Elisabeth Borne “hands over to companies” on telework

Elisabeth Borne said Thursday that the dialogue should now take place within companies to decide on the rules for teleworking.

© REUTERS/Violeta Santos Moura

The Minister of Labor Élisabeth Borne indicated Thursday that the dialogue must now take place within companies to decide on the rules for telework, while since Wednesday it is no longer imposed but only recommended. “We are giving back to businesses,” she said on RMC-BFMTV. On Wednesday, France has started lifting restrictions related to Covid-19 , including telework, which is no longer imposed but only recommended. “Many companies have signed agreements, now is the time to apply them,” said the minister, encouraging “perhaps to go a little further (than these agreements, editor’s note) because the epidemic is not not behind us”. “I want this to be discussed within companies to find the right balance,” said Elisabeth Borne.

The minister, who had recently called for strengthening telework to curb the epidemic, said she had been heard. According to the latest survey, “on average 65% of employees who can telecommute have done so, 75% in Île-de-France, it is 5 points more than at the beginning of January”, she rejoiced. “So far, no company has been penalized,” she added.

Asked also regarding the idea of ​​​​establishing a four-day week, which is particularly favorable to Yannick Jadot, the presidential candidate environmentalist, Ms. Borne does not intend to encourage him. “I think it’s a choice of companies, it can be discussed” within certain companies but “I do not recommend at all” this measure for everyone, she said. The leader of the oil giant Patrick Pouyanné said he was “ready to look closely” at the subject, in an interview with Echoes at the end of January.



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