Elon Musk loses 200 billion dollars… in one year, a first!

According to the specialized site Bloomberg, the boss of Tesla no longer holds “only” 137 billion dollars against 340 billion dollars at the end of 2021.

A time considered the richest man in the world, in November 2021, the leader of PayPal and SpaceX thus lost nearly 133 billion dollars (124 billion euros) in 2022.

According to Bloomberg, the fall of the Tesla title, whose value collapsed by 65% ​​in 2022, explains Elon Musk’s poor financial record.

Already the victim of a slowdown in sales due to increasingly strong competition, the famous car brand bites the dust even more since its boss turns away from it in favor of Twitter.

Tesla needs a “leader who can guide it through the storm” and not a leader “who focuses on Twitter,” said Dan Ives of private investment firm Wedbush in a note. recently published. “Musk has lost all credibility with the investment community”, further advances the financial analyst, referring to “broken promises” on stock sales, “the Twitter fiasco” and “political controversies” on the platform .

To the defense of the entrepreneur, the action of Tesla has also suffered from the general decline of the stock markets this year. In a mid-December Twitter conversation, Elon Musk acknowledged that rising interest rates and the economic situation are likely to slow demand for Tesla. But “I still continue to predict that in the long term, Tesla will be the company with the highest valuation in the world,” he said.

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