Emanuela Orlandi: Unraveling the Mystery Behind the Cassette Tapes and the Bulgarian Connection

Gabriel Imperial

September 5, 2024

Once again the international trail with the Bulgarian secret services and the Stasi: here is the latest news on the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi and this time one of the very first findings regarding the case is being examined by investigators. Two audio cassettes delivered a little less than a month after the young woman disappeared, first to the Vatican and then to the Ansa agency. After more than forty years, the tape on which the torture of a girl was recorded on one side and an appeal for the release of Ali Agca, the attacker of John Paul II, in exchange for the release of the girl on the other, could be decisive in revealing what really happened to the young Vatican citizen. The reason is easily explained. First of all, it must be said that this is not the first time that the audio cassettes have been talked about. The mystery surrounding them has in fact made the news several times. First of all because the originals of the two tapes – one found along the colonnade of St. Peter’s Square, the other delivered 3 days later to Ansa on the evening of Sunday 17 July 1983 – were destroyed and their content transferred to other devices. Then because of their content. The Ansa one was listened to immediately by the investigators. On side A a male voice asked for the release of Ali Agca in exchange for the return of the young woman to her family. On side B instead the moans of a woman could be heard.

Orlandi, that detail revealed by the Amerikano. The last mystery: How did he know?

No doubts for Orlandi’s family members who immediately recognized Emanuela’s voice in the recording. According to Corriere della Sera, the main new development on the audio cassettes is to be found in the “undercurrent” of the tape. In fact, listening again to the contents of side A would confirm that the person who speaks and proposes the exchange between Orlandi and Agca was indeed in contact with the girl’s kidnappers. To ascertain the man’s identity, a sound analysis was done on the voice and it emerged that, with a 78% match, the person speaking is Marco Accetti, a very well-known figure in the Orlandi case and considered for years only a mythomaniac seeking notoriety in the wake of the disappearance of the Vatican citizen but connected in some way to the case. His voice had already been identified as that of the American, the man who telephoned the girl’s family a few days after her disappearance. The new sensational involvement in the affair could open up other scenarios. According to the newspaper, in fact, he may not have been one of the robbers, but at least an operational pawn.

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Accetti’s role aside, the Corriere hypothesizes what the kidnappers’ real objective was: the kidnapping of Orlandi, despite the requests contained on side A, was not intended to free Ali Agca, but to cover up the Bulgarian instigators of the attack on John Paul II. Diverting the investigation would have thus contributed to not stopping that dialogue with the East in line with the “Ostpolitik” – the normalization of relations between East and West Germany so desired by Cardinal Casaroli. Judge Ilario Martella, head of the investigation into the attack on Pope John Paul II in 1981 and in charge of the Emanuela Orlandi case from 1985 to 1990, also believes in the international lead and in the involvement of Bulgarian spies and the Stasi in the case. The magistrate has clarified several times that he consulted some files declassified after 1989 containing messages exchanged between Bulgarian ministers and the head of the Stasi, Erich Mielke, in which they toasted the acquittal of the other perpetrators of the attack on John Paul II.

#Emanuela #Orlandi #lead #cassette #tapes #Bulgarian #secret #services #resurface #Tempo
2024-09-06 17:29:39
Uncovering the Mystery of Emanuela Orlandi’s‍ Disappearance: New ​Developments and International Connections

The disappearance of ‍Emanuela Orlandi, a young Vatican citizen, has been shrouded⁤ in mystery for​ over 40 years. Recent developments have shed ‍new light on the case, revealing potential connections to the ​Bulgarian secret services ⁢and⁢ the Stasi. In this article, we⁣ will delve into the ‌latest news and explore the international⁣ trail that may‌ finally uncover the truth behind Orlandi’s ⁣disappearance.

The Audio Cassettes: A Key to Unlocking the Case

In July‌ 1983, two audio cassettes were delivered to the‍ Vatican ‍and the⁢ Ansa agency, respectively.⁤ The contents of these ‍tapes have ​been a topic of interest and speculation for decades. ‌One side ‍of the tape features a‍ male voice demanding the release of ‍Ali Agca, the attacker of ⁣John Paul II, in exchange for Orlandi’s safe return. The other side contains the sounds of a ⁢woman’s torture, which ⁣Orlandi’s family members have identified as her voice.‌ Despite​ the originals being ⁤destroyed, the contents were transferred to other devices, and recent analysis has revealed new information.

Marco ‍Accetti: A Suspect with International Connections

Sound analysis of the male voice on the tape has identified Marco Accetti, ​a well-known figure in the Orlandi ⁣case, ​as the speaker.‍ Accetti’s voice matches the recording



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