Embrace Biodiversity: Exploring Eric’s Punk Garden & its Impact on Nature Preservation

2023-09-19 10:18:52

For Eric, that’s the real question. His punk garden is an answer. It shakes up the established order which would like us to have clean gardens, as beautiful as successful posters that we find identical everywhere: a well-mowed lawn as welcoming to biodiversity as a playground painted green , flowerbeds and flowerbeds where not a single “weed” has a place. He sees it, without judgment, as the expression of a certain pride in having shaped nature, sometimes even a social revenge when one grew up without a garden. Eric, for his part, appeals to disorder and humility, for other reasons. His punk garden is his contribution to the preservation of biodiversity, his homage to this natural disorder which makes this biodiversity so rich. Bringing it back wherever possible is his way of staying true to the punk battle cry: “No Future”. We don’t know what the future will bring, we can just act here and now. Live, here and now, without ruining what remains of nature and work to preserve it, as much as we can, with the means at our disposal.

#Punk #attitude #life #garden

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