Eliminate toxins from your body with food!20 Super Detox Foods Recommended by Chinese Physicians and Nutritionists | Smart Diet | Health Preservation


Excessive accumulation of toxins in the body will not only cause diseases, but also affect the body’s blood circulation, metabolic balance, visceral function, mental state, skin complexion, and even accelerate the aging of the human body. Therefore, how to effectively resist external toxins and eliminate internal toxins has become the biggest challenge facing modern people. The 20 kinds of common daily foods introduced below will allow you to detoxify, maintain health, beautify your face and strengthen your body.

20 Super Detox Foods That Eliminate Toxins From Your Body. Figure/123RF

20 Super Detox Foods

1. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are quite rich in nutrients, and the content of dietary fiber is very high. Regular consumption can stimulate gastrointestinal motility and help eliminate toxins in the body. In addition, sweet potatoes are also rich in oligosaccharides, which help the growth of probiotics and are also beneficial to the health of the large intestine; the water-soluble fiber in sweet potatoes can also maintain the elasticity and smoothness of blood vessels, which is very helpful in preventing arteriosclerosis and lowering cholesterol. It is a good detoxification and health food.

2. Apple

The polyphenols and flavonoids contained in apples are natural chemical antioxidant substances that can remove “garbage” in the body and reduce triglycerides in the blood; the calcium in them helps metabolize salt in the body; malic acid can metabolize Calories to prevent obesity in the lower body; soluble fiber – pectin, can effectively lower cholesterol, and can also promote the discharge of lead, mercury, and manganese in the gastrointestinal tract, regulate the blood sugar level of the body, and absorb water. Soften the residue following digestion to prevent constipation. Traditional Chinese medicine also believes that apples are sweet and sour in taste and cool in nature, and enter the spleen and stomach meridians, which can strengthen the spleen and stomach and help digestion.

3. Bamboo shoots

Bamboo shoots contain a lot of crude fiber, which can stimulate gastrointestinal motility, help digestion, and make people feel full easily. Moreover, bamboo shoots are low-calorie vegetables, so you don’t have to worry regarding getting fat if you eat too much. The two advantages of high fiber and low calorie of bamboo shoots alone are enough to attract many modern people with excess nutrition to take them. Especially in the hot summer, whether it is cold bamboo shoots, bamboo shoot soup or braised bamboo shoots, it is very suitable for eating. to remove toxins from the body.

4. Sweet potato leaves

The β-carotene, vitamin A, chlorophyll and dietary fiber in sweet potato leaves are all very high. Every 100 grams contains 3 grams of dietary fiber. Eating more sweet potato leaves can promote gastrointestinal motility, prevent constipation, and reduce the incidence of hemorrhoids and colorectal cancer. As long as you eat 300 grams of sweet potato leaves every day, you can meet a person’s daily vitamin A, C, E and iron needs. It is a very good vegetable.

sweet potato leaves.Figure / photo of this newspaper

5. Mung beans

It is the seed of mung bean, a leguminous plant. Its main function is to clear away heat, detoxify, and relieve summer heat. Folks often use mung bean soup in summer to cool down the heat. However, it is recommended to use the seed coat of mung bean——mung bean coat, which is better than mung bean in clearing away heat. Muyi, the general dosage is 1 qian to 3 qian, decocted and taken.

6. Red beans

Because it is a leguminous plant, it is one of the common ingredients, also known as adzuki beans and red beans. Red beans are sweet in taste and cool in nature. They can reduce swelling, detoxify and diuretic. They also have the effect of nourishing blood and promoting blood circulation. They can also improve symptoms such as fear of cold and low blood pressure. In addition, red beans can increase gastrointestinal motility, reduce constipation, and prevent toxins from staying in the intestinal tract for too long.

7. Oatmeal

Healthy foods that have been popular in recent years, including oatmeal that can be brewed immediately, or oatmeal drinks made into canned drinks, are quite popular. But everyone’s impression of oatmeal is only to lower cholesterol. In fact, oatmeal is rich in fiber and has a high content of water-soluble fiber, which is very helpful for defecation. At the same time, it can also reduce calorie intake and delay gastrointestinal emptying time. The feeling of satiety, as well as increasing the volume of feces, shortening the retention time of feces in the large intestine, and avoiding the absorption of residual toxins in the intestines are very helpful for environmental protection in the body.

oat. Figure/123RF

8. Celery

Most of the plant fibers contained in celery are insoluble fibers, so it is easy to make people feel full, and it is also very helpful for promoting gastrointestinal motility. Scientists have also found that celery is not only rich in water and fiber, but also contains a chemical substance that can accelerate the decomposition and disappearance of fat. Therefore, celery is also a holy product for weight loss. Ordinary people usually only take the stalk of celery when cooking celery, and discard the leaves. In fact, celery leaves contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, as well as a lot of fiber. After chopping, sprinkle some flavoring agent when cooking clear soup, which can replace coriander. The fiber of celery is most abundant in the stem. Eating it can increase the amount of defecation and make defecation smoother, which is very helpful for the environmental protection of the body.

9. Guava

In the past, guava was only common in winter, but now it can be eaten almost all year round following the variety has been improved. Guava is rich in dietary fiber, regular consumption can promote defecation. Guava skin is rich in nutrients. Therefore, it is recommended to eat guava without peeling the skin. If you are worried regarding pesticide residues, you can put it in clean water for regarding 10 minutes, and then wash it with running water. Just rinse.

10. Mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms have a lot of crude fiber and water-soluble fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, increase the amount of defecation, and have relatively low calories. In particular, shiitake mushroom stems are a high amount of diverse fibers, plus it contains polysaccharides and the mineral zinc, which can help fight tumors and strengthen immunity. It is a good food. In fact, it’s not just shiitake mushrooms, as long as they are mushroom foods, they have a lot of fiber, such as Flammulina velutipes common in hot pot, Pleurotus eryngii sold in night markets, etc., or fungus, etc., all contain a lot of water-soluble fiber. Great detox food.

11. Brown rice

After the rice has been processed by removing the husk, it is brown rice, because some outer tissues such as the cortex, aleurone layer and germ are still retained following the husk is removed. These outer tissues are rich in nutrients. Compared with white rice, they are richer in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, as well as rice bran alcohol that can prevent aging. Brown rice can promote gastrointestinal motility, strengthen the conduction function of the nervous system, prevent premature aging and lose weight. The dietary fiber in it can prevent constipation, colon cancer and obesity, and help metabolism and detoxification. It is a very healthy detoxification food.

brown rice. Figure/123RF

12. Pineapple

Pineapple can help solve the problem of digestion and absorption, because the proteolytic enzyme protease in pineapple can decompose protein. For modern people who eat too much meat and greasy food, it can make the meat smooth and tender for digestion. The dietary fiber in pineapples can also make digestion smoother. Eating pineapples following a meal can discharge the waste in the intestines, eliminate constipation, restore normal metabolism, and achieve the effect of preventing intestinal cancer. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine classifies pineapple as flat, sweet and sour, enters the lungs and large intestine meridians, and can eliminate food accumulation and strengthen the spleen and stomach.

13. Yogurt

Yogurt contains a large amount of lactic acid bacteria, which can improve the smoothness of the stomach and prevent constipation. The toxins that originally accumulated in the intestinal tract will also become easier to be excreted due to the action of lactic acid bacteria. Whether it is drinking yogurt or eating yogurt, it is a good choice. It is recommended to eat it before breakfast on an empty stomach. You can use yogurt to increase the feeling of fullness and reduce the intake of breakfast, but you must also pay attention. It is best to choose plain, unsweetened yogurt or yogurt, which is healthier.

14. Burdock

The burdock sold in the market is actually the root of burdock. Burdock has many uses. In addition to removing toxins from the body, it is good for sweating, urination and liver function. The seeds of burdock are also good for antibacterial and anti-inflammation Herbal medicine, but also a good food to promote environmental protection in the body.

15. Turmeric

In the curry that adults and children love to eat, there is a very important component – curcumin (Curcumin), which can help the liver clean up, and has a strong antioxidant function, which can resist free radicals. Curry is a good source of curcumin intake. In addition, moderate intake of turmeric can also help to lose weight and keep the skin shiny. It is also a recommended food for detoxification.

turmeric. Photo/Shutterstock

16. Perilla

It is the stem and leaf of perilla, which is a plant of the labiatae family. It is often used for colds and colds. Perilla can dissipate cold from the outside and has a strong sweating power. It is used for symptoms of wind and cold, such as cold dew, fever, and no sweat. It is often used together with ginger. There is also vomiting and diarrhea caused by eating fish and crabs. Perilla is pungent and warm, and can detoxify fish and crabs, so when cooking seafood, perilla is often added.

17. Rapeseed

Rapeseed rape was used as fertilizer in Taiwan in the early days, and few people used it as food, but later they found that rapeseed tasted good. Slowly, more and more people ate rapeseed. Rapeseed belongs to the cruciferous family. Like cauliflower and kale, it is an anti-oxidant and anti-cancer flower. The vitamin A content of rapeseed is much higher than that of ordinary cruciferous vegetables, and rapeseed is a high-calcium vegetable. It contains more than 100 mg of calcium per 100 grams of rapeseed, and the content of rapeseed is low in oxalic acid. Compared with ordinary plants, the absorption of calcium higher.

18. Kawashichi

It has the effect of removing blood stasis and stopping bleeding, and pharmacological studies have also confirmed that it can shorten the coagulation time and reduce the blood flow of capillaries. Therefore, it can treat various bleeding diseases inside and outside the human body. Take the famous “Yunnan Baiyao” as an example for golden sores. It is a Ming prescription composed mainly of “Chuanqi”, because Chuanqi has the effect of removing blood stasis and stopping bleeding.

19. Prunes

In recent years, there are quite a lot of processed plum products, and they are also very popular. In fact, plums and their processed products are very good detoxification foods. The citric acid and catechin contained in plums have antibacterial, intestine-regulating, and detoxifying effects, and can eliminate pathogenic bacteria and toxins in food. In addition, because plums contain a large amount of organic acids, which can make the environment in the small intestine temporarily acidic, so the invading bacteria are not easy to reproduce, and are finally eliminated gradually. And plums are also effective in removing toxins with radiation energy. As long as the human body ingests a large amount of food containing citric acid, even if radiation invades the body, it will combine with citric acid and be excreted. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that plums are sour in taste and flat in nature, and enter the liver, spleen, lung, and large intestine meridians to purify the intestines and expel heat and detoxify.

plum. Figure/123RF

20. Strawberries

The nutrients of strawberries are easily digested and absorbed by the human body, and you will not catch cold or get angry if you eat more. The rich vitamin C in it can not only prevent scurvy, but also has effects on arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, cerebral hemorrhage, high blood pressure, high blood pressure, etc. Blood lipids, etc., have a positive preventive effect. The pectin and cellulose in strawberries can promote gastrointestinal motility, improve constipation, prevent hemorrhoids and colon cancer, and are also helpful for office workers with little exercise.

Further reading:

After squatting on the toilet for a long time, it still doesn’t come out. Eat these 10 kinds of high-fiber fruits and vegetables, which can cleanse the intestines and help defecation

“1 Food” Eat every day and be careful of heavy metals! Top 10 Foods to Enhance Detoxification

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