Elio Di Rupo questioned in parliament on the Mons station construction site: the minister-president kicks in touch

The saga is far from over. At the end of September, the Court of Auditors pinpointed the irregularities relating to the Mons station construction site. Illegal public contracts, favoritism in the choice of architect, absence of budget monitoring, organized opacity,… The dysfunctions are numerous and today, several people are demanding accounts and explanations in order to understand how we got there.

Because the budget, initially estimated at 37 million euros, exploded, thus passing to nearly 330 million euros. This Monday in committee, PTB deputy John Beugnies asked for explanations from the current minister-president and former mayor of Mons, Elio Di Rupo (PS). “I know that I will be told that it is the SNCB, that it is the federal government, that it is not your responsibility”, he launched to the socialist.

“But there are questions that arise as to your role, questions regarding the role of the Walloon government. We have this abnormal explosion of costs which comes from a particular problem highlighted by the Court of Auditors: at the start, it it was only a footbridge next to the old station. That’s why a public contract had been made. In the end, it’s a brand new station-footbridge. And there, no public market is relaunched, we keep the same architect, the same company.”

And to continue:This architect, he had been chosen by a jury. A jury of which you were the president, Mr. Di Rupo. The Court of Auditors clearly speaks of favouritism. The press talks regarding trickery. How do you justify this? For years now, the image of the Walloon Region and trust in politicians has been totally ruined by the disastrous management of citizens’ money. 32 million Walloon euros have also been invested in this project, for a new bus platform.”

For MP PTB, too many questions remain unanswered. “How is it possible that such things still happen in the Walloon Region? Why were the procedures in place not enough to avoid all this? How was the Region able to support this project and invest in it? And what are you going to do to prevent it from happening once more in the future? People are tired of seeing their money being misused by politicians. Given the sums involved, I think we are entitled to have answers.

Unsurprisingly, Elio Di Rupo was content to hand over the hot potato, clearing himself of all responsibility. “I’m afraid the question is not being directed to the correct addressee.” he replied. “Rail transport is a federal competence and the Walloon Region does not claim any competence in this area. SNCB was commissioned to carry out this work. No work has been carried out by the Walloon Region. It is not for me to answer questions that do not concern the Walloon Region.”

In this case, silence is more golden than ever. Responsibilities will however have to be established and at the time, it was Elio Di Rupo, then mayor of Mons, who piloted the file. “I expected this non-response: no one is responsible, everyone passes on the hot potato”, reacted John Beugnies. “The Walloon Region has granted the permit for this new station, so it has a responsibility. She made the choice to support the project by investing in it. So she endorsed him.”

All with public money, remember.

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