Ali Fedotowsky, known for her time on “The Bachelorette,” recently shared a less-than-ideal experience she had with talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. During a candid conversation on Kaitlyn Bristowe’s podcast “Off the Vine,” Fedotowsky revealed that her appearance on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” left her feeling less than great.
“She made me feel pretty not great,” Fedotowsky admitted when asked about her encounter with DeGeneres. while stating she doesn’t believe DeGeneres is a bad person, Fedotowsky attributed the awkward interaction to the nature of DeGeneres’ role.
Fedotowsky, who was in her early twenties at the time, recounted feeling like “one of these idiots” DeGeneres had to interview regularly. She recalled trying to be engaging and humorous, but rather of laughing with her, DeGeneres’ laughter felt directed at her, leaving Fedotowsky feeling embarrassed.