Embracing New Horizons: The Exciting Start of the Academic Year

The Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Technological Innovation, Professor Hervé Ndoume Essingone, held a working session with university rectors and heads of the country’s leading grandes écoles. On the agenda of the discussions were preparations for the start of the academic year 2024-2025, scheduled for September 16. The National Scholarship Agency of Gabon (ANBG) and the National Center for University Works (CNOU) were also stakeholders in the discussions.

The discussions focused in particular on the coordination of actions to be taken to ensure an effective resumption and efficient organization of teaching and academic activities. The supervising minister stressed the importance of close collaboration between academic authorities and heads of establishments, in order to ensure optimal supervision of students.

This was precisely a matter of anticipating material and logistical needs, ensuring the recruitment of qualified teachers and preparing the infrastructure to accommodate students in good conditions..

“Regarding student orientation, everyone reported that the quotas of students expected in each university establishment and major schools have been respected to date and that the academic calendars have also been drawn up. Class and establishment councils will be held throughout this week, with a view to disseminating the academic calendar that has been drawn up, but also for the holding of certain skills-building sessions.”explained the Minister of Higher Education.

A sequence of the working session around the Minister of Higher Education © Gabonactu.com

Among the main topics discussed, the issue of infrastructure, digitalization of education and support for teachers occupied a central place, in a context where the country’s universities must face significant challenges, such as managing growing numbers and improving the quality of education.

“Today you can learn science and mathematics at Omar Bongo University. We will now train doctors in Franceville, as we plan to develop training programs in technologies and open up university prospects for our technical baccalaureate holders at the future university of Mouila.”argued Professor Hervé Ndoume Essingone

Through this meeting, the Minister in charge of Higher Education and the heads of universities and grandes écoles intend to anticipate the challenges linked to the upcoming opening of the academic year, in order to offer students optimal learning conditions.

This consultation thus marks an important step in the Gabonese authorities’ desire to guarantee quality education that is accessible to all, through new training offers in the various higher education structures. The countdown has therefore begun for the various players in the academic world, who now have until September 16 to finalize everything.

In a ministerial decree on the university calendar in higher education establishments in Gabon, the supervising minister set the limits of the academic year, from September to July, to definitively break with the vicious cycle of years “limitless and endless”.

The ministerial decree organizes the university calendar into two sessions: the main season (September – April) and the short season (May – July), each of which includes two semesters during which academic and scientific activities take place, in particular courses, practical work (TP), tutorials (TD), tests, exams, defenses and catch-ups.

Alph’-Whilem Eslie and Tryphene Lembah

2024-09-11 22:31:10
#start #university #year #prepared #earnest

What recent​ reforms have been implemented in Gabon’s higher ⁢education system to improve access and quality?

Gabon’s Higher Education System: Reforms and Innovations for a Brighter Future

In recent years, Gabon has been working to⁢ reform its education system, ​with a focus on improving⁤ the quality of education and increasing access to higher‍ education. The country has made significant progress, ​with reforms aimed at diversifying its economy and developing ⁤its human capital.

The Importance⁣ of Education in Gabon’s Development

Education is ⁣a key element⁢ of ‌Gabon’s development plans, as the country seeks to reduce its dependence on commodities and diversify its economy. The government has recognized the importance of investing in education to‍ develop the skills and knowledge needed to drive economic growth and development [[2]].

Reforms in the Education System

Gabon’s education system has undergone significant reforms in recent years, with a focus on increasing ‌access to education and improving its quality. In the 1960s and 1970s, the country made significant ⁣progress‌ in increasing the schooling of young people, with more than 90% of the population having access to education [[1]].

More recently, the government​ has introduced⁣ reforms aimed at aligning degree programs with the needs of the job market. The goal ‌is to ensure that graduates have the skills and knowledge needed to contribute to the country’s economic development ‍ [[2]].

Challenges Facing the‍ Education‍ System

Despite the progress ⁤made, Gabon’s education ​system still faces significant challenges. ‌One of the main challenges is managing ⁤the growing number of students and improving the quality​ of education. The country’s universities must also ⁤adapt to the changing needs of the ‍job market and ensure that graduates have the ⁢skills​ needed to succeed in an increasingly competitive economy [[3]].

Innovations in Education

To address these challenges, the government ‌has introduced ⁣innovations ‍in education, such ⁤as the digitalization of education and support for​ teachers. The goal ‌is to⁢ improve the‌ quality of education and increase access to education for all⁢ Gabonese students.

The Role of⁤ the Minister of⁢ Higher Education, Scientific‌ Research and Technological Innovation

The Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Technological Innovation, Professor Hervé Ndoume Essingone, ⁣has been working to address⁢ the challenges​ facing the education system. In a recent meeting with university rectors and heads of grandes écoles, the Minister stressed the importance of ​close collaboration between academic authorities and heads‌ of establishments to ensure optimal supervision of⁤ students.

Preparations ⁢for the Academic Year 2024-2025

The ‌meeting also focused‌ on preparations for the start of the academic⁤ year ‍2024-2025, which is scheduled to begin on September 16. The National Scholarship Agency of Gabon⁤ (ANBG) and the National Center ⁣for University Works (CNOU) were also stakeholders in the discussions.


Gabon’s education system has made significant progress⁣ in recent years, with reforms aimed at improving the quality‍ of education and increasing access to higher ⁤education. The government has​ recognized the importance of investing in education to develop the skills and knowledge ​needed to drive economic ‌growth and development. Despite the challenges facing⁣ the education system, the country is working to ‌address these challenges and ensure that all Gabonese students have ⁢access to​ quality education.

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) questions related to the topic “Education in Gabon: Preparing for the Academic Year 2024-2025”:

Education in Gabon: Preparing for the Academic Year 2024-2025

Gabon, a country located in Central Africa, has made significant strides in its education system in recent years. The government has emphasized the importance of education, ensuring that it is accessible to all citizens. In this article, we will delve into the current state of education in Gabon, the preparations for the upcoming academic year, and the challenges the country faces in its education sector.

Compulsory Education in Gabon

In Gabon, education is compulsory for children between the ages of 6 and 16 [1[1]. This means that all children within this age range must attend school, ensuring that they receive a basic education. However, despite this mandatory education policy, many children do not complete their studies, leading to a significant drop-out rate [2[2].

Preparations for the Academic Year 2024-2025

The Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Technological Innovation, Professor Hervé Ndoume Essingone, recently held a working session with university rectors and heads of the country’s leading grandes écoles to prepare for the start of the academic year 2024-2025, scheduled for September 16. The National Scholarship Agency of Gabon (ANBG) and the National Center for University Works (CNOU) were also stakeholders in the discussions.

The discussions focused on the coordination of actions to be taken to ensure an effective resumption and efficient organization of teaching and academic activities. The supervising minister stressed the importance of close collaboration between academic authorities and heads of establishments to ensure optimal supervision of students.

Challenges Facing Gabon’s Education System

Gabon’s education system faces several challenges, including managing growing numbers and improving the quality of education. The country must also address the issue of infrastructure, digitalization of education, and support for teachers.

The ministerial decree on the university calendar in higher education establishments in Gabon has set the limits of the academic year, from September to July, to break with the vicious cycle of years “limitless and endless.” The decree organizes the university calendar into two sessions: the main season (September – April) and the short season (May – July), each of which includes two semesters during which academic and scientific activities take place.


education is a vital aspect of Gabon’s development, and the government is taking steps to ensure that all citizens have access to quality education. While there are challenges facing the education system, the preparations for the academic year 2024-2025 demonstrate the government’s commitment to improving education in Gabon. As the country moves forward, it is essential to address the existing challenges and ensure that the education system is equipped to meet the needs of its citizens.


[1] La scolarité au Gabon. (n.d.). Retrieved from

[2] EDUCATION – Gabonews. (n.d.). Retrieved from

[3] Le système éducatif gabonais. (2021). Retrieved from

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