Elevator Plummets Out of Control: A Two-Year Oversight Exposes Alarming Gaps in Campus Safety

TUV AUSTRIA’s announcement in detail

“On the occasion of the unfortunate incident on Monday, October 7, 2024 with the technical problem of one of the elevators of the 3rd Student Residence of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), TUV AUSTRIA, an approved elevator inspection organization with a leading position in the Greek market in safety inspections, points out that the elevator in question was inspected by an experienced company inspector on 03/03/2022 and on 09/12/2023.

However, none of these inspections led to the issuance of an annual inspection certificate, in accordance with the requirements of Greek law, and therefore, the elevator operated for at least two years without the said prescribed inspection certificate.

With a high sense of responsibility towards society and with safety at the core of the DNA of our services, both in Greece and internationally, TUV AUSTRIA awaits with interest the results of the investigation into the incident. We hope that the investigation will contribute to an accurate depiction of the incident and will fully highlight the technical causes that led to its occurrence.”

AUTH student residences: The reactions to the fall of the elevator and the government’s initiatives

The elevator fell in the 3rd student residences of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, making a bang and releasing smoke. The incident occurred at 9 pm on Monday (7/10), when the elevator fell and the Fire Department rushed to the building, while luckily no student was injured. According to thhess today, Konstantina, a student of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the AUTH who has been living in the hostels for four years, reports that “the elevator started from the top, someone called it to come down and it stopped at the third and fourth and the other at the second. From what fell, we saw pieces falling on the ground floor.”

The rector of AUTH Charalambos Fidas in his announcement states: “For the incident of the elevator in the 3rd Student Residence of AUTH, the contractor company that has undertaken the maintenance of the elevators of the residences was immediately summoned. At the same time, the Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation (INEDIVIM) was informed, which, as a legally competent legal entity, has entrusted the said company with the maintenance of all the lifts of the Student Centers of AUTH. A technical report is expected to be drawn up for the investigation of the specific incident. For all the hostels that serve the students of AUTH, the responsibilities related, among other things, to the maintenance of the infrastructure and the corresponding contracts, belong to INEDIVIM. Regardless of this incident, the strengthening of funding for upgrading the infrastructure of the student residences is a perennial request of the institution and a priority of the present Rector’s Authority”.

From the office of the president of INEDIVIM Anna Rokofyllou emphasized:

“The safety of the students who live in the INEDIVIM student residences is a top priority for us.

The president of INEDIVIM Anna Rokofillou was informed yesterday 7/10/2024 late at night, about the incident of the elevator cage falling in the 3rd Student Residence of Thessaloniki. Fortunately, there were no students in the elevator at the time of the incident.

Immediately, by her personal command, an investigation was launched in order to precisely clarify the causes of the fall, to attribute the relevant ones responsibilities and to ensure that a similar incident will not be repeated in the future. In addition, the president of INEDIVIM intends to request research and by an independent specialized body who will also issue his own opinion, in order to ensure the most objective of the process.

We must point out that in the context of the safe operation of the student residences, in terms of repair and maintenance of elevators, INEDIVIM had announced a tender from September 2022, which was approved by the well-known reliable company OTIS.

Repair work by the company was completed in August 2023, when were certified competently the lifts, as provided by the current legislation, by the most recognized company TUV Austria with ISO certificates, which expire in 2026.

From 1/8/2023, until today, through the signing of relevant contracts, INEDIVIM has ensured that the lifts of the Student Residences under its jurisdiction, they never went a day without maintenance.

From the contract it has signed with INEDIVIM, the OTIS company has the obligation to maintain – and it does so, as certified by the receipt minutes sent every month – the elevators at the INEDIVIM areas of responsibility.

The contract even provides regular maintenance twice a month from certified technicians and emergency maintenance, whenever required, within 24 hours.

According to the President of INEDIVIM Anna Rokofillou “Our highest priority is the safety of the students who live in the residences. For this reason, we fully comply with what the legislation provides and all the necessary measures have been taken in terms of checks, maintenance and repairs, as well as the certification of the facilities’ equipment”.

PPP: Which files were submitted – In which student residences will projects be carried out

The construction of student residences in Western Macedonia through Public-Private Partnerships is on track for implementation, as announced by the Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance Nikos Papathanasis.

In fact, given the recent incident at AUTH where an elevator fell without fortunately causing any injuries, the need for more PPPs is highlighted in order to proceed more immediately with facelifts in building infrastructure.

In the first phase, according to the deputy minister, six Expression of Interest Files (Competition phase 1) were submitted for the project “Establishment of Student Residences on the Campuses of the University of Western Macedonia with PPP”.

The private partnership body will be selected through the process of competitive dialogue and will undertake for a period of 30 years the study, financing, construction, operation and maintenance, as well as security/guarding and cleaning services of the student residences in the Kozani Active Urbanization Zone campus and the student residences on the Florina, Kastoria and Ptolemaida campuses, with a total capacity of 750 beds.

The implementation of this PPP project, which marks the modernization of the existing student accommodation and the image of the University of Western Macedonia, is estimated to contribute significantly to addressing the housing issue, but also to the quality of the students’ educational experience more broadly.

The PPPs running

Among the PPPs running, Intrakat has undertaken the construction of complexes of 3,000 beds for students of which 2,000 are located in Rethymno and the other 1,000 in Heraklion, within the premises of the respective university campuses. It will also undertake the urban regeneration and the utilization of the industrial property of Vamvakourgia, property of DYPA.

In addition, Intracom Properties is considering converting the Mothercare warehouse building in Tavros, which has a total area of ​​9,000 m2, into student housing. If it is converted into residences, a complex with 64 apartments will be created, while offices will also be developed on the same property spaces. The project is scheduled for completion in 2025.

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#TUV #AUSTRIA #elevator #AUTH #operating #required #inspection #certificate #years



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