Elsa Llorente, journalist for ‘La Sexta’ and Cadena SER, dies too young

The world of journalism is in mourning following the news of the death yesterday of Elsa Llorente, a well-known journalist for La Sexta and Cadena SER, at the age of 43. The professional, who had dedicated her life to reporting and analyzing economic and labor issues, lost her battle with cancer.

The passing of Elsa Llorente has left a deep sadness in her family, and also in all her colleagues, who had great affection for her.

| Atresmedia

The death of Elsa Llorente

Cancer, a disease that affects millions of people around the world, has been the cause of Elsa Llorente’s death. Despite advances in medicine and research, this disease continues to claim lives, and Elsa’s death is a huge loss.

Her passing has left a huge void, not only in her professional life, but also in her personal life. Her family, especially her husband Iago Panea, a television producer, and her two children, Manuel and Claudia, are deeply affected by this loss. And so is her sister Lidia, also a member of La Sexta.

Elsa Llorente: a distinguished career in the media

Elsa Llorente began her career on the CNN+ channel, where she quickly stood out. Her talent led her to join La Sexta, a channel where she worked for 12 years. During this time, she participated in emblematic programs such as Better late y The Sixth Columnwhere his work was widely recognized and valued.

| Cadena SER

In 2022, she joined Cadena SER, continuing her career in the field of economic and labor news. Her commitment and professionalism earned her the respect and admiration of her colleagues and the public.

The news of his death has therefore generated numerous reactions among his colleagues and friends. Many have expressed their sorrow and shared memories and anecdotes that reflect not only his work, but also his human qualities.

Elsa Llorente leaves behind a legacy of dedication, ethics and passion for journalism. Her focus on economic and labor issues not only informed, but also educated and raised awareness among the audience on fundamental issues.

Her death at such a young age is a reminder of the fragility of life and the impact that a person can have on their professional and personal environment. Her dedication and passion for journalism make her an example to follow for future generations. From here, we send our condolences to her family and friends, and remember with affection and respect a journalist who gave the best of herself at every moment of her career.

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