Eliminate dark spots on the face with only 2 ingredients

Brown or black spots on the face can appear on areas of skin exposed to the sun, but they are not related to liver or liver function. Damaged skin is also common following the age of 40, and other reasons include:

  • Changes to the melaninthe substance produced in skin cells that gives it its color.
  • Growth of bacteria or other microorganisms on the skin.
  • Changes in blood vessels.
  • Inflammation caused by certain rashes.
  • Genoa.
  • The heat.
  • Injuries.
  • Exposure to radiation (eg sunlight).
  • Exposure to heavy metals.
  • Changes in hormone levels.
  • Certain conditions, such as vitiligo.
  • Certain fungal infections.
  • Individual eruptions.

So, to fade the spots, we are revealing a yogurt and carrot mask that can fade the spots. Just mix grated carrot with half a portion of natural yogurt and apply it on your face.

Leave on face for 20 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water. In any case, before putting the mask on your face, an allergy test should be performed or a professional should be consulted. The healthcare professional can guide the process and indicate what is best for the person, because the above information does not replace medical care.

Treatments for facial blemishes include:

  • Medications : Using a prescription lightening cream (hydroquinone) alone or in combination with retinoids (retinoids) and mild steroids can make the spots disappear within months. Treatment may cause temporary itching, redness, burning or dryness.
  • Lasers and intense pulsed light. Some lasers and pulsed light therapies destroy melanin-producing cells (melanocytes) without damaging the top layer of skin. These methods usually require two to three treatment sessions. The ablative laser removes the top layer of skin (epidermis).
  • Freezing (cryotherapy): This procedure works on the stain by applying liquid nitrogen with a cotton swab for five seconds or less. It destroys the extra pigment. As the area heals, the skin appears clearer. Spray freezing can be used for a small number of stains. The treatment may cause temporary skin irritation and there is a risk of minor scarring or permanent discoloration.
  • Dermabrasion: Dermabrasion polishes the surface of the skin using a rapidly rotating brush. In turn, new skin develops. The procedure may need to be performed multiple times. Possible side effects are temporary redness, crusting and swelling. It sometimes takes a few months for the pink color to fade.
  • Microdermabrasion : It is a less aggressive procedure than dermabrasion. It leaves clear traces on the skin for a smoother appearance. To achieve modest, short-term results, multiple procedures over several months will be required. You may notice a slight redness or burning in the treated area. If you suffer from rosacea or small red veins on your face, this technique can make it worse.
  • A chemical peel: This method involves applying a chemical solution to the skin to remove the top layer. It is replaced by new, smoother skin. Possible side effects include: scarring, infections, and lightening or darkening of the skin. The redness persists for several weeks. Several treatments may be required to achieve results.



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