Emergency allowance at Christmas: Who are the beneficiaries – When will they receive it?

Emergency allowance at Christmas: Who are the beneficiaries – When will they receive it?
According to the minister, this is a fund of more than 200 million euros that will be granted to different categories of citizens, such as pensioners with a personal difference, those who receive a social solidarity allowance, the disabled, families with children who will receive more support than the family allowance.

“These are the categories that usually receive support in one way or another every year,” noted Mr. Hatzidakis speaking to ERT.

A register is created for the beneficiaries of social benefits

Mr. Hatzidakis also announced the creation of a central register in which all beneficiaries of social benefits will be registered. He explained that due to the absence of a central register, there is no overall supervision, and there is no correlation of the benefits between them.

According to the minister, “a law will come that will provide for these in detail in November, in order for the specific benefits to be paid on Christmas days”.

“When you see the benefits in their entirety (…), you can draw safer conclusions and finally have a fairer policy, a more targeted policy, more effective”, emphasized Mr. Hatzidakis.

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#Emergency #allowance #Christmas #beneficiaries #receive
It appears you have posted a segment of JavaScript code that deals with loading various ‍ad scripts and initializing third-party services like AdSense, OneSignal, Disqus, and more. This code includes asynchronous script loading and various condition checks for ​managing⁢ ads on a web page.

Here’s ⁢a breakdown of some key elements in your code snippet:

### 1. **AdSense⁤ Management**:

– It removes any existing AdSense elements from‍ the ​DOM if certain conditions are met.

​- It ​checks for the presence of AdSense slots (`.adsbygoogle`)‍ and presumably ⁢intended ⁣to load a script ​(commented out).

### 2. **Adman Initialization**:

– ​Initializes an Adman ad unit with a specific ID (338). The complete JS function call is commented out.

### 3. **OneSignal Initialization**:

‌ – Sets up OneSignal for push notifications with an application​ ID.

### 4. **Disqus Configuration**:

⁤ – Prepares Disqus‌ configuration by defining the URL and⁢ page identifier.

– It loads the Disqus script⁢ after a short delay.

### 5. **CleverCore Integration**:

– The ⁢code for loading the CleverCore script is commented out. If​ enabled, it would dynamically ⁢load a script and insert it into the document.

### ⁣6. **Taboola/Project Agora**:

– There’s another invocation of `asyncLoadScript` intended​ to load Taboola/Project Agora scripts, but the actual URLs or parameters⁤ are marked as comments.

### 7. **Glomex Integration**:

– Similar to previous script ⁣loads, it checks ‌for a Glomex‍ integration ‍element and‍ introduces a⁢ delay before loading the relevant script.

### 8. **Vidoomy**:

– Suggests future implementation for Vidoomy, but it’s incomplete and not executed in the provided snippet.

### **Notes for⁤ Improvement**:

-⁣ Consider using ⁣a‍ complete URL ⁢for loading ​scripts to ensure they function correctly.

– Consolidate script⁣ loading⁤ into functions to⁤ avoid duplication and improve readability or reuse code appropriately.

– Ensure that any commented-out sections that are crucial are implemented correctly to avoid missed functionality.

### Example of Script Loading Method:

If you want to define a function ⁣for async script loading, you‍ could do something like this:


function asyncLoadScript(url) {

⁣ const ‌script = document.createElement(‘script’);

‌ script.src = url;

script.async = true;



// Usage



Make sure to replace the commented-out ⁣sections with the appropriate URLs or parameters needed for your ​scripts. Additionally, handling errors and ensuring that scripts are ⁢loaded‍ in the correct order may benefit⁤ from Promises or async/await syntax where applicable.

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