Elevating Adolescent Mental Health: Strategies for Emotional Education and Well-being

2023-10-24 16:54:24

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in the world, one in seven young people between 10 and 19 years old has some type of mental disorder. In this sense, according to the same entity, depression, anxiety and behavioral disorders are among the main causes of illness and disability among adolescents. And as a result of the pandemic caused by Covid-19, the increase in rates of anxiety, stress, obsessive-compulsive disorder and other emotional disorders invaded millions of homes, resulting in diseases that require special monitoring.

Therefore, it is important to establish a relationship between mental health and emotions, implementing highly efficient strategies in the daily practice of adolescents. Among them, conscious breathing, meditation, visualization, emotional imagination, causal thinking, consequential thinking, perspective thinking, group dynamics, music, healthy eating, physical activity and, of course, emotional education stand out.

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Emotional education: at the heart of comprehensive education

“Emotional education helps young people develop the necessary skills to deal with crisis situations. Through emotional awareness and the ability to regulate emotions, which includes self-knowledge, self-acceptance, self-esteem, self-confidence, among others. , you can manage to face an emotional situation. In addition, social skills are also key to relating positively with other people, managing conflicts and obtaining skills to build well-being,” says Rafael Bisquerra, associate professor at the Rosario University and president of the RIEEB (International Network of Emotional Education and Wellbeing).

Bisquerra’s opinion is joined by that of Alejandro Cheyne, rector of the Universidad del Rosario, who says: “as rector of the Universidad del Rosario, I am convinced that emotional education is essential for the development of young people and their general well-being. , because it gives them the ability to recognize, express and manage their emotions appropriately. In addition, it allows them to develop socio-emotional and communication skills. Emotional education also has a positive impact on their mental health, as it prevents disorders and the appearance of behaviors “In this way, emotional education promotes comprehensive well-being that goes beyond the classroom and extends to all areas of life.”

The manager adds that, “in the organizational field, emotional education can benefit an entire team of collaborators and organizations as a whole, because it promotes a positive work environment, the development of socio-emotional competencies and the strengthening of leadership. When an employee knows how to self-manage his emotions, has healthier interpersonal relationships and is able to work effectively as a team. He adapts more easily to different scenarios, communicates assertively and faces challenges with a constructive attitude, thus contributing to productivity and a more harmonious environment at work.

The classrooms of the Universidad del Rosario transcend academics

In line with the above, the Universidad del Rosario decided to commit to cultivating emotional wisdom, promoting projects and initiatives that promote the mental health of its students. Four years ago, he created UR Emotion, a center specialized in emotional education, where you can acquire knowledge regarding emotional intelligence and develop socio-emotional skills that contribute to personal and social well-being for and throughout life.

In six spaces, people will be able to express themselves freely, appropriately and creatively, and learn to self-manage emotions through meetings that allow them to grow personally. As it is, ‘Know You’ is dedicated to self-reflection on physical and mental health; ‘Recreate yourself’ to play and recreation; ‘CreArte’ to materialize emotions with canvas and paper; ‘Get excited’ to understand thoughts; ‘Point of silence’ to guide thoughts and feelings to find answers; and ‘Inspire’ you to develop life skills through musical expression and conscious body movement.

“The UR Emotion is exclusively intended for the training of socio-emotional skills, and there we put into practice playful learning, mindfulness techniques, healthy habits workshops, artistic activities, among many others,” points out the rector of the Universidad del Rosario .

With UR Emotion, the highly recognized educational institution in the country not only invites young Colombians to listen to their emotions and work on those that activate violence, but also to open a door to comprehensive well-being, in addition to being interested in their first program in emotional intelligence. By 2024, the Universidad del Rosario will present the master’s degree in Emotional Intelligence and Well-beinga pioneer in Colombia, which seeks to train well-being facilitators capable of guiding both groups and individuals in the process of regulating their emotions.

“One of the great problems of humanity is violence, and an important part is activated by anger and sometimes we are not aware of it. We must take advantage of educational systems that propose developing skills for the regulation of emotions and enhancing emotional well-being,” concludes the president of the RIEEB.

If you want more information, go to https://urosario.edu.co/dmu/ur-emotion.

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