Elisabeth Borne announces the “reimbursement of reusable periodic protection by Social Security, starting next year”




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The Prime Minister spoke on Monday evening on the set of “C à vous”, on France 5, two days before International Women’s Rights Day on March 8.

Two days before the day Women’s Rights International of March 8, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne announced on Monday March 6 the “reimbursement by Social Security of reusable periodic protection from next year, And this “for all young women under 25”. Interviewed in “C à vous” on France 5, the head of government judged “unthinkable that women cannot have the protections they need and want”.

In 2021, Frédérique Vidal, then Minister of Higher Education, announced the free provision of periodic protection in universities and Crous residences. This decision was taken following consultation between the minister and various actors (parliamentarians, representative student organizations, or the association Rules Elementary), said Frédérique Vidal. The objective of deploying 1,500 distributors of hygienic protections in all the faculties of France had in particular been set, but this had still not been achieved, in May 2022.

One in five women has already been confronted with menstrual precariousness, considered a public health issue by three quarters of French people, according to an OpinonWay study for the association Rules Elementaries carried out in May 2021.



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