Embracing the Future: Thriving in the Metaverse with 3D Rendering

2023-09-19 20:14:50
XH4D / Getty Images Working in metaverse 3d rending

XH4D / Getty Images

Working in metaverse 3d rending

TECHNOLOGY – Replace more than 200 jobs with artificial intelligence. This is not a new episode of the dystopian series Black Mirror but rather the future plan of the French branch of the company Onclusive, specialist in media monitoring and public relations. Its offices located in Courbevoie will get rid of 217 positions by June 2024, the daily revealed. Release and the radio France Culture.

This social plan concerns more than half of the company’s workforce, which has 383 employees. Three complete services will close their doors within a year, and be replaced by artificial intelligence. This will then be in charge of scanning the news and sending press reviews to the company’s clients, in particular banks, CAC 40 companies but also certain ministries.

“Today it’s us, but tomorrow? »

The company’s CEO, Rob Stone, announced the news by email to his employees. He explains that this plan must make it possible to “ become more agile and more competitive » by adopting “ new technologies and tools that will improve efficiency and accuracy.” He also justifies this choice by explaining that employees will have more interesting careers since they will be able to “focus on tasks with higher added value”.

This is one of the first large-scale social plans in France which replaces humans with an AI. The news is cause for concern among the company’s employees, many of whom believe that their job cannot be carried out as well by robots as by humans. “Today it’s us, but tomorrow? Professors, journalists, translators? “, asks one of them, interviewed by The Parisian.

The Minister Delegate in charge of Digital, Jean-Noël Barrot, for his part estimated that“we must prepare for this type of upheaval”, in an interview given to BFMTV this Monday. “This technology (AI) will create jobs, but there is a transition phase that must be supported”, he added. To do this, the government is creating the “national strategic committee for AI”. In the case of Onclusive, negotiations between management and the unions began this Monday and are expected to last three months.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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