Emergency meeting under Hardalia about the fire in Attica

Nikos Hardalias convened an emergency meeting at the “OLYMPOS” Mobile Coordination Center for the large fire that is ongoing in Attica.

In more detail, today at 17:00 in the afternoon, a new broad meeting has been planned under the guidance of the Regional Governor of Attica, Mr. Nikos Hardalia. The meeting will take place at the “OLYMPOS” Mobile Operations Center, which will be located in the central square of Penteli.

The meeting will be attended by the Mayors and the authorized Deputy Mayors of the affected areas, in addition to the Regional Governor and the staff of the Fire Brigade. In particular, representatives from the Municipalities of Penteli, Dionysos, Marathon, Oropou and Rafina – Pikermio will participate, with the aim of jointly considering the current situation that prevails in the active fire fronts and coordinating the necessary actions that the involved bodies will have to take of Local Government within the next few hours. In this context, all available information from local fire stations will also be considered.

From the first moment the fires broke out, the Civil Protection mechanism of the Attica Region has been continuously in the field, offering significant support to the firefighting forces. The organization has mobilized all its available personnel and means, responding immediately to all requests for assistance.

At this moment, the Civil Protection of the Attica Region is assisting in the extinguishing effort, with a total of 60 water vehicles and 5 earthmoving machines. Of these, 38 water tankers and two earthmoving machines are operating in the most critical fire fronts of Eastern Attica, while another 17 water tankers and three earthmoving machines are available in other places where there is an immediate need for support. At the same time, 5 aquifers remain in Western Attica.

The Region of Attica continues to be alert, providing all possible assistance to the fire-affected areas, protecting residents and their properties. The continuous meetings and the increased presence of the forces in the field of operations demonstrate the dedication and determination in dealing with this difficult situation.

All residents of the affected areas are urged to remain calm and follow the instructions of the competent authorities for their own safety. At this difficult time, everyone’s solidarity and cooperation is essential to successfully meet the challenges posed by the ongoing fires.

#Emergency #meeting #Hardalia #fire #Attica



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