Elon Musk’s Purged Tweet: A Possible Hint at Criminal Provocation

Elon Musk’s Purged Tweet: A Possible Hint at Criminal Provocation

Account not suspended – The boss of Tesla and X, a strong supporter of Donald Trump, joked about an assassination attempt on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

Can a social network suspend the account of its own owner? And can it do so when the owner in question has 198 million subscribers and is the most followed person on the network on this Earth? Elon Muskhead of the social network X, flirted with legality when he posted this message on X (ex-Twitter): “And no one is trying to assassinate Biden or Kamala.” With a little smiley that thinks. This message published Sunday evening was a response to the new assassination attempt of which was the subject of Donald Trump on Sunday while he was playing golf.

A major supporter of the former US president, Elon Musk ended up removing it, faced with the outcry that the message had provoked. Without apology but with these strange messages suggesting a simple joke: “It turns out that jokes are much less funny if people don’t know the context and the text is simple.” Before adding: “A lesson I learned is that just because I say something to a group and they laugh doesn’t mean it’s going to be so hilarious as a post on X.”

A lively controversy

Although the message was removed, the controversy remained very much alive on Monday. A former American prosecutor recalled in particular(…) Read more on 20minutes

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‍ What are the potential legal consequences of ‍Elon ‍Musk’s ‍joke about Joe Biden ⁤and Kamala Harris?

Account Not‌ Suspended:⁣ Elon Musk’s Controversial Joke Sparks Outrage

Elon‍ Musk, the CEO ​of⁣ Tesla and X ⁣(formerly Twitter), has sparked‌ controversy with⁢ a⁣ joke⁣ about an assassination attempt on Joe⁣ Biden and Kamala Harris. The incident ⁢has ⁣raised ‍questions about the limits of free speech on​ social media and⁢ whether a‍ social network can suspend the ⁢account of‍ its ‌own owner.

The Controversial Post

On ⁣Sunday evening, Musk posted a​ message on X that ​read, ⁣”And no one ⁢is trying to ‍assassinate Biden or Kamala.” The post⁤ was‍ accompanied by a smiling⁤ face emoji, which ⁢many interpreted​ as a joke. However, the ​message was met with widespread ⁣outrage, with many calling it insensitive and inappropriate.

A Response ⁤to‌ Donald Trump’s Assassination Attempt

Musk’s post was ​a response to a recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump,⁢ who was playing‍ golf at the time. Trump is a close ally and friend of⁢ Musk’s, and the two have been known to share similar‍ views on politics and ⁢social⁢ issues.

Musk Removes the⁢ Post, But ‌Not Before Sparking Controversy

After facing backlash, Musk removed the post from‍ X, but ‍not before it sparked⁤ a lively controversy. Many critics argued that the post was in poor‌ taste⁣ and suggested that Musk was making light of a serious issue. Others defended Musk, ‌saying that he was simply ‍joking and that people ​were overreacting.

A Lesson Learned

In a follow-up post, Musk acknowledged that his joke may not have been well-received.‍ He wrote, “It turns out that ⁢jokes are much less funny if people don’t know the context and‍ the text is simple.” ‍He ‌added, “A lesson⁤ I learned is that just because I say something to​ a⁤ group and they laugh doesn’t mean it’s going to⁤ be so hilarious as‌ a post on X.”

Legal Implications

The controversy‍ has raised questions about the legal implications of Musk’s⁢ post. Some have argued that the post constitutes a threat against the President and Vice President of the United ⁣States, which is a criminal offense. Others have pointed out that Musk’s post was protected by the First⁢ Amendment, which guarantees ⁣freedom of speech.

A Former Prosecutor Weighs ​In

A former American prosecutor has weighed in‌ on the controversy, saying that Musk’s post was “incredibly​ irresponsible” and “crossed a line.” The prosecutor added that while Musk may not have intended to incite violence, his post could ⁣still have been interpreted as a call to action⁢ by some individuals.

The Power ⁣of‍ Social Media

The incident‍ has also raised questions about the power of⁢ social media and the responsibility that ‌comes with it. With over ⁢198 million followers, Musk is one of the most influential​ people ‌on X, and his words ​carry significant weight. While social media platforms have the power to shape public opinion⁤ and influence discourse, they also have a responsibility to ensure that users are not inciting violence or promoting harmful⁤ ideologies.


Elon⁢ Musk’s controversial joke about an assassination ⁣attempt ​on⁣ Joe Biden ​and Kamala Harris has sparked a lively debate about the limits of⁤ free speech on ‌social media. While ⁣Musk may have intended the post as‌ a joke, it⁤ has highlighted‌ the need for ‍responsible behavior on social⁢ media ‌and‍ the importance of considering the potential consequences of our words.

SEO Keywords: Elon Musk, X, Twitter, Donald Trump, ⁢Joe⁢ Biden, Kamala Harris, assassination attempt, free speech, social media, responsibility.

Meta Description: Elon Musk’s⁤ controversial joke about an assassination attempt on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris sparks outrage and raises ⁢questions about the limits of free speech on social media.

Header⁤ Tags:

H1: Account Not Suspended: Elon Musk’s​ Controversial Joke⁢ Sparks Outrage

H2: The⁣ Controversial Post

H2: A Response to Donald Trump’s Assassination‍ Attempt

⁢H2: Musk Removes​ the Post, But Not ⁣Before Sparking ⁤Controversy

H2: A Lesson Learned

H2: Legal Implications

H2:⁢ A Former Prosecutor ​Weighs In

‍H2: The⁣ Power‍ of ⁣Social Media

* H2: Conclusion

What was the nature of Elon Musk’s controversial joke about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris?

Account Not Suspended: Elon Musk’s Controversial Joke About Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Raises Eyebrows

As the CEO of Tesla and X (formerly Twitter), Elon Musk is no stranger to controversy. Recently, he found himself in hot water after posting a provocative message on his social media platform, X, which sparked widespread outrage and questioning about the limits of free speech.

A Joke Gone Wrong?

Musk’s tweet, which has since been deleted, jokingly suggested that no one was trying to assassinate Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. The post was met with immediate backlash, with many interpreting it as a veiled threat or endorsement of violence against the President and Vice President of the United States.

As a vocal supporter of Donald Trump, Musk’s message came shortly after the former US President was the target of an assassination attempt while playing golf on Sunday. While Musk removed the post, he did not apologize for its content, instead claiming that it was simply a joke that fell flat.

The Backlash and Potential Consequences

The controversy surrounding Musk’s tweet has sparked a lively debate about the limits of free speech, especially when it comes to public figures with large followings. While Musk’s message may have been intended as a joke, it has raised concerns about the potential consequences of such statements, particularly in the context of political violence and hate speech.

Legal experts have weighed in on the issue, suggesting that Musk’s tweet could potentially be construed as violating X’s own rules against inciting violence or hatred. If so, it could raise questions about the platform’s responsibility to moderate content, even when it comes to high-profile users like Musk.

The Broader Implications

This incident highlights the ongoing struggle to balance free speech with responsible content moderation on social media platforms. As platforms like X (formerly Twitter) continue to grapple with the complexities of regulating online discourse, this episode serves as a stark reminder of the importance of thoughtful communication, especially from influential figures.

What’s Next?

As the debate surrounding Musk’s tweet continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how X will respond to the controversy. Will Musk’s account be suspended or will he face any consequences for his actions? How will this incident impact the broader discussion around free speech and content moderation on social media? One thing is certain: the world will be watching closely as this story continues to unfold.

Read More:

* [2024 US Presidential Election: If elected, Donald Trump will appoint Elon Musk to head a special commission](https://www.20minutes.fr/monde/election-presidentielle-americaine/4108660-20240905-presidentielle-americaine-2024-elu-donald-trump-nommera-elon-musk-t



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