Elon Musk’s Controversial Immigration Status: Biden Calls Out Hypocrisy

Well, well, well! What do we have here? It seems that Elon Musk, the man who’s turned Twitter — I mean, X — into a chaotic bazaar of ideas and memes, is now facing some serious scrutiny about his immigration status! Now, you couldn’t write a better plot twist for a reality show—except, of course, this one involves a multi-billionaire instead of a bunch of housewives throwing wine at each other.

According to a recent report from The Washington Post, our boy Elon was apparently working illegally in the U.S. when he first arrived from South Africa. Picture it: a young Musk, excited about starting his venture, bursting through the doors with a student visa he didn’t even bother to use properly. It’s like bringing a salad to a barbecue—you’ve got the ticket, but no one’s excited to see it!

Now, Biden had a field day with this at a recent rally, pointing out Musk’s hypocrisy as he’s become one of the loudest voices against immigration! Biden stood there looking all presidential and said, “He is the richest man in the world and he turned out to be an illegal worker here. No, I’m serious.” Now that’s a punchline if I ever heard one! It’s like opening a fortune cookie and getting a note that basically says, “Surprise! You’ve been doing it wrong, Elon!”

Musk, of course, not one to take a jab lying down, promptly tweeted back, calling Biden “a puppet” and asserting that he was allowed to work. “The puppet Biden is lying,” he said. So, we’ve got a billionaire battling it out on social media with the President of the United States, and it’s all starting to feel like an episode of *The Apprentice*. Who needs talent when you’re going for these headlines?

But here’s the kicker: despite Musk’s claims, there are emails from his early days suggesting he knew he wasn’t supposed to be working. It’s like a classic case of “I wasn’t doing anything wrong, except for that time I shoved a million dollars into a vending machine to get a Snickers.” It’s all a bit dodgy, wouldn’t you say?

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any sillier, Musk turns around and starts raffling off a million bucks a day to people who sign a declaration about free speech and the right to carry firearms! If you thought the American legal system was already complex, try layering in a millionaire offering cash to influence voter engagement. “Vote for your rights, and here’s a fiver for your trouble!” If that’s not electoral charm, I don’t know what is!

Oh, and let’s talk about how Musk has decided to embrace some rather fringe narrative theories, insinuating that the left is engaging in a “great replacement” strategy. Sounds like something out of a sci-fi novel or a conspiracy theorist’s fever dream! He’s going all in at these rallies, suggesting that swing states are at risk of being overrun by immigrants—because, apparently, the only thing scarier than a million-dollar entrepreneur is the prospect of liberal demographics! I mean, bless his heart, but what’s next? Is he going to blame his caffeine dependency on open borders?

But don’t worry, folks! There’s a silver lining to this chaotic tapestry. Musk’s clucking about how all of America would be “californicated” if Biden et al. win another term. And you thought your last family reunion was a disaster! The existential dread is palpable, folks. Can you imagine trying to escape from your own house because it was simply too “Californicated”? You’d need a GPS just to find the kitchen!

Phew! So, what’s the takeaway from this rollercoaster ride involving one of the world’s wealthiest and, mind you, most controversial figures? Well, it seems the spotlight isn’t just shining on multi-billionaires’ bank accounts but also their pasts—and a little legality here and there! Talk about a plot twist! Elon Musk might want to check with the immigration lawyers before he tries to launch anything else into orbit. At the very least, he should probably keep an eye on his inbox because that email is not going to write itself!

In conclusion, whether he’s building rockets or crossing borders, Elon Musk is bound to give us more entertainment than a Saturday night sketch show. And as the political arena heats up, we might just be in for an even wilder ride. So buckle up, folks, because with Elon, you never know what’s coming next!

A recent report from The Washington Post revealed this weekend that Elon Musk, the world’s wealthiest individual and a significant contributor to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, allegedly worked in the United States illegally upon arriving from South Africa to launch his first start-up. The article, based on former associates’ testimonies, procedural documents, and business records, claims Musk entered the U.S. on a student visa, which prohibited him from employment, yet he never enrolled in the Stanford University courses he was supposed to attend.

U.S. President Joe Biden seized this information to voice criticism during an electoral event in Pittsburgh, a critical state in the upcoming elections, highlighting the contradiction of Musk being a prominent supporter of Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric. Biden pointed out Musk’s staunch opposition to the “open borders” policy, which the Republican campaign argues reflects the Biden administration’s lack of action on immigration issues.

Biden, addressing a union crowd, emphasized the contrast: “He is the richest man in the world and he turned out to be an illegal worker here. No, I’m serious. He was supposed to be at school when he arrived on a student visa. But he didn’t go to university. He broke the law. And now you’re talking about all those [trabajadores] illegals coming this country? Come on, man.”

Shortly after Biden’s remarks, Musk responded via X, the social media platform he owns, stating: “The puppet Biden is lying.” He asserted that during his time in the U.S., his initial J-1 visa, meant for foreign exchange students, was converted into an H-1B visa (a nonimmigrant work visa) but did not disclose the timeline of this change. The report from The Washington Post captured concerns from investors of Musk’s nascent company, Zip2, about the possibility of his deportation and their insistence that he secure a work visa.

According to the same report, Musk himself acknowledged in a 2005 email to his Tesla co-founders that upon his arrival in the United States, he lacked authorization to work, raising further questions about his immigration status and related legalities. Furthermore, Musk has emerged as one of the largest contributors in the current Republican presidential race, having donated a staggering $75 million, cleverly positioning himself as an influential asset to Trump, who has vowed to include Musk in his cabinet should he win the election.

In addition to these controversies, the founder of SpaceX is currently conducting a raffle offering one million dollars a day (approximately 920,000 euros) to individuals who sign a petition advocating for free speech and gun rights, which pertain to the First and Second Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. However, this initiative raises red flags regarding its legality, as U.S. law prohibits financial incentives for encouraging voter participation.

Musk has also garnered attention for his outspoken support of the “great replacement” theory, a concept popular among some far-right circles that purports a deliberate strategy by the left to increase immigration and politically reshape the nation. During one of his rallies, he declared: “I see a deliberate attempt to import as many people as possible into swing states like Pennsylvania to ensure that America becomes a one-party country,” while also criticizing mainstream media for allegedly downplaying this narrative.

Musk further disparaged Kamala Harris, stating: “He is just a puppet of a larger machine. If the machine works another four years, there will be no meaningful elections in the future, as is the case in California. All of America will be californicated,” he added, outlining his alarm over the demographic and political shifts he foresees. The revelations from The Washington Post highlight a stark contradiction between Musk’s current political stance and his past actions as an ambitious young entrepreneur navigating the U.S. immigration system.

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