses of the drug. It’s essential to be aware of the risks and symptoms of Adderall psychosis and to seek medical attention if they occur. Proper dosing and medical supervision are crucial to minimize the risk of side effects, and clear guidelines on maximum doses are needed to ensure safe and effective treatment.







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