Elon Musk Unveils New Abilities for Tesla’s AI Humanoid Robot; check the video

Tesla presented its investor conference last week, and as expected, the electric car maker reiterated its advances in different areas that can evolve its business, and beyond automobiles, the company commented on how its robotics arm can benefit from its artificial intelligence capabilities.

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, highlighted the great evolutions of his humanoid robot known as “Optimus”. In a video shown during the conference, three units of the robot were shown performing basic tasks that could be automated with AI in the future — an area in which the US company makes large investments.

In the demonstration, one of the humanoids uses its hands with human articulation features to disconnect the arm of a second robot to perform a repair on a workstation. These tasks are still programmed by a human, however, Musk says the units are evolving at a rapid pace.

It’s not that useful to have a humanoid robot if you have to program all the actions,” Musk said. “He needs to be able to walk autonomously and solve tasks, and you have to be able to instruct him in simple things. […] This is the main advantage we have.

Elon Musk

28 Fev

Elon Musk recruits AI engineers to develop competitor for ChatGPT

economy and market
28 Fev

During the conference, the billionaire revealed that the robots have acquired new skills since their last presentation in 2022, such as walking, picking up and carrying objects, screwing and, not least, making the “hang loose” symbol with their hands. Optimus still walks slowly compared to other robots, such as Atlas, from Boston Dynamics.

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“We are the most advanced in artificial intelligence to [aplicações no] real world,” said Elon Musk in his presentation to Tesla investors.

I’m a little worried about artificial intelligence. I think that’s something we should be concerned about. I think we need some sort of regulatory authority overseeing AI development and making sure it’s operating in the public interest. It is a very dangerous technology.

Elon Musk

Authorities from different regions of the world aim to start regulating artificial intelligence quickly. In Brazil, Bill No. 21 of 2020 advances to ensure that technology is safely implemented in people’s daily lives.

Although concerned about the leap in AI, Musk continues to invest in the area and recruits software engineers to develop proprietary solutions at Tesla. We recently reported that the executive may be planning to create a feature similar to ChatGPT.

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