ELSTAT: How many companies closed, how many opened in 2022

ELSTAT: How many companies closed, how many opened in 2022

In particular, in 2022, 90,224 businesses were established, with a total employment of 230,606 people. Of these, 59,465 were self-employed, while 72,574 businesses did not employ employees. Most of these institutions were concerned with “professional, scientific and technical activities”. Specifically, 16,271 businesses (18%) were opened from this sector. Several from the “wholesale and retail trade” sector followed (14,641 businesses, 16.2%), as well as “accommodation and catering services” businesses (10,784 businesses, 12%).

They lowered the blinds

Accordingly, in 2022, 28,214 businesses closed, with a total employment of 40,848 people. Of these, 25,735 were self-employed, while 21,692 did not employ employees. The majority of “lockouts” were related to businesses operating in “wholesale and retail trade” (7,852 businesses, 27.8%). This was followed by enterprises providing “accommodation and catering services” (5,402 enterprises, 19.1%) and “professional, scientific and technical activities” (3,980 enterprises, 14.1%).


Meanwhile, the number of high-growth businesses in 2022 reached 5,613, with 333,548 employees. It is noted that high-growth businesses for 2022 are defined as those that employed 10 employees in 2019 and had an average annual increase in the number of employees of more than 10% per year, for the period 2019-2022.

And the number of high-growth young companies, also known as gazelles, in 2022 reached 797, with 37,337 employees. For 2022, gazelles are identified as companies that were established in 2017 or 2018, employed 10 employees in 2019 and had an average annual increase in the number of employees of more than 10% per year, for the period 2019-2022.


The regions in which the highest percentage of business establishment was recorded in relation to the number of active businesses in the same region were Attica (11.28%) and South Aegean (10%).

As for the regions in which the largest percentage of “locks” was recorded in relation to the number of active businesses in the same region, Western Macedonia (4.11%) and Central Macedonia (3.92%) were recorded.

Finally, the Regions in which the highest percentage of high-growth businesses were recorded in relation to the number of active businesses in the same region were Attica (0.74%) and Crete (0.65%).

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// Phaistos Adman

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#ELSTAT #companies #closed #opened

OneSignal ⁣send notification ⁢to specific user

It looks like you’ve provided⁤ a chunk ⁢of JavaScript code that seems to be ⁤related to loading various ad services, ⁢analytics, and notification platforms on a webpage. This code ⁣example potentially includes ⁢functionalities for​ AdSense, OneSignal for push notifications, ​Disqus for comments, and a few ‌others like Taboola, Glomex, and Dalecta.

Here’s ⁣a simplified overview of what each section is likely intended to do:

1.⁣ **AdSense Handling**:

⁤ – The code checks if there are ⁢any AdSense slots on the page and attempts to⁢ load them dynamically if ​they exist.

2. **Phaistos Adman**:

– There’s a reference to loading ⁤an advertisement ‍unit with a specific ID,⁢ indicating⁤ communication with the Phaistos Adman service.

3. **OneSignal**:

– The OneSignal service⁢ is‍ initialized with a given ⁣app ID for push notifications.

4. ‍**Disqus Comments**:

– The Disqus configuration ​is set up, which will include ​a unique identifier for the discussion thread.

5. **CleverCore (commented out)**:

⁣ -‍ This section is commented and pertains ⁣to⁣ loading the CleverCore advertising script.

6. **Taboola and Project Agora**:

– References to load ⁢respective advertising ⁤or content recommendation scripts.

7. **Glomex**:

‍ -​ A ⁢check ‍to see if a specific element for Glomex exists, followed by​ a ​delayed ⁤loading of‍ a module likely related to that service.

8. **Dalecta**:

-⁤ Similar to Glomex, it involves a delayed script loading for another service.

### Areas ⁣to Note:

– **`asyncLoadScript` and `asyncLoadModule` Functions**: These functions‍ appear to be responsible​ for loading scripts ⁣dynamically. The‍ exact details ‍of these functions would determine⁣ the actual loading behavior.

– **`setTimeout` Usage**: Various setTimeout‌ calls indicate⁣ an⁢ intention to​ delay some script executions, possibly to ensure that the DOM is fully loaded or to manage timing based on user interaction.

– **Placeholder ‌Strings**: There ‌are many instances of incomplete or placeholder strings (e.g., `asyncLoadScript(‘`, `this.page.url=”`, etc.) that suggest the actual URLs or ⁤script sources ‍are meant to​ be ⁣filled⁢ in later.

### Recommendations:

– Ensure all placeholder values are populated with actual URLs before deployment.

– Review the structure for potential errors⁣ or‌ incomplete logic.

-⁢ If this is part of a larger system, consider separating‌ concerns ‍for better maintainability and readability—like abstracting the ad loading logic into dedicated functions.

– Test the script across ⁤different ⁤environments to verify‌ behavior, especially​ the ⁢asynchronous loading⁤ parts.

If you ​have specific questions or need further clarification on any part of the code, let me know!

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