“Emergency”. Here’s what they are –

Italy is gripped by the heat. For a few days now, thermometers have started recording high temperatures once more. Blame it on high pressure, experts explain, who advise not to expose yourself to the sun during the hottest hours and to drink lots of water. This is also confirmed by the fact that seven cities will be on the red dot on July 11. These are Campobasso, Frosinone, Latina, Perugia, Rieti, Rome and Trieste. This is what the bulletin on heat waves for summer 2024 from the Ministry of Health reports.

Prolonged intense heat wave: Giuliacci is sure, it will be a hot July

The red dot (level three) “indicates emergency conditions (heat wave) with possible negative effects on the health of healthy and active people and not only on subgroups at risk such as the elderly, very young children and people with chronic diseases”. Also on Thursday, the orange dot is expected in Ancona, Bologna, Bolzano, Brescia, Florence, Pescara, Turin, Verona, Viterbo. Yellow dot in Bari, Catania, Civitavecchia, Messina, Milan, Palermo, Reggio Calabria and Venice. Green dot only in Cagliari, Genoa and Naples.

#Emergency #Heres #Tempo
2024-07-12 20:12:31



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