Elevator Pricing Dynamics in Supermarkets: An In-Depth Analysis

From e-consumer data, in a sample of 44 products (from specific labels each time), it appears that in only 10 of them the average price remained unchanged in measurements carried out on Tuesday, September 3, Wednesday, September 4 and one week later, on Tuesday, September 10.

In particular, prices did not change for the following goods: grated kefalotiri 200 g. (4.26 euros), brown sugar 500 g. (1.59 euros), honey 250 g. (4.77 euros), nuts 400 g. (2.36 euros), natural mineral water 500 ml (0.17 euros), soft drink 1 liter (1.37 euros), chocolate 70g. (1.66 euros), butter candies 32g. (1.11 euros), cream cheese 200 g. (2.98 euros) and fine semolina 500 g. (1.06 euros).

In the remaining 34, the price structure showed some peculiarities… For example, salt in a 750 g plastic bottle. on September 3 and 4 it cost 2.59 euros and a week later the price dropped to 2.52 euros.

Other goods, which during the two-day period 3-4/9 had no changes in their prices, followed a downward course within a period of one week. The case of 370 g jam is typical, where the price from 4.15 euros was (10/9) to 3.77 euros. Aluminum foil 30 m showed a drop in its price, as it reached 4.11 euros, from 4.43 euros.

In sausage 100 g. the cost reached 2.36 euros, from 2.46 euros, in full cream 3X200ML to 5.20 euros, from 5.42 euros, in a ton of 2 pieces to 6.10 euros from 6.18 euros, in sheet crust frozen pie 450 g. 3.20 euros, from 3.21 euros, 500 ml bubble bath 2.79 euros, from 2.83 euros and 1 liter juice 2.11 euros, from 2.29 euros.

There were also some goods, in which prices remained stable in the same two-day period, but increased in the following week, such as cereals 375g. which from 3.31 euros on 3-4/9 reached 3.63 euros on 10/9, cold cuts 160 g. (from 2.77 euros to 2.84 euros), cookies 225 g. (from 0.93 euros to 0.97 euros), breadcrumbs 200 g. (from 1.64 euros to 1.70 euros) and mixed cake 400 g, from 3.62 euros to 3.66 euros.

In addition, some products started with one price, the next day it was different, and the next week it was the same as the original. For example, the price of 2 liters of corn oil was 7.08 euros on 3/9, 7.18 euros on 4/9 and again 7.08 euros on 10/9. Potato chips 150 gr. they cost 1.55 euros on 3 and 10 September and 1.52 euros on 4 September.

Some goods started at a higher price on 3/9, which fell on 4/9. Fall, which was maintained on 10/9. A typical example is spaghetti No. 10, where the cost for 1 kilo from 2.42 euros on September 3rd was reduced to 2.22 euros on September 4th and 10th. Also, vegetable broth (12 pieces) cost 2.41 euros on 3 September and 2.35 euros thereafter (4 and 10 September).


In 14 goods the prices were different during the three measurements. In chopped tomatoes 400 gr. from 1.24 euros, the price dropped to 1.21 euros and then further to 1.17 euros, in 400g cheese cakes, from 4.3 euros the cost rose to 4.51 euros and then to 4.71 euros, in shower gel 750 ml. from 3.36 euros, the cost was 3.58 euros and then 3.49 euros, in light mayonnaise 225 ml, from 2.45 euros, the price dropped to 2.33 euros and then 2.08 euros, coke.

Price path

3/9             4/9            10/9

Salt 750 gr.

2,59 2,59 2,52
Chopped tomatoes 400 g. 1,24 1,21 1,17
Cereals 375 g. 3,31 3,31 3,63
Cheesecakes 800 g. 4,3 4,51 4,71
Bubble bath 750 ml 3,36 3,58 3,49
Light mayonnaise 225 ml 2,45 2,33 2,08
Soft mustard 2,47 2,31 2,23
Sausage 160 g. 2,77 2,77 2,84
Kefalotiri grated 200 g. 4,26 4,26 4,26
Coarse barley 500 g. 2 pcs. 2,12 2,13 2,12
Spaghetti No10 – 1 kg 2,42 2,22 2,22
2% yogurt dessert – 1 kg 3,18 3,22 3,2
Corn oil 2 liters 7,08 7,18 7,08
Macaroni No2 500 gr. 1,19 1,21 1,23
Brown sugar 500 g. 1,59 1,59 1,59
Strawberry jam 370 g. 4,15 4,15 3,77
Honey 250 g. 4,77 4,77 4,77
Juice of 9 fruits, 1 liter 2,29 2,29 2,11
Nut 400 gr. 2,36 2,36 2,36
ESPRESSO coffee 250 gr. 6,21 6,37 6,44
Ketchup 342 g. 2,42 2,32 2,28
Aluminum foil 30 m. 4,43 4,43 4,11
Non-stick paper 2,22 2,17 2,27
Natural mineral water 500 ml 0,17 0,17 0,17
Soft drink 1 liter 1,37 1,37 1,37
Cookies 225 g. 0,93 0,93 0,97
Critsini 200 g. 1,64 1,64 1,7
Chocolate 70 g. 1,66 1,66 1,66
Potato chips with oregano 150 g. 1,55 1,52 1,55
Chewing gum 27 g. 0,99 0,97 0,96
Butter candies 32 g. 1,11 1,11 1,11
Gluten-free sausage 100 g. 2,46 2,46 2,36
Full milk cream 3X200 ml 5,42 5,42 5,2
Mixed cake 400 g. 3,62 3,62 3,66
Cream cheese 200 g. 2,98 2,98 2,98
Tuna in olive oil 2 pcs. 6,18 6,18 6,1
Fine semolina 500 g. 1,06 1,06 1,06
Vegetable broth 12 pcs. 2,41 2,35 2,35
Vinegar 350 ml 0,94 0,95 0,91
Deodorant 50 ml 3,26 3,06 3,03
Crust sheet frozen 450 g. 3,21 3,21 3,2
Shower gel 500 ml 2,83 2,83 2,79
Corn flower vanilla 43 g. 0,51 0,47 0,47
Croissant 98 g. 1,22 1,2 1,17

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