Eliminate double chin with these effective aesthetic treatments

The appearance of the double chin is one of the most common cosmetic concerns among the people who go to the beauty centers. Nobody is exempt from it since it can appear for different reasons, in both sexes and at any age. Because, although we associate it with being overweight, it can also be due to other causes such as hormonal problems, age or lack of exercise.

A young and thin person can also have a double chin because, believe it or not, everyday gestures such as using a mobile phone or sunbathing can cause it to appear. Added to all these possible causes is the constant mistake of forgetting regarding this area of ​​the body in our daily care routine. A mistake that you may be making because you do not know that the skin of the neck is one of the most accuse age and suffer from external damage.

It should also be borne in mind that there are people who, due to genetics, are more prone to sagging of the neck skin. These types of patients, no matter how much care or protection they apply to this area, will have to deal with a double chin at some point.

In order to face this aesthetic enemy, the first thing we have to learn is what a double chin is and why it occurs. Also, from THE OBJECTIVE we recommend the best treatments to eliminate it completely effectively and with the best results.

Double chin: what is it and why does it appear?

This fold that produces a bulge in the area between the chin and the neck. Not all jowls are the same, depending on genetics and its characteristics, it can vary in shape and size. These traits, in addition, can be influenced by other external characteristics.

Woman with a pronounced double chin. (Source: Manzanares Clinic)

The jowl area can become a problem over the years because it can become pronounced, causing it to thicken and spread throughout the neck. The first signs begin when density and facial volumes are lostsince gravity pulls the skin down, giving it a droopy and flaccid appearance.

As for the causes of its appearance, genetics has a lot to say. When it has a genetic origin it is not usually called double chin but experts use the term obtuse neck. This genetics can determine, for example, some of those responsible for this bulge, such as the fact that the bones, muscles or glands in the area are larger than normal or suffer a decrease.

As you know, it also influences a lot lead a healthy lifestyle with a healthy and balanced diet. Adopting a good diet and exercising will prevent flaccidity as well as the accumulation of fat between the skin and the muscle.

Finally, and as we anticipated at the beginning, we currently find ourselves with jowls that appear due to mobile addiction. Did you know that with the gesture of bending the neck down to see the smartphone put a pressure on the spine of regarding 20 kilos? Much of this pressure is absorbed by the skin of the neck, so it begins to sag and fill with fat.

Treatments without surgery

When it comes to eliminating double chin, the first thing to know is what problem we are facing. The fold may be due to an accumulation of fat, sagging of the skin or muscles, or even to having an underdeveloped jaw that makes the angle of the neck not very marked. For all these reasons, the most important thing is go to a good professional to make the correct diagnosis and so use the treatment most suitable in each case.

Specialist doctor exploring the state of a patient's neck.  (Source: Freepik/DCStudio)
Specialist doctor exploring the state of a patient’s neck. (Source: Freepik/DCStudio)

Among the aesthetic medicine treatments available to remove the double chin we must distinguish between those who require surgery and those who do not. Many people feel rejection before interventions that require entry to an operating room and all that this entails followingwards. For them, from Face Clinic They give us a wide range of possibilities:

  • Botox: botulinum toxin can be an ideal solution and we can find it from €500.
  • Belkyra Lipolysis: By injecting deoxycholic acid, the fat dissolves allowing the body to absorb it. It does not require anesthesia and its price is €2,500.
  • Mesotherapy: Filler substances are injected that stimulate fat burning and skin regeneration is stimulated to reduce flaccidity. The cost of this treatment is €300.
  • Tensioning wires: With this system, the reduction of flaccidity is guaranteed because it produces an increase in collagen production. Its price is €400.
  • Radiesse: It is an injectable substance that improves the facial contour with the help of collagen. It is highly recommended to treat double chin and costs 700 euros.
  • Plexer: This treatment is very useful because it also stimulates the generation of collagen in a natural way, achieving a lifting and smoother skin. The cost is around €400.

Although there are several treatments available, it is very common for the patient to combine several of them to achieve the desired results.

Double chin treatment without surgery.  (Source: Face Clinic)
Double chin treatment without surgery. (Source: Face Clinic)

Given all the possibilities, from Dorsia Clinics they lean towards the infiltration of the drug Belkyra. It safely destroys fat so that the body metabolizes it naturally, achieving a progressive reduction of the double chin and an increase in skin firmness. Its results are visible following three months. The alternative proposed by its experts is radiofrequency. With it, it would be sought, not so much to reduce fat, but to treat flaccidity.

Candy García Arias, facialist of AC DermaStudioalso supports the use of radio frequency to stop the development of double chin. With high-tech equipment, it is possible to stimulate collagen and elastin, allowing the skin to stretch through localized heat and part of the tissue to reposition itself.

Aesthetic treatment performed at AC DermaStudio
Aesthetic treatment performed at AC DermaStudio

With this system it is also possible increase skin hydration and stimulate protein production which are essential to tone the tissue and make the skin look much more rejuvenated. Depending on each case, the ideal is to carry out between four and eight radiotherapy sessions that have a price of 85 euros each.

Surgical Solutions

Treatments that require surgery to remove double chin get better results but are more complex. Face Clinic you mention the main options that are presented to us as alternatives:

  • Liposuction: the fat that is between the skin and the muscle is extracted. Local anesthesia is required and its price is €2,500.
  • Vertical contour surgery: In addition to reducing the double chin, the definition of the submandibular angle is improved. Through a four-centimeter incision under the chin, the reduction of both superficial and deep fat is carried out and the size of the muscles and even the submandibular glands are worked on. This process already requires general anesthesia and its price is €4,500.
  • Lifting cervical: It is a good method to treat cases of sagging or excess flaccidity of the skin or muscles. Its objective is to tighten these muscles while shaping the neck, thus retracting the skin, returning it to its original state. Depending on each patient, the incisions will be made in the part below the chin or around the area of ​​the ears and their cost is around 7,000 euros.
  • Custom prosthesis: For cases of insufficient mandibular development, these prostheses are used to increase the size of the chin and improve the angle of the neck. Its price starts at 5,000 euros.
  • Mentoplasty: It allows to recover facial harmony and eliminate double chin, differentiating the face from the neck. In this case we would talk regarding a disbursement of 2,000 euros.

If, following taking into account the medical study and the patient’s preferences, the decision is made to intervene with surgery, Dorsia Clinics are committed to two alternatives. The first is the high definition liposuction. Through the new PAL technique, which acts selectively and involves a less painful postoperative period, excess fat is extracted from the area and the skin is re-tightened.

The other proposal is lifting facial that, in addition to eliminating the excess epidermis, peels off the tissues of the face and repositions them, elevating the muscles and tissues. Both treatments achieve very similar results and the choice of one or the other will depend on the opinions of the medical team and the needs of each case.

If you are worried regarding double chin, you have already been able to verify that aesthetic medicine offers a wide range of possibilities so that you can show off the neck you dream of.



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