Elon Musk donates $5.7 billion to “help end world hunger”

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American billionaire Elon Musk donated more than 5 million shares of his company Tesla, equivalent to $ 5.7 billion, to charities to “help stop world hunger” after the director of the United Nations Food Program tried to persuade him to do so at the end of 2021.

The US Securities and Exchange Commission, which regulates and supervises the US federal financial markets, revealed that between November 19 and 29, 2021, the world’s richest man donated 5,044,000 shares of Tesla stock, valued at more than $1,000 each. $5.7 billion.

This massive donation makes Musk the second largest US donor last year, after the $15 billion Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

In the last two months of 2021, Musk sold $16 billion worth of Tesla stock to avoid paying $11 billion in taxes, what experts considered the heaviest tax bill in history.

Tesla has not yet revealed the identity of the beneficiary or beneficiaries of the massive donation, but in October 2021, Musk demanded on Twitter that the World Food Program explain how $6 billion could solve world hunger, and added, “I will sell shares in Tesla.” “Immediately to do so.”

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