Embracing the Excitement of Change and New Beginnings

Embracing the Excitement of Change and New Beginnings

From an early age she learned to endure pain and did not allow self-pity to make her a slave. A man of change and intense action, he worked for years at OTE and recently decided to close this chapter to dive into deep, but challenging, waters. Chrysa Driva, founder of Cdriva ProdActions and owner of “Art Lines“, flips through the pages of the album of her life with “P”.

-More intense memories from your childhood; How do you remember Chrysa little?

In my case, I literally travel from the amniotic sac! My family then lived in Arta (due to professional obligations), but my mother gave birth to me in a hospital in Athens. When I was five, we moved to Agrinio, where I came from, to the refugee district of Agios Konstantinos. Originally from Levisi in Asia Minor on my mother’s side, I lived there during my school years, among performances and hearings of multicultural interest, whitewashed courtyards, clean, simple and proud people.

My father, an incurable traveler, took us everywhere on every occasion. Because of my severe scoliosis that developed in infancy, frequent visits to hospitals in Greece and Edinburgh, Scotland were required. Little Chrysa describes her adventures as… excursion adventures! Only the photos and documents remind of orthopedic corsets, casts and operations. And the pain. He, even now, is reminded of him by the changes in the weather and by the… tantrums (laughs).

-After school you choose to study computer engineering because…

They were studies that came about purely because of skills. Basically it was a good reason to leave the countryside and spread my wings. I moved to Athens in 1990, where I stayed for 14 years. Professionally, Sales, Marketing, Management won me over. Although I love… screwdrivers, I would much rather communicate with people. In addition to the work experience and the seminars in Athens and Patras, when… I grew up, I studied Management at EAP. Currently, in fact, I am a postgraduate student in the English-language program MSc in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship.

-You worked at OTE for 28 years, climbing the hierarchy, first in Athens and then in Patras – really, what made you choose it? And how would you describe your path?

Since November 1995, I have been working at OTE, in the call centers as a service and sales representative. Despite my love for Athens, distances, costs and lack of time led me to move to Patras in 2004. I chose Patras for its geographical location. Here I developed professionally, taking on roles of responsibility. Those years were full of challenges, hard work, but also satisfaction.

-Your presence is strong in the Group’s Cultural events. Tell us about that experience.

I am an active member of the Cultural Center of OTE Patras Employees, having served as secretary and president, almost all the years I have lived in Patras. I manage the association’s communication and especially the electronic media (Social Media, website, media information). I also participated in club activities and especially in the Theater Group, where I also took part as an actor from 2008 to 2014, contributing to 22 plays.

From the Cultural Center, as well as from my professional development in the OTE group, I gained a lot, especially skills. Above all, the ability to give, take, share and achieve individual and group goals.

-After a long – and safe – journey, a year ago, you left everything behind for a new beginning. How did you decide on this risk and what is the C drive ProdActions;

In August 2023, I chose to leave OTE, accepting a voluntary exit program. Too young to retire and retire, but already experienced enough to have the supplies, in September 2023, I started a new independent professional activity as a producer, founding Cdriva ProdActions. I am already engaged in the production and promotion of conceptual fiction films that highlight the history of our places. Four of our films have qualified for festivals in Greece and abroad, one of them (“Zaloggo- After the End- Before the End”) received an award in the “Philosophy” category in India.

-Very recently you took another bold step. You have taken over the management of the “Art Lines” Multipurpose Culture Center. What’s your bet?

It is a venue that has already successfully hosted performances from bands inside and outside of Patras. From a technical point of view, it has been strengthened and will show theater, music and dance performances, films with the presence of the creators, book presentations, discussions, etc. It will host artistic educational workshops. The goal is to attract an active audience that thinks and chooses based on content. There is no competitive mood, due to nature and position; there is room everywhere for cultural and creative expression.

-You know the public of Patras well. How would you characterize it in terms of its relation to cultural becoming?

Patras, with its rich cultural history, has created a culture that demands high standards. Patrinoi, several of whom are actively involved, as well as known for their strictness as an audience (thankfully), encourage artists’ personal development and raise the bar.

-You have proven that you do not rest. You search, you dare, you fight the difficulties. What are your weapons in them?

I love the changes and the new. Any form of fear, when it dominates as an emotion, creates greater obstacles than the problems themselves. Something I’ve also struggled with and while I’ve gone through, I haven’t… stuck with, is self-pity. It’s a feeling that when you banish it, it magically vanishes any possible expression of pity from others, because it acts as a mirror. I will also add the strong values ​​I received and kept from my family and my environment. My big weapon is also easy access to the technology I own and use.

… I have the luck and the stamina to continue making my dreams come true!

The Unstoppable Chrysa Driva: A Journey​ of Triumph, Resilience, and Creativity

Chrysa Driva, the founder of Cdriva ProdActions and owner of “Art Lines” Multipurpose Culture Center, is a woman of incredible strength, passion, and ⁣determination. From an early age, she learned to endure pain and ‌did not allow self-pity to⁤ make her a slave. With a journey marked by⁢ intense action, Chrysa‍ has ⁣proven‍ that ⁢she is a force⁤ to be reckoned ‍with, and her story​ is an inspiration to all.

Early Life and ‍Memories

Chrysa’s early life was marked by frequent visits to ⁢hospitals in Greece and Edinburgh, Scotland, due ‍to her severe scoliosis. Despite the challenges, she describes her ‍adventures as “excursion​ adventures!” Her father, an incurable traveler, took her on ‍many trips, which instilled in her a sense of adventure and‌ exploration. The pain and difficulties of her childhood⁢ have only⁣ made her ⁤stronger and more resilient.

Education and Professional Career

After school, Chrysa chose to study computer engineering, which ‍led her to move to Athens in 1990. However, it was ‌her love for communication and people that led her to pursue a career in Sales, Marketing, and Management. She worked​ at OTE for 28 years, climbing the hierarchy and taking on roles of responsibility. Her professional journey has been ‍marked by⁤ hard work, challenges, and satisfaction.

Cultural Events and Community⁢ Involvement

Chrysa’s presence is strong in the Group’s Cultural events, where ‌she has been ⁣an active member of the Cultural ⁤Center‍ of OTE Patras Employees. She has served as secretary ​and president, and​ has been involved in the Theater Group, ‌participating in 22 plays⁤ from 2008 to 2014. Her‌ involvement in cultural events⁣ has ⁢helped her develop skills, particularly in communication and teamwork.

New Beginnings and Entrepreneurship

In August⁤ 2023, Chrysa decided to leave OTE and start a new chapter in her life. She founded Cdriva ProdActions, a production company that aims to produce conceptual⁤ fiction films‍ that highlight the history of our places. Four of her ⁣films have ⁣qualified for festivals in Greece and ⁣abroad, one of which received an award in the “Philosophy” category in India.

Taking Over “Art Lines” Multipurpose Culture Center

Recently, Chrysa took another bold step by taking over the management ​of the “Art Lines” Multipurpose Culture Center. The venue has already successfully hosted⁤ performances ‌from bands inside and outside of Patras. ‌Chrysa’s​ goal is to attract an active ⁢audience that thinks and chooses based on content, and to provide a platform for cultural and creative expression.

The Public of Patras and Cultural Becoming

Chrysa knows the public of Patras ​well, and characterizes it as ‍a culture that demands high standards. The people of ‍Patras are actively involved in promoting ‌cultural events, and encourage artists’ personal development and raise the bar.

Weapons in the Face of Difficulty

Chrysa’s ⁤weapons in the face of difficulty are her love for change,⁢ her willingness to dare, and her determination to fight against obstacles. ‍She believes that change is essential for growth, ⁢and that one ⁣should ⁢always be open ⁤to new experiences and learning opportunities.

Chrysa Driva’s story is a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and creativity. Her journey is an inspiration to ​all, and a reminder that with hard work and perseverance



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