Elon Musk is training martial arts to fight Zogerberg

2023-06-28 16:04:15

A friend of the American billionaire, Elon Musk, published pictures of physical exercises that brought them together in a gym, after a public challenge between Musk and Meta founder Mark Zugerberg to fight in a wrestling ring.

“I had an impromptu training session with Musk for a few hours. I am so impressed with his strength, power and skill. It was epic!” Musk commented on the tweet: “It was fun.”

Friedman, who is a friend of the two famous billionaires, touched on the challenge of the bout, urging them to gently back down. “It’s really inspiring to see Elon and Mark learn martial arts, but I think it’s best if they encourage people to learn martial arts without going into battle,” Friedman said. The fight in the ring.”

Friedman had published a few days ago a video clip of “Jujisto” exercises with Mark Zugerberg, who mastered this art and had previously fought matches in Jiujisto, and was seen as more adept at fighting and younger, but Musk has a larger body and high fitness, although he is 52 years old. .

The challenge of the match began two weeks ago, when Musk responded to a tweet about “Meta”, which stated that the company was preparing to launch a new competitor to “Twitter”.

After this news, Musk commented on the tweet and said: “The ground may become under Zuckerberg’s heel,” and declared that he was “ready to fight with him in the arena.”

For his part, Zuckerberg responded to Musk’s challenge and asked him in a post to “send him the address,” so Musk replied with the phrase “Vegas Octagon.”

Zuckerberg is already training in mixed martial arts, and posted that he completed his first jiu-jitsu course last month.

While Musk, “the only real exercise he gets is throwing his kids up in the air,” he says.

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