Elodie Gossuin cash: Eurovision, children, radio… She tells us everything!

INTERVIEW - Elodie Gossuin cash: Eurovision, children, radio... She tells us everything!

© JB Autissier / Panoramic / Bestimage
INTERVIEW – Elodie Gossuin cash: Eurovision, children, radio… She tells us everything!

A member of the jury was to elect the song that will represent France at Eurovision next May, Elodie Gossuin is under great pressure. She agreed to talk regarding it at Gala.fr, and we took the opportunity to take stock of her career, which began 20 years ago.

This Saturday, March 5, Élodie Gossuin will be on France 2. L’ex-Miss France once once more has the heavy task of voting for the song that will represent France at l’Eurovision in May. That mother of four children is, in fact, part of the jury chaired by singer Jenifer, and does not hide that she has a lot of pressure. Ex-Miss, presenter of the RFM morning show, fulfilling mother, woman in love… Élodie Gossuin has agreed to confide in on these many subjects with Gala.fr.

Gala.fr: Now, when we think of you, it’s no longer for Miss France

but for Eurovision!

Elodie Gossuin

: Are you regarding to sing me “Youhouhou”? (She laughs) It’s great that for such a huge and popular program, there is a cult and family aspect. I feel it because for several years, I have taken part several times in Eurovision, whether as a spokesperson, presenter of the junior version, or even being in the French jury.

Gala.fr: Designating the song that will represent France puts pressure on you, doesn’t it?

Elodie Gossuin

: It’s true ! And already, last year, I was aware of that, and that’s why I inquired regarding the candidates, even if I had waited to see what it was going to be like live, and this year once more. You have to listen well to know what the size of the song will be, its message… And every morning, when I’m on the radio, I wonder what title we might play. This year, the selection is heterogeneous and it’s great! It was titanic work.

Gala.fr: To know what the perfect song will be, you also have to take international criteria into account, right?

Elodie Gossuin

: Yes, and that’s also the magic of Eurovision, it’s that there is no secret. We can’t really know what can work. Afterwards, I find it great when a song is unifying.

Gala.fr: Do you already have your preference in the selection?

Elodie Gossuin

: Let’s say I have a shortlist. Then I like to be surprised, so I wait for the lives.

Gala.fr: You have more pressure when you have to designate the song that will represent France or when you host theEurovision Junior


Elodie Gossuin

: I admit that there is enormous pressure when I animate. During Eurovision Junior, the pressure went down when the show started, because I had worked well before.

Gala.fr: With 200 million viewers for Eurovision, you are still the most watched French host in the world.

Elodie Gossuin

: You know that during the Eurovision Junior press conference, there were journalists from all over Europe, and I received a lot of questions. I was told “Miss Youhouhou”. It’s funny, because I was Miss France, I am a host, but finally, I am recognized with the “Youhouhou”. Like what, it doesn’t take much, even something involuntary, and everyone is in a good mood.

Gala.fr: You host a program on the M6 ​​group. Contractually, you have the right to be a juror or animate Eurovision on a competing channel??

Elodie Gossuin

: Yes, because you can’t prevent me from participating in the things I was involved in. And Eurovision, I’ve been in this family for several years now. Afterwards, apart from the pure and hard animation on a recurring program, yes, it would be complicated, but Eurovision is punctual. When I asked M6, they were delighted, happy for me, and it’s adorable.

Gala.fr: In the summer of 2021, you revealed to Current wife

want to take a gap year. Do you still want it?

Elodie Gossuin

: As we speak, you see that no! (Laughs) But I’m still considering it. I am incapable of talking regarding the future, because I cannot project myself. Recently, I was asked which high school I was going to enroll my two eldest children in. It’s next September, and for me, it’s so far away. Scheduling everything takes away the flavor of the present moment, so to come back to this sabbatical year, it’s something we talk regarding as a family, and that we keep in mind. For the moment, we are coming out of a pandemic, so it’s complicated, but going as a family, all six to the other side of the world, we would really like.

Gala.fr: Precisely, during this health crisis

you were lucky enough to be able to work.

Elodie Gossuin

: It’s true ! We managed to set up the radio remotely. We tried to bring back a little smile to people, to those who were on the ground… And then, what was great was that I was at home, and I was working with my children in my arms.

“I go to bed following putting the children to bed, so no social life”

Gala.fr: In this particular context, it should reassure your children to know you are at home!

Elodie Gossuin

: Yes, but followingwards, we’re not going to lie to each other, following the radio, we had to manage the class for two CPs (his youngest children, editor’s note). Teaching them to read when you’re not a schoolteacher was a hot potato.

Gala.fr: You host the RFM morning show. For this, your alarm clock rings very early. And what’s more, you don’t live in Paris so you’re making a short trip. Isn’t it too complicated to manage?

Elodie Gossuin

: My alarm clock rings at 4am. I try to find a balance over the week. At least every other day, I have to be able to take an hour’s nap before picking up my children from school. In the evening, I admit that it’s complicated, because I go to bed following having put the children to bed, so no social life, no time for two, as a couple, in the evening. It’s special to manage different lives in one day, but I have fun and I’m not tired of what I do.

Gala.fr: You know, when you type your name on a famous search engine, you find a lot of articles on Donald Trump.

Elodie Gossuin

: Oh la la… Well yeah… Being associated with Donald Trump was through the Miss Universe pageant, which he owned, and unfortunately at the time, the buzz fell on me. It’s special to say to yourself “I did Miss Universe with Donald Trump and I fell victim to a rumor calling me a transsexual to disqualify me”. It’s true that that’s a lot of parameters. It’s still a traumatic event, because I was 20 years old, I was on the other side of the world, it was complicated at that age It’s like to say to yourself that this environment might feed on controversy without putting people first. It’s quite painful, because at the time you tell yourself that you want to get out of the system. And with hindsight, no , especially since everyone came to defend me. I had to defend the little fiancée of the French that I was at the time, and it was touching. In the end, I drew a certain maturity from it, and today makes me smile.

Gala.fr: You talk regarding the fiancée of the French, but you still are! Already more than 20 years since you were elected Miss France, and you are still in the news, still adored by the French.

Elodie Gossuin

: I’m too old to be the bride now! (She laughs) It’s true that I tell myself that 20 years following the election, I was very lucky. I’m having a blast at work, people are lovely to me, positive comments on the networks… I’m the same with people as with my family, and that doesn’t lie.

Gala.fr: We see you almost every year in Fort Boyard. You told Telepro that you dreamed of working there. Have you finally been offered a position on the show?

Elodie Gossuin

: I love this show so much, and when I participate in it, I feel like the queen of the world for my children. I would love to join the team, but followingwards, I can’t do everything, and I’m already on the radio every morning, and if I want to be out of school in the evening, you have to make choices. Afterwards, to answer the question, I did not have a proposal.



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