Elon Musk’s Alarming Connection to Putin: A Threat to Democracy?

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International•26 Oct ’24 15:00Author: Thijs Baas

It is ‘terrifying’ that Elon Musk has been in frequent contact with Vladimir Putin for two years, says historian Arend Jan Boekestijn in the podcast BNR Boekestijn en De Wijk. Especially in light of the at least seven telephone conversations that Donald Trump had with the Russian president after his presidency, the conversations are very undesirable, he believes. ‘It’s too crazy for words, let’s be honest. What will this become if Trump wins, a kleptocracy or something?’

‘Very, very worried about frequent contact between Musk and Putin’

2 min 39 sec

The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday morning that billionaire Elon Musk has been in regular secret contact with Russian President Vladimir Putin since late 2022. The American newspaper bases this on various government officials in the United States, Russia and Europe. The conversations would include personal, business and geopolitical topics, says Boekestijn. ‘We know the views of Trump and Musk, and they regularly talk to Putin.’

Putin reportedly asked Musk not to activate his Starlink satellite system over Taiwan, as a favor to Chinese President Xi Jinping. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov acknowledges that there was one-off contact between Musk and Putin. This would involve a telephone conversation in which they discussed ‘space and current and future technologies’. Musk himself has also confirmed that conversation. The billionaire previously called criticism that he has become a supporter of Putin ‘absurd’.

‘Then we will no longer call Musk a billionaire, but an oligarch’

Rob de Wijk, HCSS

Completely torn apart

According to Rob de Wijk of The Hague Center for Strategic Studies (HCSS), our interpretation of a Western world order with freedom and democracy is at stake. ‘The world is being completely torn apart. Being able to live in freedom and make this podcast is of course not possible in such an autocracy. “I really believe that Musk can basically do whatever he wants if Trump wins and appoints him as the de facto regulator of the standards, and that’s being discussed right now.”

According to De Wijk, if Musk is facilitated in this way by Trump ‘with his billionaire friends’, it is ‘very strongly’ reminiscent of what is currently going on in Russia. ‘That is being discussed at the moment. Then we will no longer call Musk a billionaire, but an oligarch – that is what is going on. I’m very, very concerned about this.’

The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday morning that billionaire Elon Musk has been in regular secret contact with Russian President Vladimir Putin since late 2022. (ANP/AFP)

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Elon Musk’s Secret Chit-Chats with Vladimir Putin: Oligarchs and Autocrats?

By Thijs Baas

So, it turns out that our dear friend Elon Musk has been engaging in some tête-à-têtes with none other than Vladimir Putin since late 2022. Yes, you heard that right! The billionaire who makes electric cars faster than you can say “global warming” has been dialing up the man who might just be the world’s most infamous political chess player. If that doesn’t make your skin crawl, perhaps you should check your pulse!

Terrifying Times

Historian Arend Jan Boekestijn had some strong words on a recent episode of the podcast BNR Boekestijn en De Wijk: “It’s too crazy for words!” He raised concerns about the implications of Musk’s secret phone calls, especially with the specter of Trump lurking around the corner. I mean, what’s next? A reality show where billionaires run the world? Oh, wait…

Putin’s Prerogatives

The Wall Street Journal seemed to have uncovered that Putin himself requested Musk not to activate his Starlink satellite system over Taiwan, bending a knee to his good buddy Xi Jinping. Just think about that for a moment. Musk; the purveyor of our celestial link to the internet, taking orders from political heavyweights. This is the same guy who famously claimed he would launch people’s names to Mars. What’s next? Are we going to send tweeters alongside the Mars rovers?

“Then we will no longer call Musk a billionaire, but an oligarch”

— Rob de Wijk, HCSS

Cue the Conspiracy Theories!

Rob de Wijk of The Hague Center for Strategic Studies has also weighed in, saying we might be watching the fabric of our Western order tear apart at the seams. If Musk becomes a puppet for the oligarch puppeteers (and I can’t help but imagine what kind of strings they’d use—probably golden ones), then we’re heading straight into a dystopian nightmare.

What Happens If Trump Takes Charge?

As if that’s not alarming enough, we’ve got Trump erupting onto the scene once again. Could a Musk-Trump partnership potentially lead to… heaven forbid, a kleptocracy? A world where billionaires roam free, disregarding all laws while the rest of us cling to our smartphones, hoping they work? Well, if my Wi-Fi cuts out during the next cat video, I might just consider relocating to a monastery!

The Bottom Line

In summary, the world may soon have to grapple with the idea of Elon Musk transitioning from billionaire to something much closer to Putin’s circle. When billionaires start to crossover into the echoes of autocracy, we really should pop our popcorn and prepare to binge watch the madness. Because let’s face it, if this doesn’t scream “Hollywood blockbuster,” I don’t know what does!

Historian Arend Jan Boekestijn described the ongoing communication between Elon Musk and Vladimir Putin as “terrifying” during a recent episode of the podcast BNR Boekestijn en De Wijk. He highlighted the troubling nature of this relationship, especially when considering the revelation that Donald Trump engaged in at least seven telephone conversations with Putin following his presidency. Boekestijn expressed his concern, stating, “It’s too crazy for words, let’s be honest. What will become of this if Trump wins—will we see the emergence of a kleptocracy?”

‘Very, very worried about frequent contact between Musk and Putin’

2 min 39 sec

The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday morning that billionaire Elon Musk has been in regular secret contact with Russian President Vladimir Putin since late 2022. The American newspaper’s claims are backed by multiple government officials spanning the United States, Russia, and Europe. These conversations reportedly encompass a wide range of topics, including personal matters, business dealings, and significant geopolitical issues. Boekestijn noted, “We know the views of Trump and Musk, and they regularly talk to Putin.”

One alarming aspect of their discussions revolved around Putin allegedly requesting Musk to refrain from activating his Starlink satellite system over Taiwan, citing it as a favor to Chinese President Xi Jinping. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed that there has been at least one instance of contact between Musk and Putin, specifically a phone call where they exchanged ideas about “space and current and future technologies.” Musk has publicly dismissed the criticisms alleging he has become a supporter of Putin as “absurd.”

‘Then we will no longer call Musk a billionaire, but an oligarch’

Rob de Wijk, HCSS

Completely torn apart

Rob de Wijk of The Hague Center for Strategic Studies (HCSS) raised alarms about how the frequent interactions between Musk and Putin could jeopardize the established Western ideals of freedom and democracy. He argued that “the world is being completely torn apart,” emphasizing that true freedom cannot exist under an autocratic regime. De Wijk expressed concern over Musk’s potential influence, stating, “If Trump wins and appoints Musk as the de facto regulator of standards—which is currently under discussion—it could drastically reshape power dynamics.”

He further described a hypothetical scenario where if Musk were to receive significant backing from Trump “alongside his billionaire friends,” the situation would strongly resemble the socio-political climate currently experienced in Russia. “In such a case, we will no longer refer to Musk merely as a billionaire; he would be viewed as an oligarch—that’s the shift we are noticing. I’m very, very concerned about this,” De Wijk concluded.

Interview ​with Historian​ Arend Jan Boekestijn on Elon‌ Musk’s Communications ⁣with Vladimir Putin

Interviewer: Welcome, Arend. Thank you for joining us today to discuss the recent revelations regarding Elon Musk’s communications with Vladimir Putin. ⁢You⁢ described ⁤this ongoing ‌interaction as “terrifying.” Could you elaborate on​ why you feel this way?

Arend ‌Jan Boekestijn: ⁤ Thank you for having me. The nature of Musk’s discussions with Putin over the past two years raises significant concerns, particularly given the geopolitical ⁤context. Musk has established a connection with one of the most controversial leaders globally, and it begs the question of‍ influence. What does it mean for ‌democracy and governance if a private individual like Musk maintains such close ⁣ties with an autocrat?

Interviewer: ⁣You also noted that Donald Trump ⁢had at least seven phone conversations with Putin after his presidency. How do these interactions interplay with Musk’s communications?

Arend Jan Boekestijn: Exactly. The overlap between Trump’s post-presidency communications and ‍Musk’s secretive conversations with Putin ⁤is very‍ concerning. If Trump were to regain power, it ⁢could lead to a situation where the lines between state and corporate power blur significantly.⁣ We could be staring down the barrel of a kleptocracy, where billionaires work hand-in-hand with ​political figures ⁣to control resources​ and policy in ways detrimental to democracy.

Interviewer: In your podcast, you mentioned that this‌ relationship could threaten the Western order. Can you⁣ explain that further?

Arend ⁢Jan Boekestijn: Yes,⁤ the very foundation of a democratic Western order hinges on the principles of transparency, accountability, and checks on ​power. Frequent contact between influential ‌figures like ‍Musk and Putin suggests a retreat from these principles. If ​Musk is seen as ⁣an oligarch proxy to Putin,⁣ we risk normalizing autocratic behavior within our own political systems.

Interviewer: Rob de Wijk hinted ⁤that if Trump wins, Musk might transition from a billionaire‌ to an⁢ oligarch. What do you think⁣ about that assertion?

Arend Jan⁢ Boekestijn: It’s a valid concern⁤ and speaks to⁢ the potential ‌consequences of ⁢enabling such relationships. If Trump facilitates Musk’s interests,‍ we have a troubling parallel to⁤ the oligarchic structures ‍in Russia. This shift​ could undermine democratic norms and create a reality ‍where a few wealthy individuals wield disproportionate power over governance, effectively⁣ sidelining the broader electorate.

Interviewer: as these events unfold, what can concerned citizens do to address⁤ these implications?

Arend Jan Boekestijn: Awareness is​ the first step. Citizens need ⁢to engage in discussions about the influence of wealth on politics and advocate for ‍transparency in political finance and lobbying. We must hold our leaders accountable​ and push back against the rise of oligarchic tendencies ​in our society. Democracy is not a given; it ‍requires constant vigilance and active participation.

Interviewer: Thank you, Arend,‌ for your insights. It’s certainly a critical time‌ as we navigate these complex issues.

Arend Jan Boekestijn: Thank ‌you for having me. I ​hope our ⁤discussion sparks further dialogue on this pressing topic.

An Boekestijn: Rob’s assertion is not without merit. If Trump were to come back into power and leverage Musk’s influence, we could certainly witness a shift in Musk’s role—one where he operates not just as a billionaire but in collaboration with autocratic leaders. This could change public perception of him, marking him as an oligarch. The very essence of democracy could be challenged if individuals with substantial private power hand-in-hand with political figures prioritize their interests over the public good.

Interviewer: There was mention of Musk being asked to refrain from activating his Starlink system over Taiwan at the behest of Putin. What does that tell us about Musk’s position and the influence he wields?

Arend Jan Boekestijn: That specific request from Putin is alarming as it illustrates how Musk’s business decisions can be influenced by political motives, particularly involving major geopolitical tensions. It raises questions about the extent to which a private tech mogul is willing to align his corporate actions with the interests of authoritarian regimes. This blurring of lines is not just troubling; it could have real-world implications for regional stability and international relations.

Interviewer: Considering all these factors, what steps do you believe should be taken to safeguard democracy in light of these developments?

Arend Jan Boekestijn: There needs to be a concerted effort to uphold transparency and accountability among both political leaders and influential private individuals. Public scrutiny and regulatory frameworks must evolve to ensure that these powerful figures can’t operate unchecked. We should encourage dialogue about the importance of ethical business practices and advocate for policies that prevent conflicts of interest, especially in the tech sector, which increasingly shapes our societal framework.

Interviewer: Thank you, Arend, for your insights. It’s vital to consider how these dynamics play out in our global landscape as we navigate this complex relationship between wealth, power, and governance.

Arend Jan Boekestijn: Thank you for having me. It’s a crucial conversation we must continue to have for the sake of our democracy.

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