Elon Musk to Stream Tier 99 Nightmare Dungeon on X – Diablo IV

2023-09-28 10:33:00

We have known for several months that Elon Musk, the boss of Space X and Twitter X, likes the Diablo series. He played Diablo IV this summer and congratulated Blizzard for the work done. Last night he announced that he planned to stream D4 on X by speedrunning through a level 99 Nightmare dungeon without using an Evil Heart.

However, he had more work than expected and had to postpone his live until Thursday, September 28. If you are interested, you can follow the compte d’Elon Musk in order to know when he will launch the game.

Note that he specifies that he remains an amateur and that we should not imagine that he will play at a very high level. This will be amateur level speedrunning.

For the little anecdote, know that Mike Ybarra, the president of Blizzard Entertainment, offered his help to Elon Musk in case it did not go as planned.

#Elon #Musk #Stream #Tier #Nightmare #Dungeon #Diablo

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