Elly’s Plan Against the Government – ​​

Look Brunello

The vice comes from afar, and is a close relative of the supposed moral “superiority”, the whining that the left has been cultivating for decades. A virus that brings with it another, even more insidious one. The “monstrification” of the adversary, a “gym” revived in the twenty years of Silvio Berlusconi. A picture masterfully described by Paolo Virzi in his “Ferie d’agosto” (1996) with the diatribes of the Molino and Mazzalupi families, neighbors in Ventotene.

So today it is almost normal that Pd, Avs and M5S, do not limit themselves to the natural dialectic between majority and opposition, you have to be more evil, accuse, in this case, the Prime Minister, of the worst misdeeds («they even have the flame in the symbol») and build sophisticated opinion campaigns, to populate the talk shows. On the other hand it is the story of these months, a continuous chase of superlatives and exclamation points, a mediocre representation between the «good», them, and the «bad», all the others, the true sequel of August Holidays, this time set in Italian squares.

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In practice, what happened in Bologna on the 44th anniversary of the massacre at the station. Paolo Bolognesi, who is the president of the victims’ association, and a former deputy of the Democratic Party, amid applause from the square with the entire Democratic Party leadership (from secretary Elly Schlein to the president of the Democratic Party assembly Stefano Bonaccini) summed up: «The roots of that attack are part of the history of Italian post-fascism, in those organizations born from the Italian Social Movement in the 1950s: Ordine Nuovo and Avanguardia Nazionale today figure fully in the Italian right-wing government». An obvious enormity that was also relaunched all day by the Democratic parliamentary groups, to the great jubilation of the usual house organs. Is the Prime Minister therefore a «relative» of the 1980 massacre? To clarify a bit, Roberto Della Rocca, president of the Italian association of victims of terrorism (Aiviter), replies to Bolognesi’s words.

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“Bolognesi’s position is legitimate but the moment there is a statement of this type we have distanced ourselves,” Della Rocca makes clear. “First of all, we did not agree because it is not like that. The prime minister has intervened on the issue several times, and on several occasions she has already marked the distance from previous political positions. And secondly because it is frankly very reprehensible. I respect Bolognesi, but every now and then short circuits happen.” Then he clarified: “The right is currently in government following an election, so it is an absolutely legitimate government. There has not been a coup d’état, so they represent, for better or worse, the will of the citizens who voted, so what are we talking about?”

A breath of common sense, underlined by the group leader in the Chamber of Brothers of Italy, Tommaso Foti: «Already in the past years Bolognesi had surprised us with political incursions, exploiting his role in an uncomposed manner, but yesterday he went beyond all limits, going so far as to denounce the non-existent presence of neo-fascists in the Government, moreover associating the proposal of separation of the careers of magistrates with an objective of the dissolved P2 lodge. For a dramatic event like the Bologna massacre – continues the president of the FdI deputies – everyone must feel committed not to incite the crowds with false arguments, but to fight for the search for the judicial and historical truth about the instigators of the tragedy, given that the massacre itself has already been ascertained with respect to the perpetrators». There is no point in deluding ourselves, the «monstrification» will continue anyway.

#Ellys #Plan #Government #Tempo
2024-08-07 06:48:43



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