2023-09-17 12:25:44
“What is valuable is not in the domain, but in the ability to serve and donate towards all that is created. Nothing and no one is excluded from that fraternal responsibility.”
We move in the surprise that shakes us creatively, to recreate ourselves in hope. Without a doubt, it is just time to rethink the times and the era of transformative global change, which we must share equitably in its prosperity, without leaving anyone behind. As humans, in fact, it is better for us to stop to adapt to a changing world and, in addition, to contain ourselves in the recreation of exercise. Let’s not be in a hurry, but let’s not activate the “watch them pass” pause, or let’s impose indifference like a stone. The strength lies in making a family, in rebuilding ties and in feeling part of the humanitarian home, open to the novelty of understanding and caring for each other, to be able to move forward. Be that as it may, as soon as we delve into each person’s self, we will discover that the greatest remodeling begins with our interiors, capable of both harmonizing and altering natural balances. Hence, the need to seriously call for a new lifestyle, where the sense of the value of the person and human life prevails, under its original conception.
Undoubtedly, the phenomenon of change that lies in each of us is the responsible foundation that we forge from experience. This cannot move away from one’s own identity, which is constantly evolving, taking into account its nature encompassed in love as a regeneration of the spirit. Of course, it will be good to try to remake ourselves every day, especially in a world that faces increasingly complex crises, from poverty and inequality to the climate emergency. The important thing is to get out of the self locked in itself, to lead oneself and redirect oneself to the reunion, without abuse, ideological manipulations or arbitrary decisions. Because if creation does not end, even if only to sustain and sustain what is created, recreation makes us persevere in custody. Being fruitful with a beating heart to face the barrage of strife and direct humanity towards harmony, stability and prosperity for all, is a collective task. In short, we all deserve a better future and a present between hope and memory.
What is past is past. Consequently, it is never too late to dream of a future open to experiential windows, which are the ones that truly delight and magnetize us as masters, not as owners. What is valuable is not in the domain, but in the ability to serve and donate towards all that is created. Nothing and no one is excluded from that fraternal responsibility. Consequently, we must slow down to observe what surrounds us, take in the progress and avoid setbacks; and, at the same time, recover the values and great principles that humanize us in favor of the grouped good. It is true that the world requires action, but also reaction in the face of the increase in words that polarize and confuse us, in the face of the lack of credibility that the inhabitants of the planet suffer from one another. Hopefully we learn to get out of this unjust reality, choosing dignity over humiliation and forgiveness instead of hate. The solution to problems depends on the individual, on good prevailing over evil, defending human rights, accepting our common humanity, pending the continuous embrace of the soul.
It would not be amiss, therefore, to generate recreation programs with healthy practices and solidarity initiatives. The spirit tends towards a state of life that transcends daily chores, towards other living intervals that give us peace and rest, in order to regain strength and be able to be reborn with an innovative spirit that brings us closer, to be able to act better for the good of all. As a result of this changing creation, we have to evolve, but above all it is necessary to highlight existential values, not so much the struggle for life, but rather the wise sensitive intellect and loving as a source of encouragement, which knows no borders. Maybe we have to talk regarding three languages: that of the mind, that of the heart and that of the hands. What is evident is that everything requires sharing and persevering in the work of service; inducing the amazement of beauty, like true poets on guard. It is in our hands to improve the changing creation, focusing our time on giving ourselves, beginning by assuming the beneficent role in the lives of our descendants. Otherwise, the lineage will have no continuity.
September 17, 2023